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Im trying to make two videos a week atm.

INSTAGRAM : emilyromason
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Thank you for making this video. The last 5 years the thought of leaving the house, terrifies me and I need to run back in the house. I keep cancelling my dentist appointment many times because I can't leave the house. I also had a head trauma which made me spiral into a deep depression. My best wishes to everyone.


My dad suffers from Agoraphobia. I am so happy I have come across this video. It has been such an eye-opener for me since I'm trying to understand more about it x Thank you!


It really annoys me, when another psychologist tells me to walk to the nearest Lamp post, as if that is going to cure me. I try telling them, it isn't the outside that i fear, but the inside of my head. This confuses them, as they can't deal with the root of the problem, only the symptoms of the behaviour. you can't put a plaster on an open wound, it needs to be treated first.


I have agoraphobia and it's so terrible! I feel like a lot of people don't see the seriousness of it...I'm house bound for almost 1, 5 years now, its just killing me.


I love that you stress you are not shy lol and people 😊 I'm the exact apposite! I have social anxiety.


I believe something traumatic as a child under the age of 5 has happened either outside the home, in a room or closet is the underlying cause. If it happened outside the home then we are afraid to leave our home. If it happened in a closet then we begin to fear the closet. If it happened in a room, we would fear that room. The problem is that most of us can't remember much when we were 1 years old to about 5 yrs old. Also our brain protects our mental health by forgetting the trauma. I was afraid of my bedroom and my dad's closet. I had 3 brothers. But I don't know what caused me to fear these places so bad I developed dermotrillomania by the age of 7 along with uncontrollable nightmares that I managed to control around 8yrs old by lucid dreaming. After becoming a single teenage parent my parents took away both my daughters. Just recently my daughter who's over 25 yrs old expressed her fear of my dad's closet as a child. Now I'm wandering if he or my brother did something to us in that fckn closet. Something in my heart has been broken for so long. I wish I knew to finally bring closure to let it go. Today I self diagnosed myself, today I put together some missing pieces to my puzzled mind. Today I cried deeply. I am grateful for today. I will continue to learn more about myself and try to understand what really happened that made me this way as a child and my daughter. My mind is open for a deeper understanding as I look into this further. Today I'm beginning this journey finally. You said your fear was leaving the house. You mentioned your dad driving you into town to help you cope. Did your mom stay home? Or is your dad single? Were they together anytime before you became 5 yrs old? Whatever happened to me happened inside the home, however after leaving home for good i felt relief. Whatever happened to you probably happened outside the home. To me that is even worse bc it's hard to finally find relief from the fear of going out the home. I hope you reply. I'd really like to understand all of this much more clearly. Stay awesome and beautiful 🥰


I developed this. I have anxiety for about 5 years and decided to start therapy over the phone because of covid and got on meds. But the side effects I was experiencing with the meds made me afraid to be in public because I felt so horrible and when I have bad anxiety I just wanna be in my room in my bed that's my safe space. I had a mental break down just going to the store and crying like I was gonna die feeling like things around me are not real and I'm not real. I haven't left my house in almost 4 months and some days I feel like I want to but I don't or then I feel like I cant. I hate it and I use to be loving to go shopping and out with my mom or just driving but not anymore. Idk what to do and just recently got diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency wondering if that has anything to with all this. This sucks...


It's good to point out the ways that different people experience anxiety in various ways. For me, my safe space is always wider if I am with someone I know well or have a specific task to focus on when I have to be somewhere new. For instance, I am less anxious teaching a large class than standing near a small group of people I don't know and am not sure how to strike up a conversation with.


I really enjoyed this video thank you :). I've had pretty bad panic disorder and I think I was close to developing agoraphobia. I started to fear leaving the house and started to have places I felt were safe places, but most of the time I was able to leave the house and it has now been about 4-5 years since this started and I am now in a lot of a better place and am now at university. The thought of going abroad is still something that scares me, but next year I might be going to Morocco with some of my uni friends, but don't know how I will feel about it at the moment. I feel I was really lucky to be able to get help and support before it got too severe.


I developed chronic illness 4 years ago, I’ve just started therapy and my therapist has suggested I have agoraphobia. I hate even answering the door to the mailman, it’s taken me years to be able to grocery shop or shopping in general, and I’m always looking for exits and bathrooms. I’ve been basically quarantined for 4 years, barely leaving the house apart from hospital apointments. Thank you for this video, really helped me understand it more xx


I relate to you so much I haven’t left my house in 7 months 😭 and I have a fear of being in the car because I feel so sick and I have to go to the bathroom and I can’t. I have been trying so hard and nothing is helping 😭


The worst thing for me is when my own flat becomes unsafe and then i have to retreat into just my living room. Everything you said is true i am slowly starting to go further from my flat each day but it is just as hard sometimes harder each day.

The only thing i didn't hear was tiredness, i am always so tierd. Like i mean to the point that i feel like i cant move from exhaustion. Is that related.


Great video! What can a person do to reassure the agoraphobic, if the person is afraid of something that doesn't seem like you should be afraid of?


I needed to see this video, thank you 💜


thank you very much for this video<3 i think i might have an agoraphobia because i relate to every situation shown in this video, also ive been thinking about going to the therapist for last 10 months but i just cant make myself /:


I suffer from agoraphobia and you really hit the nail on the head

My friend told me to hop on a random bus and go to the middle of nowhere than be forced to make my way back

When I described commutes I can do there a to b from to work


I’ve had agoraphobia for about five years or so, and it was only like three years ago that I realize that I had it, because I thought that to have it I had to be completely housebound, but I was mainly town bound


How u progressing with this ? Have u stepped outside ?


The first part is very correct. Not all agoraphobics are confined to the house. But agoraphobia is not developed. Agoraphobia is a genetic disorder. A person is born with agoraphobia. It is not a phobia. It is a genetic disorder. Agoraphobia is misapply named. It is not a phobia. And it is not gender biased. Just as many men get it. Although many men feel their masculinity is threatened if they come out with it. Also it doesn’t have to come from the immediate family. It can come from a distant relative.
