Card Flourishes - Virtuoso & Bone: WLD '09 Event

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Virtuoso & Bone have collaborated to create the card flourishing event, WLD '09.

Supported by some of the largest names in the magic and card flourishing industry and with an estimated 78,000 magicians and flourishers attending from all over the globe, this is the largest online event ever held for the art of playing card flourishes.

This event features one of the most elusive card flourishes ever created: Anaconda- "The World's Longest Dribble".

WLD 09 Origins:

"For as long has the art of card flourishes has been around, a giant card dribble existed only in the dreams of the ambitious and in hollywood movie studios.

Bone Ho set off to challenge that impossibility, and his journey to create the world's longest dribble began. 

In 2003, he finally discovered a secret and showed the world that it was possible, marking a pivotal point in the art form.
Impossible to replicate or reverse-engineer, Bone instantly established himself as a modern legend of the art form.

He spent the next few years refining and developing this special technique into to a set of simple, subtle and precise nuances; maximizing the size of the card flourish whilst making it easier to execute.

In 2008, he teamed up with card flourish team Virtuoso to put the final touches on this technique, and to develop a teaching process to pass the secret on to a select few.

Will you be one of them?"

Be part of the largest online card flourishing event ever held here:


The Virts & Bone


Remember to subscribe to us!!

This way you can get more underground superduper mega exclusive card flourish tutorials from the virts like huron low, kevin ho, and daren yeow! =D

Don't subscribe to naughty people who expose card flourishes, or tricks from david blaine, criss angel, cyril takayama, derren brown, and even dynamo... they've got nothing about awesome card flourishes, and only reveal magic tricks!!

You see for us, we'll even talk about xcm and cardistry even though we think it's pretty cheesy... and if you've read till here, there's even stuff about bone ho, and dan and dave, de'vo, theory11, decknique, penguin, ellusionist or other random stuff like high stakes poker on daniel negreanu that hopefully helps you bump into this video on youtube. =D

You can even hurry us for more kickass underground card flourish videos, tutorials, stuff about so-called xcm, cardistry, or even poker to texas holdem
Рекомендации по теме

The song is a custom track scored by our awesome sound guy, Roland Lim. You'll be learning more about him and his work throughout WLD2009, so stay tuned to find out more!

-Kev, The Virts


join the event at WLD '09! =)
I'll be posting up an FAQ in the members area tomorrow!

Huron Low, The Virts


MMM... Something crazy goinna become!!!
Love your ideas!!! CAN'T WAIT! :)


Hey, thanks man. I plan on doing a few more videos soon.




It's the intro of Mannequin from the Anaconda soundtrack composed by our music guy Roland Lim for the WLD event. =)

Huron Low, The Virts


I remember when the Anaconda DVD was coming out. They said it was a limited time release and that it was never going to be sold again. I thought, yeah right, it'll be on the market again in a couple years. Almost a decade later and I'm kicking myself for not getting it.


There were some photos released with some cute accompanying text, but they barely scraped the surface of every technique and nuance required to really accomplish the Anaconda. Plus, those photos weren't released by Bone himself.

The full technique of the Anaconda has never ever been published, yet. ;)

Huron Low, The Virts


Thanks for the opportunity guys!



Thankyou i didn't know the tutorial back then wasn't realesd by Bone..


I'm sure you can learn yourself how to practice from the technique he has given you. There's not really anyway to practice this other than keep doing it and having the confidence to go as high as you can.
Hope this helps.



Damn, I'm practicing like crazy, around 8 hours a day for more than a week & I still can only do it 60, max 80 cm with a messed up chain & a messy finish. I always begin to stress when I try to extend it to my limits, and the whole things f***s up. The main problem I have is, that, even if I pull the receiving hand downwards, it still, automatically goes up, making it very hard to do a solid dribble.


Haha don't worry, once you learn the new Anaconda, you'll be able to do it waaaay longer than that. ;)

Huron Low, The Virts


I don't get it there was a tutorial for the Anaconda a while back. Not on a DvD though..


So only a select few will be taught this technique? I'm gasping for air! XD I'm going yo be one of those selected few!!!


yea I suppose but then how many hours a day do I need to practice this? looks hard


What flourishes are on the Anaconda DVD?
Sory for my bad english;]


wow this video made that guy from KingdomHearts 2 the one in organization 13 the card dealer or something this makes him look less lame


I really wanna learn it but i cant join the event :(


uhm...the site....wld..don't work?? is 20:24 PM at me...and i can't enter the site... it is in repair..some changes..or something..or it's DOWN?


How can I learn the Anaconda even though its past wld 09
