10 Ways to Force A Card

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Evan Era from EvanEraTV reveals how to perform 10 easy ways how to force a card on someone. These card force techniques can be used for a variety of amazing card magic tricks for beginners and experts alike! Thumbs up if you liked this step by step card magic trick tutorial! Laugh At Life my friends :)

SNAPCHAT: EvanRosenman

Magic Tricks Revealed in this Video:
1.) Magic Card Visual Force Trick
2.) From Under Magic Card Force Trick
3.) Classic Riffle Playing Card Force
4.) Double Cut Card Force
5.) Classic Fan Card Force Technique
6.) Classic Magic Cross Cut Force Trick
7.) Whole Deck Same Card Force
8.) Magic Double Lift Card Force Technique
9.) Mental Card Force Technique
10.) From The Top Card Force Trick
Bonus Card Magic Force Tutorial: Magic Glide Force Trick

This channel provides awesome content in the form of magic, pranks, and other cool videos - Subscribe for weekly uploads!! :)

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sometimes I like to cover myself in cooking oil and go into somebody's front yard and slide along the floor saying I'm a snail


I love this channel. I watch it everyday. Even my freinds at school watches this.


The card that i was thinking of is Queens of harts


My favorite is the false shuffe, where you only shuffle the top cards and leave the bottom card alone. It's so easy to do.


0:48 wrong, i thought of the 8 of hearts


Vanilla unicorns pooping on your porch in the middle of the night wearing a dinosaur suit


I haven't used the classic base deal in years, but thanks for outing how it's done :p


I have amazed my entire family with your tricks. :-) ecept my brother he's never amused by anything. :-|


OMG you are the best magician ever. You will break the records!!!


that intro lmfao I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂


So at 3:28, or thereabouts, when he’s going over the force where he fans the cards out and has them pick a specific card by timing the fan with their reach, I heard him mention something about having about 10 cards or so prepared, I guess to keep track of exactly where that card is as he’s fanning them out— but I have a random question for any magicians out there who perform these tricks...

What do you personally do if they pick the wrong card— any card other than the one you were trying to force? I’m just assuming that most people haven’t memorized the order that their deck happens to be in at that specific time, so that leaves a pretty good chance that you wouldn’t automatically know which card they actually did pick, if they didn’t grab the one you wanted them to. So, in that situation— when you’re trying to force a card, and the person picks a different card (and you have no idea which card they got— but you do know it’s the wrong one)— what do you do? I’d imagine there are some pretty clever, smooth techniques some of you seasoned veterans use to bail you out of that situation (and a lot are probably “universal” moves— in that they can be used on most any kind of trick that you need to plug the plug on quickly— not necessarily just a card trick that starts off doomed, but anything you’re doing that needs to be shut down before it goes any further.

I’m just curious what various people do in those scenarios. I’m not a magician (outside of random little tricks here and there, messing with my nephew when he’s around), and I’ve had random, stupid errors happen when I’m playing around with him, but bumbling around and being sloppy (and obvious) when manipulating the deck, or losing track of where a card is located in the deck, or whatever, is one thing when you’re entertaining a 5-year-old relative, but a completely different animal when you’re on a street corner, surrounded by people, or up on a stage, in front of a legit audience.

“Bailout” moves?


I was thinking about queen of hearts not the king of "clovers" I call them clovers don't judge


Hey Evan Era I just wanted to get a pack of cards to because you inspire me to do magic and you taught me how to do magic so thankyou


that was amazing.i try to do card tricks to my friends but i sometimes get them wrong


Thanks for the vid, helped me a lot. I only knew like 2 card forces so i needed new ones to spice up my performances. Keep it up :)


Nice video!!! More magic on my channel!!! Ive been watching since day 1 man i enjoys it all


U say I'm a rapper but I say no cuz I'm lying


the first trick was wrong.
i hot 8 of hearts


the first magic trick i didnt see the king of clubs i saw the 8 of hearts actually 😞😞


I know the giveaway ended But..

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