Minimum Spanning Trees with Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms

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A complete graph with three or more nodes is full of cycles allowing multiple paths or walks between nodes or vertices. When a weight is added to each edge of a walk, we can determine the optimal walk. This has applications ranging from networking to travel planning.

After defining spanning trees, weighted graphs, and minimum spanning trees, we present the Prim and Kruskal algorithms, two tools we can use to determine the minimum spanning tree from a connected graph.

00:00 | Intro
00:16 | Tree review
01:27 | Spanning tree description
02:40 | Spanning trees from complete graphs
04:56 | Ethernet "Time to Live" element
06:04 | Weighted graph description
09:15 | What could the weights represent?
10:13 | Minimum spanning tree description
11:53 | Presenting a complete graph example - airline connections
13:28 | Prim's algorithm description
15:24 | Prim's algorithm example
18:06 | Kruskal's algorithm description
19:44 | Kruskal's algorithm example

#tree #prim #kruskal
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wow, cant believe how helpful this was. thank you!


Great video!I think the TTL field should be in the IP header, so L3 routers can drop those packets, but Ethernet is susceptible to broadcast loops so L2 switches use other mechanisms like the spanningntree protocol to ensure the connectivity is dropped. BTW how does this compare to Djikstra's algorithm?


6:47 - "I actually don't have any loops." Wanna'
