Why Python is Better than C#

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Tell me why Python is better than C#.

Python does not have nearly as large a vocabulary, so to speak, compared to C and C-sharp.

I know that some people consider that a weakness.

C has a long history, which means it is used everywhere. It is even used to create many operating systems.

Even Apple moved away from Objective C to Swift, because C is bad enough and the contortions to make it an object oriented language were even worse.

Python, in contrast, was designed to be object oriented and as simple as possible, so it is not as convoluted to write a command.

I know some people consider C# for having a strong static type system.

You can have programming discipline with Python; you’re a lazy programmer if you need to pick a language with a strict static type system to control your variable usage.

Why is C# still used much at all, given all the alternatives?


And there are lots of alternatives to that, too.

Linux was written in C or C++.

C# is simply C on a dot-net framework.

And Microsoft keeps that framework alive, as well as the C# language alive. Unfortunately, they have not evolved the language like Ruby on Rails was, so C-sharp remains verbose.

So the language Microsoft uses to write its OS is as bloated as the OS. That’s not news.

Python’s smaller vocabulary, shorter command structure and open source nature makes it easier to learn.

I’m surprised C# is still as large on the market today.

It is a low level language, capable of controlling printers, scanners, monitors, speakers and so forth. That’s why it is used in Operating Systems.

Python then is going to overtake it.

Python is better for writing individual applications, especially web applications. Python is definitely superior when it comes for a script within a larger application.

AKA, many web-apps.

Yes, you can run a Python script off a web server on a web site hosting the application. In that regard, it rivals JavaScript in suitability for HTML5 apps.

How else is Python better than C#?

It has more open source code, more open source tools, more open source everything.

Whereas Microsoft is closed.

For their OS, yes. For the language and other applications, no, not nearly as much as a programmer for Apple has to use the iOS approved programming language, platforms and tools.

That only says that Microsoft is not as bad as Apple.

Never walk into a coffee bar and say that or you’ll start a fight.

It's no worse than walking in and saying I find Google Nexus freeing compared to a computer named after a fruit.
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Lol, this is so ridiculously wrong. I don't even know where to start. This guy seems to (1) think C and C# are comparable, even calls it C on the .NET framework, which is simply not even close, (2) think C# is a "low level language", even though it runs out of a VM, (3) doesn't seem to realize that ASP.NET is written in C# and just as capible of running server side, (4) think that python is a suitable replacement for Javascript when Javascript is a client side language, (5) calls programmers that use statically typed languages the lazy ones, when literally it's the other way around, (6) thinks Windows OS is written in C# or any significant aspect of it for that matter, (7) calls C# bloated and not evolved, when it's completely outpaced Java as a language and added a lot of huge features.... and I could seriously keep going here.... I don't think he made a single correct, solid point.


I almost stopped listening after I was called lazy for preferring a static type system - I find it more readable myself, especially in group projects. Also, C# is almost nothing like C, it is NOT a low level language, it is a high level language, and it is most certainly kept out of operating systems. I think they played around with the idea of using it in an OS, but it wasn't low level enough for that. Jebus, who fact-checked this video?


I really, and sincerely hope this is a troll.


Ok dude... you have some learning to do. Nearly everything in this video is mis-informed fallacies.


Dislike .... i'm using both languages but you can't even compare these two


As a web developer, I always find things like this circulating on the internet. Some are debating what programming language is the best to use. Some are talking about any websites or services are written with these particular languages. So I thought that they are doing this online to claim that they are expert on this matter. When we knew already that every technologies regardless of any framework have their own pros and cons. That's why doing this type of thing is what I call a BULL SHIT conversation.


lmao.. tbh that was so wrong it was funny as an (ex Python) C# developer, 10/10 would watch again.


....time to search why C# is better than Python


So dumb lol. I use python and c# and I prefer c# BY FAR. IMO it’s easier to read than python and it has much more capabilities


When every single person complains about your video, and you have to take off ratings because of it. That usually means you should take the video down...

and, "Linux was written in C or C++", and other statements like this, are why people are crapping on you so hard. The fact that you don't seem to know that C and C++ are completely different languages, and you're just passing it off as, "eh, it's either c or c++, they're pretty much the same thing", is absurd, and makes you look very uneducated on the subject.


Swift is identical to the C family, apple moved to it so that they would have their own branded language.


WTF!! are you kidding me? Your information is misleading.


At least get people to speak this if you are going to animate it


Makes hello world on both c# and python.
I am gonna make a video about c# vs python


a whole Lego movie just played as a ad


This is of no value because it is partisan. We come here not to hear slogans, but to learn differences. Significant Fail


The lady clearly needs to ease up on the coffee because her eyes are about to bug out!
Anyway, I'll see if I can ignore them and learn something from this video.


Time to search why C# is better than Python


Do your homework before providing information


I'd bet this poor obvious trolling, but in today's world you never know...

In case the video isn't satire:

How many video games are there programmed in Python...
