Human Origins and Christianity: A Dialogue between RTB and the Center for Creation Studies

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Is there scientific and biblical evidence for a historical Adam and Eve? What are the Young Earth Creationists (YEC) and Old Earth Creationists (OEC) perspective on the historical Adam and Eve?

Enjoy this live recorded debate between Dr. Fazale "Fuz" Rana, President of Reasons to Believe, and Dr. Marcus Ross from the Center for Creation Studies at Liberty University. Moderated by Ken Samples from RTB, this discussion focused on how the two camps can find common ground while addressing their differences.

Learn more about Dr. Marcus Ross here:

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In the midst of the real differences between the YEC and OEC positions, how can the two camps work together?
Where is there common ground between the YEC and OEC positions?
What is the YEC and OEC perspectives on the historical Adam and Eve?
What is the biblical case for a historical Adam and Eve? The scientific case?
What do you see as challenges to human evolution, if any?
Who were the hominins in a YEC framework? An OEC framework?
Who were Neanderthals?


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It is so nice to see an actual discussion about these topics, and not a debate.


These scholars treat this subject carefully and respectfully. I loved Marcus’ comment, “Young earth creationists and old earth creationists here, we are the cousins at the family gathering. We see each other a lot. And that’s one of the reasons why sometimes we’ve argued so hard with one another. It is because we’re in the same family. … Fuz and I would be probably perfectly comfortable being in the same denomination, in the same chapel, taking communion together.”


Looking forward to watching this! Drs. Fuz Rana and Marcus Ross are always very professional in their exchanges.


What a great dialog! I so appreciated the respectful tone and actual discussion between the two parties. This is a model of how to have these conversations in a Christlike way


This is a great format with great guests. Keep them coming!


This was probably the most civil debate on the topic I've seen, which is wonderful. However, if I were a YEC, after watching this I still would be. I feel like Marcus provided more examples of evidence to support his claims (even though they've been refuted by RTB in other videos). To be fair, Fuz often wasn't afforded the opportunity to counter his claims, or at least not enough time to do it well.


The Genesis texts leave a lot of gray area, out of which interpreters across the centuries have elucidated narratives which they claim are the only way to read those texts.
In the end, the Lord has given us what is sufficient for us. Have faith in Him, and don't sweat the details. He knows what he did, and we don't know everything.


Interesting indeed. I think both speaker had points which help us who is not so educated as them. Thanks.


I still don't understand why a lion taking down a zebra is too barbaric to be part of God's good creation, but 1 million animals being killed every day just for American consumption, often after living short, torturous lives, is part of living a Godly lifestyle, one that God gives permission for, and blesses.


15:00 The differences between young earth and old earth seem pretty significant to me. Both sides look at the same evidence, and come to VERY different conclusions. Now, the Trinity? That's just how you read the Bible, right?

What I'm getting at, is, in 2024, these doctrines and theological arguments don't mean a whole lot to most people today, particularly in the USA. In saying that, I wish you guys all the best.


Have we found any fossils of cats, canines or other carnivores or omnivores that have anatomies consistent with an herbivorous diet? Most people don't realize that the differences between herbivores and the rest are significant and frankly insurmountable.


I still don't understand why young earth creationists aren't at least vegetarians, since they believe killing animals is part of the fall due to sin.


What is important is that Jesus Christ lives in our hearts. Some believe in taking 100% of the bible literal. Other believe Science is also a revelation from God and a few things in the Bible are not to be taken as literally as people always have. For example the days of creation. Is it 7 24 hour days or was it meant to be 7 very long periods of time. If so them the Bible matches up perfectly with science. So science-minded people can also believe in our great creator


I don't see what animal death has to do with the discussion at all. Why would the fact of death somehow impugn God's character? It is obvious that in a physical world, the cycle of birth, life and death is essential to maintaining a healthy biome... (If there were no death there could not be birth, as the weight of numbers of creatures would soon swamp the biome if there were). Perhaps the Garden of Eden was some kind of special creation embedded in the natural world but not operating by the same rules, but rather the rules of the new earth, where scripture says there will be no death, and only when Adam and Eve were forced to leave the Garden were they confronted with the reality of physical death? Interesting thought...🤔


Wait, how can something that is cursed still be good?


I tend to agree more with the old earth creationists... but I disagree with animal predation before the fall. in the prophets when God's kingdom comes lions will not eat lambs and wolves will not eat sheep.... children will be able to play with poisonous snakes. there will be no harm on God's holy mountain. Before man's sin - it would appear that is how things were.. i'm not saying there was no death - but I don't think there was animal predation. likewise there was no need for animal sacrifice before sin.
