Word GX 1.5 Watt Burning Blue Laser: Awesome!! or NOT???

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Purchased on Amazon for about $180, this is the most powerful laser offered on Amazon. I know several come straight from China and are more high powered, however the one I ordered directly from China has been held up for months. So I ordered this to do a review then compare the one I ordered from Amazon, and the one I order direct from China. This puts out 1.5 watts and is able to burst and burn dark objects.

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Hey Smarty you gotta wear some protection for your eyes it doesn't matter if those red glasses cost $1, that laser can make you go blind if you point it at your eyes.


Love the enthusiasm my friend... Ordered mine today and will be receiving it tomorrow 🎉😆🤨🏹🎯🅱️🅰️🆖ℹ️🆖*️⃣👀


Anything over 2 watts I wouldn’t even use indoors unless you have something to shine it on as a barrier that it can’t go through like a big rock or tile or something and of course with glasses on due to the brightness there will be and because of risk of starting a accidentally fire. Under two watts you can be okay as long as your careful and not holding it at the wall at one spot for any given amount of time and also if you have a barrier which don’t hurt. Under 2 watts you can technically be okay without glasses if your super careful and only shine it on dark things that are mostly black that absorb most of the light but it’s very risky, light colored objects will still be super bright and could cause long term damage overtime, and if you hit something reflective it’s over for your eyes. And ofcourse don’t even shine it and anything living or aircraft’s or other peoples houses as it could hurt someone and get you a felony. Just looking out for y’all.


its really trippy around 6:03 seeing the scattered light making the scene look darker


I bought one off aliexpress, can’t wait to shine it at ufos 😝❤️


Yikes! Should be showing the kid how to protect the eyes, set that example big guy. I did a summer of playing with lasers a couple years back. While at work about a year later, I noticed something different with my vision, by the next day 75% of vision was gone in that eye. Two different eye Dr's said the same thing, serous chroidopathy, I was like, WTFudge is that ?, I never had eye trouble or even glasses, supposedly unrelated to laser damage, but that's awfully coincidental. Anyhow, im no doctor but however it happened eye trouble is scary this made me appreciate and be grateful for my vision. Stay safe, your energy is great, best wishes.


Two things you need to correct in your video.

The focuser for the laser is on the end of it at the aperture.

When using this on certain colored balloons or other objects, it will not burst the balloons or burn. Particularly on white, blue, and shades of blue. These colors reflect the light, instead of absorbing it. So there's no reason for you being disappointed because it didn't work on the white balloons and the Styrofoam cup.

Try this experiment. Take a weight sheet of paper and try to burn it. Then take a black magic Marker and streak the paper. Then shine your light on that black. You will notice a big difference.


I'd prefer the star pointing in the night sky over the burning stuff


purple and blue are close on the color wheel anything thats on the oppisite side will burn nice and easy


Do more laser reviews please? Also some cheap lasers from China! From Aliexpress and ebay.


mayb I could use this to light my bong?


Good review, guy, but consider using eye protection. Even looking at that super bright dot in a dim room is enough to damage your eyesight. I always use eye pro with mine.


"Because all the fun stuff we could've done on camera we already did" 😂


Nice video, do you think it is better to buy this laser for 60 dollars?


you can focus the laser on the end of it you can focus it and it will bur a lot better a lot!


And yes it did come from China...thru amazon


Hi nice video, I have a doubt. How the laser light beam joins in a single point so that it fires objects even at a greater distance, in the sense that when you point the beam in the sky you do not see the beam enlarged but concentrated. Thanks for your help.


Just focus the laser to a converging point when aiming at lighter colors to get full effect. When the beam is set for distance youre not getting all the power in one single point its spread out so focus to converging point and put what you want to burn in the focal point to get the full effect


Mine says class 4 laser, that looks exactly the same, but mine is 2 watts, and didn't come with the glasses, and the case, direct from China.


i got the same laser on eBay for 40 dollars with everything included
