Nature sounds – European birds singing

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Make yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy listening to 46 European bird species :-)

0:00 - White-spotted bluethroat | Luscinia svecica cyanecula | Blaukehlchen | Gorgebleue à miroir
01:54 - Sedge warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Schilfrohrsänger | Phragmite des joncs
03:15 - Great reed warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Drosselrohrsänger | Rousserolle turdoïde
06:14 - Common reed bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus | Rohrammer | Bruant des roseaux
08:52 - Savi's warbler | Locustella luscinioides | Rohrschwirl | Locustelle luscinioïde
11:02 - Eurasian penduline tit | Remiz pendulinus | Beutelmeise | Rémiz penduline
12:00 - Common nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | Nachtigall | Rossignol philomèle
14:12 - Grey wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | Gebirgsstelze | Bergeronnette des ruisseaux
14:58 - Western yellow wagtail | Motacilla flava | Schafstelze | Bergeronnette printanière
15:23 - Long-tailed tit | Aegithalos caudatus | Schwanzmeise | Mésange à longue queue
16:08 - Eurasian wren | Troglodytes troglodytes | Zaunkönig | Troglodyte mignon
17:48 - Red-breasted flycatcher | Ficedula parva | Zwergschnäpper | Gobe-mouche nain
19:23 - Wood warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Waldlaubsänger | Pouillot siffleur
20:27 - Eurasian blue tit | Cyanistes caeruleus | Blaumeise | Mésange bleue
21:07 - Eurasian nuthatch | Sitta europaea | Kleiber | Sittelle torchepot
22:10 - Common chaffinch | Fringilla coelebs | Buchfink | Pinson des arbres
23:10 - European robin | Erithacus rubecula | Rotkehlchen | Rouge-gorge familier
23:36 - Common chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | Zilpzalp | Pouillot véloce
24:52 - Eurasian blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | Mönchsgrasmücke | Fauvette à tête noire
25:35 - Icterine warbler | Hippolais icterina | Gelbspötter | Hypolaïs ictérine
26:03 - Marsh warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | Sumpfrohrsänger | Rousserolle verderolle
26:56 - Common redstart | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Gartenrotschwanz | Rougequeue à front blanc
27:57 - Black redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | Hausrotschwanz | Rougequeue noir
28:48 - Crested lark | Galerida cristata | Haubenlerche | Cochevis huppé
29:44 - Woodlark | Lullula arborea | Heidelerche | Alouette lulu
31:59 - Corn bunting | Emberiza calandra | Grauammer | Bruant proyer
32:39 - European goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | Stieglitz | Chardonneret élégant
33:20 - Common cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | Kuckuck | Coucou gris
34:43 - Common house martin | Delichon urbicum | Mehlschwalbe | Hirondelle de fenêtre
35:27 - Sand martin | Riparia riparia | Uferschwalbe | Hirondelle de rivage
36:09 - Green woodpecker | Picus viridis | Grünspecht | Pic vert
36:30 - Great spotted woodpecker | Dendrocopos major | Buntspecht | Pic épeiche
37:15 - Middle spotted woodpecker | Leiopicus medius | Mittelspecht | Pic mar
39:13 - Common kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | Eisvogel | Martin-pêcheur d'Europe
40:44 - European bee-eater | Merops apiaster | Bienenfresser | Guêpier d'Europe
41:34 - Eurasian hoopoe | Upupa epops | Wiedehopf | Huppe fasciée
43:19 - Eurasian sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus | Sperber | Épervier d'Europe
43:43 - Short-eared owl | Asio flammeus | Sumpfohreule | Hibou des marais
44:05 - Eurasian pygmy owl | Glaucidium passerinum | Sperlingskauz | Chevêchette d'Europe
45:31 - Grey partridge | Perdix perdix | Rebhuhn | Perdrix grise
45:47 - Common pheasant | Phasianus colchicus | Fasan | Faisan de Colchide
46:41 - White stork | Ciconia ciconia | Weißstorch | Cigogne blanche
47:32 - Little egret | Egretta garzetta | Seidenreiher | Aigrette garzette
47:42 - Black-winged stilt | Himantopus himantopus | Stelzenläufer | Échasse blanche
48:57 - Yellow-legged gull | Larus michahellis | Mittelmeermöwe | Goéland leucophée
49:15 - Black-headed gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | Lachmöwe | Mouette rieuse


Panasonic GH4
Panasonic GH5
Panasonic GH5S
Z Cam E2
Sigma 150-600 C
Sigma 18-35
Sigma 105
Rode Videomic Pro


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Nature and wildlife documentary from the Czech Republic, Central Europe. Bird voice, bird sound, bird song, birds singing, bird call, birds calling, birds chirping, birds tweeting.

#europeanwildlife #birdsong #singingbirds
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20:01 what a skill to catch a meal even with singing😂


Díky všem za milé reakce! Thank you all for the nice comments!


Famózní záběry úžasné přírody! Děkuji ❤


Thank you so much! I was waiting for someone to make something like this :)


I was playing this for my 10-year-old parakeet, Rudy, and my one cat leaped to her feet as soon as she heard the ducks. I'm glad somebody's impressed. Rudy? Not so much. Lol.
Beautiful birds! Thanks for sharing!


The sounds of the Cuckoo and Hoopoe speak for themselves. You have some great bird footage in the video, most particularly the kingfisher footage... which is priceless. Bird song is truly magical, and being repetitive in the case of the cuckoo, wood pigeon, and chiffchaff doesn't make it any less wonderful. I live in a city where car engine noise is king, so it's great to hear clear footage of all these birds.


Jako vždy perfektní! Velký díky za přehled hlasů a nádherný detailní záběry z letní přírody v tomhle čase .=)


Nááádhera! A já přeposílám dál, ať vás zkoukne co nejvíc ptačích nadšenců!!! Děkuji za "způsobenou" radost :-) :-)


Fantastic upload! Relaxation is very important in our life.


Absolutely beautiful video. Me and my mom had a great time identifying the birdies 😍😍😍

Thank you very much for your hard and amazing work

Greetings from Hungary :3


SO SO beautiful. I was in awe at seeing so many different gorgeous birds some I recognized fro living in Europe . I loved the nests as well .Birds are so ingenious. as is all of Nature .Thank you for such an ecstatic experience with Nature


그저 바라보는 것만으로도 위로와 행복을 주는 그대들과 소통할 길이 없어 혼자 가슴앓이 중. 자연과 하나되어 살아가는 자네들이 부럽고. 이쁘고.사랑스러워.❤❤❤


Such the Wonderful….Amazing World takes me away from reality! Thank you! Love it 😍 🥰♥️♥️♥️…!


Beautiful bird ilike you Vidio.. thanks 👍👍♥️


Very pleasant way to practice recognising birds by their sounds, thanks for making this:)


Už se těším na jarní ptačí koncerty. Díky za nahrávky. Bylo za tím jistě hodně krásné práce💪👷💪 v terénu.


... or a cup of chamomile... :-) So sweet!


Úžasné, ďakujem! Super kvalita, presne niečo takéto som potrebovala :)


Bird song is a gift from God. To me, at least. Thank you for a wonderful film. Beautiful. Truly, . I am speechless at your work.


Amazing LOVE this ! So many lovely birds with charming songs. Wonderfull video🤩
