Back Tension. Are You Drawing Your Bow CORRECTLY? Traditional Archery Tips & Tricks

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In this video I go over the importance of drawing the bow with your back rather than your shoulder, and how to draw the bow correctly rather than drawing in a way that can create problems.

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Thanks brother I really needed this! I absolutely draw with my shoulder and my shoulders are shot being an ex pro wrestler having broken my shoulder at the AC joint ( a 3rd degree break) 2 torn rotator cuff tendons in my drawing should ... Never had any of it fixed. On my bow arm I tore 3 of my 4 rotator cuff tendons 2 completely in half ... Did have them fixed, but have never been the same since ... On my right elbow I had that broken (hyper extended to the point it snapped.) I can't straighten out either elbow. I'm 6'5" and should have a 31" draw but only have a 26" draw due to my injuries. Now at 62 yrs old I have lost a lot of strength although I still work out a little to go through the motions.
I really need to try to practice doing this, but haven't seen to be successful in the past trying it. But I have only been shooting for about 3 years now. Took up archery as a means to exercise since my days of benching 500 lbs are long gone!
Thanks again, I really enjoy your videos! God bless you brother and happy 4th of July!


I have watched some of Tom Clum's stuff. He has some good stuff but, in my opinion makes it overly complicated. I definitely did a lot of shoulder drawing and at 58 years old I have zero shoulder issues but, like you I workout daily. Mostly push-ups and pull-ups and dumbbells. That being said I did start pulling more with the back. I got covid and pneumonia back 3 or 4 years ago and I was really weak lost a ton of muscle so, it was a necessity to draw a bow that was 62 pounds at 26 inch draw. Covid turned out to be a blessing. It gave me better form in my draw and sent me on a fitness journey.


One of the most highly missed parts in a bow draw video is the setup, and first move. For instance, grip and lower shoulder on bow arm. Draw arm hook on string and finally.. at what point are you starting to draw with your back. You rotate the scapula at some point, but maybe talk through it from hook to full draw. I see some people half shoulder, half back draw. Its also my understanding that if you draw to max, you leave no room to expand into the shot. Thats my problem... And i have short arms too, so my anchor is also far back when using Tom Clums method Thanks for sharing your experience.


Well probably not😂😂, but you can't see my draw elbow at anchor, dedinently some form issues, but it's comfortable, body's a bit banged up from 18yr of slaughtering sheep on a conventional dressing chain.
I anchor thumb behind ear it's actually half inch shorter than index to mouth on my draw length. I cant similar to you too, this is a great explanation, it's just 12 months too late for me 😂😂😂 I learnt the hard way.❤🤯🙏✝️🏹💘
