Dad moved hearing Beach House - Space Song …

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How wonderful that this father and son can sit together, shed tears, and talk about things that move them with such openness and ease. Wow.


I would give anything to hear this song for the first time again.

**Edit, I second this for PPP*


To me when she says, "Some where in these eyes I'm on your side."
It makes me think of somebody who is so done with a person that they have to cut them off and be stern when they meet up, but deep inside they still care about them. They just know they can't afford to be vulnerable with them like they used to. Which is a bitter sweet thing.


"Oh man, it just takes you away doesn't it?"
"Space Song, right?"
What a lovely conversation.


Beach house is just one of those bands that resonate deeply with certain people for no specific reason, like I can't even describe why I love beach house so much other than that it feels like the music equivalent of falling in love and heartbreak at the same time


I'm 58 and Beach House is the greatest band I have ever known. Absolutely a spiritual experience. Timeless and poetic. Seemingly simple but utterly deep.


I’m not a native English speaker and this song speaks a lot to me, it even makes me cry, but I can’t imagine how deep experiencing this song must be as a native English speaker, I’ve heard that a word in a foreign language goes into your mind, but a word in your mother tongue goes to the heart


If you want to get moved.. close your eyes, hear the song and start thinking about all the great moments you’ve had these past few years. All those nice memories that seem to be forgotten in the past. Moments that you’ll never live again. That’s the hard part


My friend passed away to suicide a month ago and while we were looking through her room after, we found sketchbooks full of faces with the lyrics to this song written beside it. I didn't know what song they were to until this video. It's such a beautiful song; as beautiful as she was as a person. Im so glad I know now what song it is. Thank you for this lovely video 🤍


sadly, i get fully depressed hearing this song rather than being touched in a bittersweet way, but everyone reacts to music in different ways. it’s amazing how much of a universal language music is.


i met a girl a year or so ago and fell for her hard. we used to lay on the floor in the dark and listen to this album. she was only in my life for a season, but this song in particular always reminds me of her and the way it felt to hold her. those memories are so very tender and will always hold a space in my heart. this video brought tears to my eyes. i would love if you and your dad listened to “Peacefall” by Purity Ring. xx


I don't know if Beach House has explained why they're called that, but my interpretation of the name is like a melancholy memory of a beach house you spent your childhood at. Personally some of my best memories are from spending my summers at our family beach house, and visiting my friend's beach house with the whole gang having the times of our lives. I always think of the beautiful sunsets covering the airy rooms in a pink light, or sitting on the roof with my friends. The memories are all sweet and happy like the cherry, but sad, melancholy and depressing at the same time because I know those times will never come back.


A beautiful summer night after highschool graduation. Had some friends going away for college and others simply moving away. I went to the military a few months later. But that one night was our last truly together young and dumb. We partied hard, tripping on great shroomys. Knowing it’ll be our last time together like this. This song blasting in the background all of us just laying on the ground living in the moment. To be young with no care in the world man.


Beach House, as best as I can describe it, makes me feel like I’m letting out a breath I’ve been holding in too long. Their music is like a sigh of relief for me, a release of tension and pressure built up inside. Love that your dad loved it and felt so deeply hearing it. I hope my parents and I can bond over my loves and interests one day instead of constantly questioning and ridiculing it.


My dad died unexpectedly on Fathers Day 2020. My dad always was opened minded to any song I threw at him. He was from the 70s rock old fashioned hispanic man. But he took the time and listened to songs I told him he "had to hear". Glad you and your dad can have this project to spend time together. Almost 3 years now and I would give anything to talk to him. Spend time with your parents now while you can. Or your grandpa, grandma, favorite uncle whoever is your rock!


Man, you're so blessed to have the chance to share these moments with your dad! You found something you love like music and are able to hear the songs together but also, to discuss about them and to get into some level of deeper knowledge between you guys. Loved this video!


I don’t think he realizes it yet but he’s going to be just like his dad. His mannerisms is very similar to his father. Both very intelligent and kind


Your father got it spot on. The lyrics are haunting and they have a power of their own. But that riff that repeats throughout the song is unlike anything. My first time listening, it absolutely went through me. The guitar sounds like it's crying - it's so hard to explain. That riff alone sends the message of the song before any of the words are sung.


It was late at night
You held on tight
From an empty seat
A flash of light
It will take a while
To make you smile
Somewhere in these eyes
I'm on your side
You wide-eyed girls
You get it right
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Tender is the night
For a broken heart
Who will dry your eyes
When it falls apart?
What makes this fragile world go 'round?
Were you ever lost?
Was she ever found?
Somewhere in these eyes
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place


my dad and a have a diverse music taste and every saturday we like to pick one album neither of us ever listened or one of each other’s favorites and just drive around the city then talk about it. this video feels exactly the same! i’m definitely gonna show him this!!!
