How Do You Know If You're Psychic or Have Psychic Abilities

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How Do You Know If You're Psychic or Have Psychic Abilities. Today, I wanted to go over if psychic abilities and psychic powers.

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Thank you for your wonderful advise, your so truthful and very positive. Yes all of it is true of all of it!! I'm very sensitive to other peoples energy's​. Well a shaman told me that I was very gifted, that I'm a old soul, my gifts are clairvoyance, empathic, telepathic, astral projection ect. The other ones I don't know yet how to control them. Things just happen around me, it's very hard to be the only phychic in my family. My whole family all of them are so negative!! all of them have a really "low vabration" and the youngest, of my brothers attack me all the time. He hates me for no reason I can feel he's negative hatefully energy. since I am clairvoyant I told him something very personal about him. That he has never told no one' I told him your girlfriend, cheated on you with someone that you know!! he had a pale look in he's face and stayed quiet, and just took a deep breath and look down. I had to tell him that!! so he could back off he talks so much bad things about me! he calls me crazy and he even told me what is so special about you? with so much hatred. so many things had happened to me I can see dead people but not all the time or see little people, but they have really black black skin, that scared the bees wax out of me. I have seen orbs around me golden orbs, violet orbs, or a big blue orb hoovering by the side of my bed. This gifts have alot of good things, but it has a bad side to it too. The light that I produce atracts dark things like demon's that want to drain my energy. I can hear them OMG they sound so awful. I see them true visions I just close my eyes and I see them. I had one time sleep paralysis I was trying to wake up, and I couldn't I was fighting to wake up, and far away I could hear something scratching my door. I finally woke up I sat in my bed I opened​ my eyes and could not see anything, all I saw was darkness and I always sleep with my light on. They hate the light!! well I was awake and I can still hear the scratching sound on my door I was trying to see!! but I continued​ fighting​ until my eye sight started to clear up, but I would see white spots and black bubbles until my eye sight came back I look around and was scared my senses were in high alert I knew I was being attack by a demon well they are so many things that I could go on and on but I'm strong and I believe in God in all my Angels protecting I have seen them.


I am an empath, and a psychic medium reader. I read past loved ones off photos. I can also know when someone is going to pass away a day or days before they pass. Both my children saw and played with spirit when they were small children. Love White Sage. I use it all the time. I’m not a people person, but when I see a new person I know pretty much all about that person… good or bad vibes from them. Some people give me an anxiety feeling.. just a bad feeling from them and others I get a good positive feeling. I Sage and then open all windows to let all bad out. I do see spirit and I do see orbs. My dreams are almost always with my past family members visiting me, especially my mom.. x


Thank you Susan! I find myself relating to much of this. I believe that my intuition is a bittersweet by-product of the abuse and dysfunction I have had throughout my life. I can read a room of people, I've had prophetic dreams, and I can identify when someone is deceiving me... I briefly worked at a retail store. A customer approached me 1 day and told me she could tell that I'm a good person cuz she could see my aura... it gave me goosebumps. I believe I may have a gift, however, I don't think that I'm in sync with it. Seems like I don't see it in the moment, but rather in hindsight. Things got especially intense a few weeks prior to my estranged mother's death this past April...


Thanks Susan. I just discovered you and love your commonsense approach! I know I have psychic abilities...I just need to listen to that inner voice and stop being so stubborn thinking I 'know' what's best. Looking forward to learning more. K xxxx


Susan, I love this video..
So so helpful 💕
Dearborn, Michigan


I love your honesty and objective approach. Kudos from a triple Earth sign!


I've been getting a ton of signs from my mother-in-law today who passed away tragically. I asked her 2 times to give me confirmation that she is here with me and got 2 answers almost immediately using the same symbol. She is speaking through your channel now. It's insane. I think something and the next words from your video are exactly what I was wondering about. Feeling overwhelmed with emotions.


StayWell & StayBlessed ... ThankYou for your intuition and guidance. A WELLWISHER


I am so grateful for your videos, time and energy. 🥰🙏🏻💗


Thank you Susan. You have really helped me understand what’s going on with how sensitive I am. That was so helpful. Sending you love beautiful Lady xx


I just discovered you, coincidentally a few hours before my birthday. Thank you for your videos!


This makes so much sense now. I often have dreams that come true and feel someone’s depression/anxiety when I am around them and often take what they feel onto myself. I’m not sure what level I am on, but I know I’m intuitive and most likely an empath.


I have always had problems in crowds. Very tuned into the people around me.


Thank you Susan, I’m one of those extra sensitive people ❤️


I get anxiety most of the time. Yes, i dont like being in big crowds. I had a dream of my grandma searching for her in her house and then in my dream a lost spirit girl came through in my dream and i woke up and still hearing the girl saying "hello" like she is lost and that was soo scary for me and i just hold my ears and told myself its not real due to i was frightened anx after that she went away and it took a while for me to go back to sleep. I feel like iam psychic but iam not sure because i just dont get spirits coming to me due to my own life and worrying, anxiety and scared of life of loosing. Iam glade to watch your videos becuase so i know iam not crazy and just making things up. I cry on the inside watching this video. I thank you.


That really answered alot of questions and made so much sense. I just realized an an empath but I don't know what my purpose


All the best to you to my friend, love you as well. and thank you, I myself suffer from all of those problems and I KNEW that I wasn't just crazy.


I have the gift . When negative people come around me my anxiety level increases! To the point where I have to ask then to leave! It's not good. I know when some one or a. Bad spirit was in my house. I feel it. I been like this since I was a child . My dreams are powerful they warn me of everything. My sister also has the same gift, she suffers severe anxiety levels and tells me the spirits are always reaching out to her. We both have dreams where Indians come to us to warn us of certain things concerning our health, family, and surroundings. I hate to say I'm psychic, but it's scares me to know things before they happen. When certain people stand besides me y dates and name pop up and I hate to interfere a stranger that their dead love ones reaching out to them, I white smudge my house yesterday . I think it's a good idea to do it every day. My sister and I don't have many real friends because we can read them well. Most of the time we are 100% on it. We both have the same warning dreams since birth. I learn to control my anxiety through prayer, but my sister is crippled from it and she is not able to control her anxiety level. What can I do to help her?


Thanks for this video, it's very informative.


I haven't found any sage yet but I'm trying to find some. I just came across this your video poped up and I started watching and I saw my mother I felt her.
