Data Brokers: The Dark Industry of Selling Your Identity for Profit.

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Data Brokers… a dark industry based on selling your identity for profit that is currently worth billions.

When people say “data is the new oil” there’s no other industry that better illustrates this than the world of data brokers.

In this video we’ll take a look at exactly how data brokers are taking your personal information and selling it off for a hefty profit… all behind your back.


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Your name, your age, your height, your weight, where you live, where you work, your family, your friends, your likes, your dislikes, your phone number, your email, your health conditions, your buying habits, your credit score, your political beliefs, your religious beliefs, who you text…

These are all examples of ‘data points’. And these pieces of data are very valuable things.

In order to source this information, begin by scraping data from public records. Things like: social media pages, property records, court records, birth certificates, voter registration information, bankruptcy records.

Then go ahead and purchase data from OTHER companies. That’s right: other companies that have your data can make an extra stream of revenue for themselves by selling the information they have on their customers.

Create “free” websites and services, that collect data from your users. Put ‘trackers’ on these websites/services that detect a user’s location, their contact list, their photos, etc.

Finally, once we’ve gathered all this data, we can begin to create ‘profiles’ of individuals. This can detail an individual’s behaviour/personality when it comes to their buying habits, their likes/dislikes, their political affiliations, their health concerns, etc.

Once we have created these profiles… it’s time to sell!

You can sell this information to… pretty much whoever wants it.

The most common customers that data brokers have at the moment are marketing companies. If a gym had a list of individuals who were interested in getting fit, that would be a very valuable audience for them to target with their advertisements.

But you can also sell this data to health insurance companies, banks, ‘people search’ websites, governments, and other data brokers.

Although it sounds quite sinister, this industry does pose a dilemma: if a many of the free websites and apps that you use require your data in order to stay profitable – is it really such a problem? If it’s just being used for marketing purposes, is there a big consequence to that?

This is a current argument that is going on in the industry at the moment, and it’s one that I have struggled with getting to grips with as well. One thing that I do believe strongly is that the way in which your data is managed should be regulated fare more than it currently is.

All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please contact me via my email in the "about" page on my channel.

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Copyright © James Jani 2020
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Your channel is an undiscovered gem. The video quality is insane for such a new channel.
Keep it up bro. Best of luck


This is more interesting than a Netflix show


When this channel gets to 10M subs, remember this: I was here when the sub count was still three digits long.


I was a employee for 3 year, of data profiling and marketing company, jani brother your facts are right !


This guy sounds like a journalist . Mannn, your content is mind blowing . Lots of love from India. Hope you get a 10million subscribes soon.


I like how you frame the video. Instead of looking at ot from our POV, you look at ot from theirs.

That is awesome


Channel is worthy of having millions of subscribers. Top content mate.


This dude can start a voice over business.


It is genuinely difficult to be an entrepreneur these days and not have your data all over the internet. Since marketing is primarily online, and people want to buy from people, you can’t really be online and not be discoverable and noticeable. Using a VPN is great for protecting the connection to sites, but that doesn’t change what the bank knows about me, what Amazon knows about me, etc. Anonymity is very difficult. So I think the next best thing is to become aware of what I’ve probably put out there and how others might take advantage of it, and then be on guard for that. It’s ok to be known, it’s not ok to be taken advantage of, or to take advantage of others. Just my initial thoughts...still thinking this through. Thanks, James!


Kid, I have learnt more from you than from the four years I spent in university studying business.


Really reminds me of black mirror, gets a bit intense.... another very very well made video. You are seriously talented and going to blow up in time


*I thought I was watching NBC you are so professional*


There is a youtube channel called "Pursuit of Wonder" that has blown up, which it deservedly should. This channel will blow up equally. Mark my words. Keep it up man, incredible content!


This is some of the most satisfying editing I've seen on YouTube. Cinematic, clean, but not cliche or predictable. Absolutely adore your videos, keep going and I'm sure you'll be up there at the top soon enough. :)


I just discovered you a couple of days ago. You're a breath of fresh air in the clogged up and murky web.


This shit is so true it's downright uncomfortable to watch but at the same time refreshing and real. So glad I found this. You embody the energy and mindset of breaking down the walls. Inspires me and others to see the power in our ability to see the world and share our perspective. Love love love this channel. Never have subscribed faster in my life.


"If you're not paying for the product, you are the product."
One piece of feedback: Maybe post 2-3 links, books w/e at the end of each video for further research.


My mom works in data analysis and everything this man says is right. I've seen it first hand.


you've explained this better than most tech people would. they key to understanding these issues is understanding the business model they operate under.

awesome video.
