Church History - part 1

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AD 30 - AD 400. How The Church Captured The World

©️David Pawson Ministry CIO 2023
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Thank you for embarking on this project to get all of Pawson's audio teachings on YouTube


Thank you very much. God bless you for this helpful material.


Much better than mere church history type history. History should be exhortation.


I left the Anglican Church after being raised in it, I'm now 70. The Rev Justin Welby is going down a terrible path, along with this current Pope nothing surprises me with the Roman Church but the Church of England. I'm devastated. The Anglican in Australia are now embracing same sex marriage. What next?


i've been a stale christrian for many years becuse denomiations have burnt me out completely :(


Not sure when Rev David recorded this teaching but the one World Religion is building their Church in Bahrain (I think).


David Pawson is missed. Before I die, i must leave the church with this: John Baptist was building a road, too. He began baptizing at the border of the kingdom ~ at the Jordan. These are the marchlands, if you will. That word comes from the same origin as "mark." Mark was a title written on the cover of a codex. It is a tradition in Judaiica to title a work by its first words. Mark isn't a very common Hebrew word, but I believe it appears as מערה in Solomon's discussion of the way of life. With salvation, our hearts are quickened, and we are established in the kingdom. Mark is the good news of Jesus Christ according to the prophets, specifically the prophecy in Malachi. I need to research this, but I believe "mark" appears in the form מערכהי ~ the preparation of the heart. ( it quite reminds me of a ruler in the French marclands known as a marquis.) The way of life passes through the three courts of Moses' tabernacle. The entrances become more and more narrow. It reaches a special beginning at the mercy seat. The gospels aren't copied from one another or from any source called "Q." The quickenings became available through the grace offered in Jesus Christ. The "other" 70 were the newest students in the final year of Jesus' ministry., Mark could easily have been taken from notes kept in the script (bag) of any one of those other 70. Matthew are the lessons being taught to the first 70 and concern the will of the father. Luke is by definition the "latter" part, the lessons taught to the 12 in general. They are in their third year. John, however, is the wondrous part taught to those closest to Jesus. John is יענה. I know the root ענה was in Strong's as "the beginning of the response." This, too, is a title taken from the first words of its gosspel. In the beginning was the Word ~ the word of Jah. Mark, Matthew, and Luke prepare us to love the LORD our God with all the heart, soul, and mind. But remember, the Lord our God is ONE. Out three parts have a fourth quickening called "the good part." With this, we are enabled to love our wonderful God with all our might.
When you carefully compare every passage in the synoptic gospels, the progression is absolutely undeniable. We must never lose sight of grace. The benefits of Christ are ready in his hand, as ready as the salvation prepared for our mistakes. Abraham and David did it the hard way. I am not a podcaster, a preacher, or a teacher. But I wanted to know my purpose. God calls us, "Seek my face." My heart answered, "Thy face, O Lord, I will seek." Jesus is the face of God. The way of life is the journey of return. He drew me with cords of love. The Proton Psalm says the wicked desire to cut those cords "asunder" because, to them, these cords are bondage. ▪︎. I believe the church began with these teachings of Jesus. Very many words were spoken by my Lord, but his words are restricted to the foundational teachings, making them ever so cherished. Church history must begin with the lessons of salvation, righteouness, holiness, and the wonders of glory. (I have held this close for decades without ever a single second of wavering. I can not understand why the elect are left to stumble upon the roadsigns.) Faith is multi-portioned, πολυμερος. 🎟 Jesus says, "Come."


Thank You for sharing this ..., 🙏👍; question: what is the first (written) gospel?. the gospel of marcion or the canonised gospel in new testament?.. Do we have the original skript from the apostels themself, in order to chek and rechek?...
where such original skript is keept.?.🙏


He’ totally wrong about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. The early Christians were all Jews including Jesus. Jesus did not come to start a new religion, he came to give his life as a ransom and to correct errors that has creeped into Judaism. To say that he started a new religion is to say that God made a mistake the first go around. Christians remained a sect within Judaism, following the law of Moses just as Jesus instructed in Matthew 7:21 and Matthew 5:17. Eventually Jews ostracized all believers in Jesus who were Jewish and Christianity became dominated bye Gentiles who mixed their paganism with Christianity, making the present form of Christianity synchronistic religion Containing some truth and some error.


This is such an important message. However, the misguided belief that "they won't be allowed to shop for food" is erroneously taken from Rev13:17 and denies many precious promises of our beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus in Matt6:26-34.
The Jesus of Christianity is not a religion. It has been MADE a religion by man. True & pure religion and undefiled is compassion (James1:27) ; The story of the despised compassionate Samaritan describes what true religion is Vs the seemingly devout religious (the priest & the Levite) who ignored the plight of the man who had been robbed.
Also, we are not to fight or battle for the true faith. Contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints is a personal battle over one's own sinful flesh, not against godless man and godless religion. The only battle we are to engage in is a spiritual battle as described in Ephesians 6.


Was David Pawson a closet drinker? Something about the pic here of him reveals his probable secret sin.
