You are psychic now. Suzanne Giesemann explains how.

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Enjoy Suzanne Giesemann's presentation at the recent Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit hosted by The Shift Network. You'll learn why all have the ability to connect psychically along with one of Suzanne's most powerful tools for doing so. Suzanne also speaks about the reliability of psychic readings and how to discern what is truth for you.

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I'm male, most of this field is female. We all have heard of "female intuition". But I am an intuitive. This is my female energy. And I really appreciate Suzanne lately. She was high ranking in the Navy so I feel her masculine energy, pragmatism, and ability to command. A couple years ago I lost my sister. I don't feel that close to her. She was on her path and died of alcoholism. She has to go down the path she chose. But her passing led me to another spiritual awakening. I had become cynical and fearful of the future. By future, I mean 50-100 years or more from now, the future of the human race. But awakening has been like a huge weight lifted off my soul. I am happy once again and eager to share my love with you all.


To whomever reads this, I wish you all the best life has to offer. May all your dreams come true


Watched this again 4 months later. Still growing here and getting closer. I have been in survival mode most of my life. Shifting easier now. Trusting easier now. Thank you all.


I’ve so appreciated this past year of teachings, channeling, and exuberant love for all. I’ve had countless experiences with the sign game you encourage us to play. There are two that really blew me joyously away. In October I was with my mom, asked her for a sign and she sent me a hummingbird. We do not have hummingbirds in Albuquerque in October. Then in December I called upon Jesus to visit. My intention was to truly experience his energy. I had never felt anything so expansive, so loving, so gentle, so caring in all my life. Before we were finished I asked him for a sign that it really was him. He heartedly laughed out loud. I could hear the laughter and feel the immense joy he was feeling. About a half hour later I went to sit on the porch for lunch out back and my yard was COVERED in feathers. It was an astounding event. Four months later and that sensation of belly laughter joy is still with me. I’m so grateful for the Bless Me Method. A lovely, easy method of getting beyond the human experience. Thank you♥️🌹♥️


Beautiful interview, thank you both. It doesn't matter how many times I listen to Suzanne, I always, always learn something new. She is a blessing xx


I absolutely love the Awakened Way App, I journal most days with the messages, thank you So so Much, I would love to join you on your cruise ❤


I’ve had experiences. Once I heard my name spoken in my ear. Another time I was lying down and felt something sit on the bed near me and then I felt my hand being stroked by another hand. I’ll never forget it


Just hours ago, I nearly confused spirit's thoughts for my own. I asked myself, should I have tea or coffee, followed by the thought, 'a cup of Rosie-Lee', which is rhyming slang for tea. Then I realized, I don't use rhyming slang. This was followed by the briefest sense of the presence of a man, who I almost saw.


Beautiful conversation...Thank you.❤..the end part particularly resonated with me about just letting our life be guided by had my house on the market for three years now and everyone around me is asking the typical questions...Where are you moving to? why hasn't it sold yet? Why aren't you frustrated or looking yet?...Surrendering to Spirit and being guided by such love is all l need to know🙏Living The Awakened Way is the Guide Book to Life ...just follow 💓all is revealed in perfect Universal Timing🤩x


Lol! When Suzanne spoke of her father’s doctor, in my mind I heard and said aloud, “Ghana, ” just as she said it. 😊


I’ve always thought that boundaries are healthy, but being psychic is like having no etheric boundaries which part of me has a resistance to not wanting to have boundaries with everything. But I realize that in the spirit realm we’re all connected and don’t have or need the same boundaries as our human selves. But it still gets in my way that it’s not safe to not have boundaries.


I vividly remember a fact that happened when I was about 10 years old. While in a summer vacation at my grandparents place, we attended a funeral of some neighbor. Everybody was sad of course, and I was impressed - it was my first time experiencing somebody's death. What's interesting is that coming back home, I said to my grandparents: you know what? Myself I will never die. They looked at me with love, and smiled. It is true, I said, and I shacked my head, showing them how I will do it. I will come back to life! I didn't know if it was about life on Earth or not, but I knew I will never die. Is this not something? :)


LOVE the energy of Suzanne and Joy together💫🙏


Such a great discussion. To continue to grow as a soul, and focus on inner peace. The human side is the story while the soul has the broader perspective. As a programmer for 25 years, whenever I need a new creative solution, I go within and the solution comes in from above; and it is always the best solution.


A great interview! Two beautiful and advanced souls doing their own 'dance'. Thank you, Joy, thank you Suzanne for giving us hope.


Suzanne once again addressed an issue that had come up for me. I follow her advise ‘a sip of the divine’ and write intuitively afterwards regularly.


Such a clear and revealing and truthful unfolding of teaching for us all. Thank you for your service work dear Suzanne!! XOOOX Julie - GOld Coast


Hi Suzanne. I am in the process of buying a home with my sister and have been quite anxious recently. The other week, I listened to you and did the SIP as I lay in bed in the morning. I asked what is it that ai need to know? Shortly after whilst still lying there, I messaged my sister and said, I feel we should put an offer in on a particular house if the viewing of another house isnt for us. I pressed send, satisfied at least that there was some clarity.
I got out of bed straight away, walked around the other side of the bed to plump a pillow up when I heard a shuffle then bang on the floor right in front of me, a sealed bar of soap I had placed in the centre of a dressing table on a book had ended up right in front of me.
It startled me and I knew it had been pushed off the table and not by me. I said out load, ‘Oh right! Ok, Im doing the right thing today then! Thank you guides or angels’
It was just amazing 🌈


In other words do not give your power and intuition away. Listen to that voice. Thankyou. I read tarot and i know when i am reading from my guides or just reading the cards🙏🇨🇦🌷


Great Interview Joy and Suzanne! Thank you for sharing your message with us Suzanne, your insight and wisdom is great but practical! We are all so very Loved
