I Bought The WORLDS MOST EXPENSIVE Tape Measure // Reekon T1 Tomahawk

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I was a little skeptical at first but I definitely find myself reaching for this tape more often than my others. It's a great addition to the shop but definitely not the cheapest tool I own. I'd love to hear what you think about it!

#ReekonT1 #TomahawkTapeMeasure #ToolReview #PrecisionMeasurement #DIY #Tradesperson #ConstructionTools #Innovation #WorkshopEssentials #ToolTalk #Craftsmanship #AccuracyInAction

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Track Info:

Moments by GalaxyTones / galaxytones
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Do I need it? Probably not.
Do I see other people needing it? Yes.
Do I want it? Definitely! 😂


I’m a handyman and woodworker. I’m all for tools that make my life easier and for $200+ but saves me time is well worth it. I’m also dyslexic and ADD so having this thing save all my measurements is amazing.


I just got mine 1 month later and as a welder with bad math skills this thing helps a lot


This reminds me of when PCs first came in back in the '80s (yeah, I'm old). It took awhile to understand their full potential. And when we did, it changed how we worked.


Nice! Looking sharp and great overview of the T1.


I got one. I love it. I waited a year and a half for it. It's definitely worth it.


Hello, I'm Jose from Puerto Rico. I backed this device on Kickstarter in 2022, but due to some issue or confusion, I received it on April 17, 2024. Finally, I started using it and found this video very helpful. You provided a detailed review of this tape measuring device. I like the way it feels in my hand, even though it is a bit heavy. Additionally, the digital features make it a fun tool to use. Great job!


I got my on kickstarter as well. Was pissed how long it took to be delivered and was a little salty. I even had sitting brand new in the box for a few months. I honestly thought I bought into a gimmick and it wouldn’t work that great so that’s why it at unboxed. I finally broke it out today and so impressed! Wish I didn’t let it sit around so long! Once you get the swing of it, it is a game changer. You can tell they out a lot of thought into everything and makes measurements super quick. I was hesitant on its accuracy and double checked with a standard tape several times before going full swing with it. Definitely recommend, but also would say this the second day of use, so we’ll see how long it lasts.


i bought as a contributor to the crowd funding deal. I was amazed that it actually arived. i is scary but awesome, a whole new learning experience.


I just started my apprenticeship with electrical. I think this would help alot given I have a difficult time doing fractions effeciently and quickly. I think this could really bridge the gap in my lack of skill for measuring.


That laser and ePaper display on side storing measurements is super cool and would be crazy useful, I definitely want one, but can't even come close currently to justifying getting one.


I thought this was a cool kickstarter project and have invested in good ideas in the past so threw the money down. So far I am overwhelmed by this tape but am not a professional carpenter so am looking forward to its use on my projects. Clearly it is an amazing product and coupled with the app that has infinite possibilities I see this as the future of measurement. Time will tell whether it is worth the additional money but for me I cannot recommend it highly enough


Seems worth it if it saves you expensive mistakes


I love this thing! Everybody at work wants to use it.
Let's see how many buy it.

I Love It!


good review, just bought one from the new Amazon launch. Can't wait to use it, would have been so nice on my last garage project 🤣


Hi, we were really impressed with your thorough analysis of the Reekon T1 Tomahawk tape measure! We admire your attention to detail and the way you evaluate tools. We have a product that we believe would pique your interest as well. It's designed with similar professional standards in mind and we'd love for you to test it out and share your honest review with your audience. Could we send one over to you? Looking forward to potentially collaborating with you!


Perfect review exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I will be purchasing this product. Oh and I saw you with a pen or maybe a pencil that I’ve never seen it said pica on it are those good


OK so that tape measure is amazing! That would be great for people like me that have to find reading glasses just to see the numbers and marks. Of course I could never afford it but it would be extremely useful!


Actually it’s a fair price for what it does. Imo


That is insane. Mine arrived last week. 😁
