Infinite Heart Duplication Glitch | Raw Unedited Footage | Zelda Breath of The Wild

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I'm doing the Heart Duplication Glitch without editing anything, this way you can follow a long and see how it works in real time. If you need the actual tutorial with me explaining things, check it out here!

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Breath of the wild is home to some of the most incredible glitches I’ve ever seen in any game. Always fascinating what this community manages to come up with. Thank you fort the tutorials!’


I legitimately don’t understand how people find these glitches! It is so impressive, this one especially.


For those of you struggling, while holding ZL, then L and left joy stick (crouch) together. Then you move left joystick to the left plus jump (X) and that should start you the glitch.


Thank you so much for not fast forwarding or cutting the load screens. It made following along so much easier for me.


I saw a different tutorial that looks easier.
1: Sell however many Heart/Stamina you want to duplicate
2: Save
3: Buy all Heart/Stamina back
4: Do the apparatus storage part
5: Load save
6: You will have the heart/stamina and so will the statue.
Yours seemed a little different, because you went to the shrine twice. That’s not really necessary, but I guess it’s just based on how people prefer to do it!


The paraglider glitch will resolve if you return to the shrine, fall into the void, and leave the shrine. No need to close the game out


This is the best explanation I have seen hands down. Super super appreciate it! I'm watching all your stuff now.


This was incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for doing this step by step walk through! I don’t know how genius gamers like yourself do it, but it makes it a lot less stressful and achievable for the average gamer like myself.🙏🏽


Dude, I am so glad I found this out. My younger self would have scoffed at the idea of this level of fudgery, (likely would have done it at least a few times still...) but I'm old and too impatient to game like I used to. This has given me so much more confidence to take this game head on! I mean, it's hard as F*** even with this glitch!
Thank you so much for taking the time to make such an in depth tutorial.
I got a little greedy a couple times and wound up losing all the vessels I had built up, so I think a solid tip to people would be to do ONLY hearts or ONLY stamina at one time, and after 3 rounds of loading back to the stone, save your progress by doing a pause screen save then back out to title screen, then home menu and close out the software. That will completely close the loop on this glitch.


Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the super detailed video tutorials you've posted. I know like thousands of people have already said it, and I'm just a drop in the bucket at this late point in the game, but I felt I had to speak up because I literally could not have found a more useful zelda content creator than you. You make such well put together tutorials that if the person watching fails to replicate the glitch it is 100% guaranteed their fault on their end, and the impressiveness of that kind of work ethic cannot be overstated. If I ever need a guide again your channel will be the first place I look for it. I hope I can get more of the exact same from you later on for totk! God bless you and may you live a happy life friend.


I love how your talking to yourself about whether out not you should cut at all


Thanks, great video! Just did this June 2, 2023. Now have 15 hearts and almost 3 full stamina wheels and I just started the game.


Thank you for this slower version of the breakdown. Just got the game, and this really helps. Can confirm still works for 12/22.


For those strugling with the camera and ZL combination, just do this: Make Sure you have any weapon not in link's hands, have the the camera run ready and the shield ready too. Then A) Hold ZL and then, B) Press at the same time L and the left joystick (push in) { You will hunch in camera mode }, C) Push in again left joystick & you will be able to walk, yet you are still in camera mode. Do as instructed with the rest of the process. Is easier, I just maxed out my hearts and stamina (As JAN/2023)


Late August 2023 and I can confirm this is still working on the latest release. The part I got hung up on is when you take the photo you need to be in front of the pedestal where it's asking you to examine. Taking the photo tricks the apparatus into thinking you're interacting with it. Thanks for the walkthrough!


BEST explanation/walk-thru for this glitch on YouTube that I have come across.


You're A legend dude, It still works to this day and it worked flawlessly, thanks for the great instructions too 👍


Video is a year old at the time I'm typing this, put using the raw unedited footage as a step by step tutorial is genius. It's so easy to understand and follow you on my own switch. Makes it super clear to learn as well. Please do more and thank you!!


thank you so much for this, saved my life!! i was so afraid of messing up my game that i didnt trust myself to do it, but in this tutorial, with no cuts, i felt safe enough to follow along and it worked!!


Bro I love you. I did this twice now I have full stamina and hearts and you made it so easy to follow. Thank you so much
