Indiana Expungement and Firearm Rights

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Anyone who has had to carry the weight of a criminal offense will tell you: it can make your everyday life much more complicated. Simple things like finding a job, applying for a loan, or finding suitable housing, suddenly become a challenge. Furthermore, you’ll face some restrictions to your civil rights – such as the ability to vote, serve on a jury, or own/possess a firearm. Thankfully, the laws regarding Indiana expungement and firearms do allow most people to restore their gun rights.

If you have been restricted from owning and carrying a firearm due to a criminal record, an expungement lawyer at Keffer Hirschauer LLP is available to help you restore your rights. We employ an entire team of lawyers who expunge records and help clients move forward with their lives. Our team understands Indiana expungement law inside and out. We can help you understand how much of your criminal record is eligible for expungement and file your petition for you, ensuring all the strict requirements are met.

Remember, you only get one shot at expungement. There’s no need to blow it by submitting a do-it-yourself expungement petition, only to find out that you’ve made a small, technical mistake. To give yourself the best chance at restoring your gun rights, call the Indiana expungement and firearms lawyers at Keffer Hirschauer LLP at 317-526-4935 or complete our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
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