Testing The Latest Experimental Build On a BEAUTIFUL Roartex Map - BMX Streets

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Applewood Forest by Roartex

Can be found in the Volution Discord server (READ THE RULES!)
Checked the pinned messages under Modders - scripting and also look at Street Mods - scripts, if you get lost ask in the general chat.

Guru BMX Mod (xlGURU)
Pin Dropper Mod
Roartex's Graphics Mod (Roartex)
Part Tweaker Mod (Karxem404)

Tutorials from other channels
JustJamie - How to add MODS in BMX STREETS!
JustJamie - How to add MOD MAPS in Bmx Streets!

Coffee Talk 2 OST

#TekuFlat #bmx #bmxstreets
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Sorry, controller overlay was broken for some reason, will fix for next time!


You have to ride bmx at some point to even know how to play and I love that


Awesome video as always and your riding is incredible. I absolutely love this game and can't wait for the update. I play with the 5 best script Mods (guru, pin dropper, qol, etc...) and Reshade and the game now looks incredible. As I wait for the anticipated update I just keep practicing and not really stacking clips since the animations still need work. I love making edits but will wait till after it updates. Love your videos and all that you do for this really cool game. The future is limitless for Bmx Streets.


I love this game..So, the grinds in experimental. I've been working on them using the Grind Pose mod. For some reason, in experimental, the grind movements aren't..correct. Like, the center of mass, the lean angle, the bars angle, they're all a little off compared to the public branch. Not only that, I've managed to fix the oppo grinds that don't work. What I mean by that, if you ride right foot forward, you can't do a levitator on the left side, for example. With Grind Pose mod, you can actually have him swap to left foot forward when you do that input. So, I am now able to do all of the grinds no matter what side. I've even made some new grinds..lol. a crook luc-e...all sorts of different things. You should get the mod and try it out. It's actually a lot of fun making up your own grinds. It looks like you have Grind SPin assist enabled..which makes grinds a little wonky too.


Still enjoying it, I space out my sessions so I don't get burnt out, play it here and there. I hope Mash makes some changes and additions to the official map, mods are great but I kinda don't want to see mod maps become the identity of BMX Streets, like they did for PIPE. Hope some map updates comes along with the console release so everyone can kinda experience something new at the same time.


I feel like Mash has only programmed in a one-size-fits-all approach to geometry grind tricks. Like narrow cylindrical rails would be a best-case scenario. It would be cool if grinds adjusted automatically to compensate for rail width or whatever.

The parkour stuff seems like Mash's escape from avoiding these difficult problems. I could be full of hot air tho, the updates section on discord has been completely dead..


I think Streets is still an amazing game, that i find myself going back to wwhenever i just want something to play while i have youtube on in the background. There are still bugs that should have been fixed ages ago, like your bike settings not saving so you end up with the default bike everytime you launch the game etc.


Love your content keep it up. The grinds are just on that map, it's like the only thing that needs fixing.


Will they ever add more tricks like bike flips or superman etc?


Wish Mash would update us on Insta about the upcoming console release


this looks like it was ripped straight out of real life 😭


do you change physics by mods? or its physics without changes?


When I switch to experimental build Tommy game won’t open and just crashes. Any help?


my experimental just crashes immediately, could you help?


Still in the early part of the vid, but it looks like the controller layout doesn't move there. I want to learn your gamepad inputs for tricks.


what the heck is happening with the feet
