Impact of Quebec's French language reform, Bill 96, on healthcare

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"It disadvantages those who are already at high risk," says Seeta Ramdass, a patient rights advocate about the impacts of Quebec's French language reform, Bill 96, adding that it will also increase barriers to healthcare. Felisha Adam reports.
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Why can’t Quebec put up dual signage like the way it is in literally all the other provinces, where anybody barely speaks French? Their privileges can only go so far…


People here missing the point... Government and public services are supposed to be provided in BOTH English and French. That's basically what it is with the rest of Canada. What Bill 96 is doing is restricting certain public services to French only. This is just basically asking the rest of the provinces to also drop French... If the rest of Canada willing to put up with the expense of providing French language option for government and public services, Quebec should also be willing to provide English language option... Both are official languages, after all.

Of course, this does not necessarily apply to private organizations...


Notice CBC is pretty quiet about this so far...


Pride in one's language and culture is to be admired and nurtured. But when "pride" turns to arrogance, it only divides people - it divides Canadians. And maybe that is exactly the goal. Sad!


The Premiere has always had a chip on his shoulder about the English.
He grew up on the West Island.
Now that he has power, he is abusing it.


And so what happens in places like Montfort(=the 'french' hospital in Ottawa)???....they can't be bothered to even put up ENGLISH SIGNAGE in an English province, in or OUTside what they call a hospital, so FAIR WARNING=if you live in Ottawa, DO NOT EVER go to Montfort Hospital in Ottawa....ever.


Fine, but then pull french out of the rest of Canada.


The Francophones of Quebec are forgetting that Canada is a bi-lingual country, both French and English are spoken. Our human rights are being discriminated by and systemic discrimination by Francophones in Quebec is not tolerated. Bill 96 should never be made into law in the province of Quebec or even in Canada, God forbid.


Quebec's french language is referred to as Bar Room French by France. It is disgusting that the rest of Canada has this language forced on them.


Anglos are bilingual. Immigrants in Quebec are TRI-lingual and Francophones are UNI-lingual. Guess who will get the best jobs in the future !


Guess someone will have to sail up the ol st. Lawrence from Louisburg again.


I'm very concerned with how this bill will affect neurodiverse people. In other words those with learning disabilities like ADHD, Autism (especially non-speakers), Dyslexia Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia & people with Executive Disfunction.
If they move out of province, they lose disability benefits. But If they stay, there's no way they can learn a language within 6 months and will be subjected to even more discrimination than they're already receiving. It's already difficult for neurotypical people who already have to juggle a full time job and/or care for children.

I've already heard concerns from the deaf community about how this bill will affect them. Does the CAQ not care about disabled people?


at the battle for quebec at quebec city the leaders of both sides, france, montcalm, and england, wolfe, were killed during the action. both sides had used scottish mercenaries and when the battle was decided, the terms of the surrender of quebec were settled by the scottish mercenary leaders, speaking neither french or english but gaelic,


If you live in an English country you should be allowed to speak English French being the Canadian SECOND language not the first


Its time to cut off transfer payments to Québec let them seperate see ya


Ok it’s time for a new referendum, in the comments of different news of bill 96, people was saying why don’t these people go to alberta, manitoba, , , , etc, . I have a proposition: why don’t you get out of Canada 🇨🇦 when you are not accepting other official language of Canada? It’s time for a referendum, I say the municipalities that vote to be attached to Ontario or to be separated from Quebec, vote for it, the rest can go and become another country. We are sick of you. You want to be separate, we give you separate, just give us the west of Montreal till Ontario and you can get the blank out. I bet most English comunities want to get separated from Quebec already. We want a referendum and a vote for each municipality. How about that?


What's funny about Quebec extremists is that they always argue that 'French is dying', but guess what, besides Montreal, a truly remarkable city due to its beautiful multicultural and bilingual nature, everywhere else only speaks French. Majority of the population already speaks French fluently in Quebec.

But they don't like seeing Montreal being so popular and being loved because one of the main reasons why Montreal remained strong was due to the fact that people can speak in many different languages, and speaking English, the most used language in NA, was not perceived as a 'crime'. So many global companies were happy to open their branches in Montreal while being able to hire people who are more proficient in English than French.

French is in danger? shut the front door. That's just lame political regime these people always use, not the reality.
When more than 80% of its population living outside of Montreal, which is the ONLY city where you can somehow use English, where does that 'French is dying' come from?
When they cry 'French is dying, we have to protect it', they NEVER present any meaningful quantifiable data, it's only speculation and appealing to emotion. That's why Quebec is so miserably closed-mind and extreme. They never ever rely on data cuz if they start using data, then they know that in fact French is not dying! and they will lose their strongest tool for controlling the public


Quebec is really struggling and fighting to maintain a language that will barely be spoken in a few generations. Business is mostly done in English, immigrants to Quebec need to decide if English or French is best language to learn long term (which would you pick?), and the rest of Canada is overwhelmingly English. The sad truth is that Quebec is not as French as people want to believe it is. Eventually, French speakers will be a small minority in Quebec.


I still think should just separate from Canada. We do not need them for a thing but they need us for money. Time to stop the money flow so they can have their own little country anyway.


English is the Universal Language. Followed by some form of Chinese, I suspect.
