The Sin of Forgiveness - When it's 𝑾𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑮 to forgive

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The word 'judgment' appears in the Bible 733 times. Only a few times is it actually a warming AGAINST judging; because Christians are commanded to judge.

Michael Pearl teaches through scripture on appropriate judgment, and also when forgiveness is 𝑺𝑰𝑵.

𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙋𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙡…

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You can forgive but that does not mean you owe them the same relationship you had before. You can not trust people and not want to deal with them because of insight, not necessarily because you have something against them. If someone betrayed your trust, you can forgive them, not hold it against them, but know they can not be trusted.


Forgiveness and trust are not the same. Be wise as Serpents, but harmless as Doves, said the Savior. That said, forgiveness heals us of anger even if the sinner doesn't repent


You can forgive someone without being a doormat, you don't have to let them into your space after forgiveness. There are consequences for everything you do, forgiveness doesn't negate those consequences.


About 30 minutes before this was posted i had a text argument with my ex wife about what she did with a married man that ended our 10 year marriage. After the argument I was beating myself up for not forgiving her. Thank you preacher! God is good!


Forgiveness doesn't necessarily remove the consequences. He should have told her, "I forgive you and I hope you will be faithful to your next husband."


Something similar happened to me I forgave her of her adultery And we instantly got divorced and I wished her luck in her life. God removes people from your life for a reason.


You can forgive when you know for your own sake.. But that doesn't mean you should continue to be taken advantage of by those who do you wrong. Being to nice can ruin your life.


I've been saved since 1984, having just then returned from Beirut as a jarhead. This is the best description I've heard on this issue, and best established in the gospel. I've forgiven wrongly, and felt it as such, but without a clear explication.


I was 21 with a girl for 5 years She cheated on me with one of my friends I listen to God and I packed that night left for good not a few months later and found my literal soulmate we have been together for 9 years and she's wonderful 👍😊 praise God


Thank you, brother.
I have gone through something similar to this. When I was away in Fwd Iraq- I discovered the wife had chosen a path that caused my divorcing her. After 20 years she contacted me and expressed that she wanted to see me. While I forgave and all, I did not forget. The lack of remorse though it was long ago and aftrr that a haughty sort of attitude has shown me what I believe is reason enough to simply wish her well and part company.
Thank you for your sharing of wisdom in Gods word.
Gid bless you,


Forgive us our sins as we forgive those


Needed this dealing with unforgiveness. My ex dropped a 3000 pound car on me so he could move on with his life, not committing adultery. Already had found the girl. Never repented never apologized. Actually has continued to torture me for 3.5 years since. Told all kinds of lies about me and and got the whole small town gang stalking me and harassing me during my recovery of what I call attempted murder. Hard one to forgive thanks for making me feel better because when I wanted a devorce he said if I tried he would have me in a straight jacket and thorazined so fast i wouldn't know what hit me. That was after the car drop. Now he without apology wanted me to take him back. Just like nothing ever happened. I can't, even if he apologized after 3.5 years I figure whats he going to do next. Of coarse the world guilts you. But he tried to kill me multiple times, all I can say to them is, he tried to kill me, there is no way.


The book of Hosea came to mind. Very heartbreaking but beautiful story of God's love for mankind and forgiveness.


It’s hard to admit this but as the wife of an alcoholic I can agree with him in this case. My forgiveness was enabling my husband to sin and become entrenched in it. I’m working to separate from him after 11 years of absolutely no repentance or willingness to change.


There is never a time we should not consider how Jesus forgave us... Those who are forgiven for much; love much. There is no blanket statement that can apply to every situation. Yet, we can always consider how Jesus forgave us.


There's forgiveness, and then there's letting go.


I’ve been struggling with a bad relationship and I’m taking this as a sign for answers to prayers and add it to that still small voice


How can we love our enemy without forgiving? We are called to forgive no matter how hard


Thank you for clearing a bunch of misunderstanding up. Some preachers make the subject of forgiveness as you must forgive and keep taking the abuse from your offender. Turning the other cheek doesn't mean not to defend yourself otherwise they would beat you to death.


I have a picture of forgiving like this, God has this huge desk taller than me. I have the debts in my hands from the bad things done to me. I reach up and say Father I forgive them and I am not collecting these debts but giving them to You to collect. I give all the pain, sadness as well. It doesn't mean the person who harmed me and myself have a physical peace and hang out. But I am at peace. Many times and still the person is not sorry at all, and the relationship broken. The debt will be collected at some point, or maybe forgiven if the person repents. The Lord will not turn away a broken and contrite heart. His desk is where it's left.
