Rick Warren: How To Structure Your Small Groups for Growth

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Are you wondering why your small group isn't growing? Small groups should be leading to church growth both directly and indirectly. Find out from Rick Warren how Saddleback structures their small groups for growth.

To take your church's small groups to the next level, we are excited to offer the Accelerate and Align online courses! Align is the beginner level, 101 style course that will get you up and running. Accelerate as a longer, in depth course that will help you take an existing small groups ministry to a whole new level. And just because you made it this far in the description ;) we want to give you a promo code for each of them.

and the code is: accelerate50fb

and the code is: align50fb
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I really like this idea "large group worship celebration in the church" and "small group fellowship from house to house." Let every church hear this for spiritual growth.


- Rick Warren emphasizes the importance of structuring small groups for spiritual growth.
- He advocates for two types of gatherings: large group worship or celebration and small group fellowship, as seen in the Bible.
- Small groups are likened to the cells of a healthy body, and they play a crucial role in preventing people from leaving the church.
- Saddleback Church considers small groups not just as a program but as an integral part of their church, with over 7, 000 small groups across multiple cities.
- The strategy is based on the New Testament model of Acts 5:42, where the early church met both in the temple courts for large group celebration and in houses for small group fellowship, even without church buildings and in times of persecution.


Seems to me to be reading a lot of present culture into the passage. Do we know what those meetings in the temple were like? And 'daily'? For that matter what were the house meetings like? Apparently there was some sort of singing. Beyond that?


Hmmm, I am curious to know the percentage of growth of those first 3 centuries and the rest...


can i have your book Ptr Ric ?
thnku ❤❤❤❤❤


I've noticed there's politics within small groups


He had to look at his notes to remember the 2 groups, yep he def wrote this message… lol
