Could Cornwall Leave the UK & Get Independence? - TLDR UK

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With Scotland and Northern Ireland more seriously discussing leaving the UK, we thought we'd turn to another more 'separatist-friendly' part of the union... Cornwall. In this video we'll discuss why some want out and if that's actually possible.

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As a Cornishman, i love you for covering this. I personally don't think we need independence but we should have more autonomy.


One of the biggest problems I can see as a resident in Cornwall is rising house prices. While this is a issue across the Uk here it is amplified.
Due to being a holiday destination many rich people buys houses in Cornwall as a second home. This has meant many places are empty for all but a few months of the year.
The landscape makes building new houses difficult due to the many deep valleys and now the ban on new builds near the coast.

Added to this is the lack of good jobs, most are low paying factory jobs such as Tamar Foods, agriculture which is normally within a family, tourism which is only profitable for a small part of the year, and then your every day jobs like postman, shop keepers etc.

The jobs simply don’t pay enough to allow a local to live in Cornwall.
I know for a fact I won’t be able to live here and will have to find a home outside the county.

Education is a big problem as well, I knew a couple kids at school who couldn’t point to the Uk on a map and thought Plymouth was the capital.

Country runners are a big issue bringing drugs into the county. Often these are kids from the poorest family’s who have no where else to turn, but drug running for money.

In the poor communities young pregnancy is common due to lack of education and money/knowledge on contraption.

This means many young girls leave school early to raise there kids, obviously due to a lack of education they can’t get a job and live with their parents in a council home.

I personally know three girls who left before year 11 never taking their exams (end of senior school/high school)

Schools themselves are barely good places of education, the one I went to have multiple cases of violence against other students and teacher, drugs, heavy amount of bullying leading to more kids dropping out, even teachers who had sex with students or were most likely pedos.


If Cornwall are independent before Scotland I’ll lose my will to live


You could say the Cornish voting in favour of Brexit was just Scilly.


As a Breton myself, I can't help but being sad about the state of the celtic nations... Our languages are disappearing, the population is quite small, the fact that our cities are just normal cities among dozens in our respective countries, and not important capital cities, makes us vulnerable.
I have an impossible wish. That the celtic league becomes an independant federation, made of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the isle of Man, Corwall and Brittony, with a very high degree of independance for each.
Then we could protect our languages much more, make the laws that WE need, and do what is necessary for us to have an important economic developpment. Wa have a strong tourism in all of the 6 celtic nations, strong fishing industry, we couldn't get into poverty. It would be a huge challenge of course, but the french and english would stop making fun of us and think we are just their holiday trip and not strong and historic nations.
It can sound silly I know, and I understand because it will never happen, but I would love it.
It wouldn't be that small of a nation actually : It would be 200 000 km² and have 17 800 000 inhabitants. And a HUGE sea exclusive economic zone.
My dream country.


As a Cornish person, this video makes me so happy. Many of us (the Cornish) feel abandoned by Westminster, as I imagine many other parts of the UK do. Second home owner ship is a major issue - some villages in the winter are basically deserted. Locals, many who are on low wages in agriculture and tourism are being priced out of the county.
Council budgets are being slashed leading to failing services. Walk through Truro and the amount of homeless people is eyeopening. One of the floors in Truro's Moorfield car park is a just a row of tents.
Devolution of Cornwall would benefit the nation greatly.


The word 'Corn' in both Brittonic and Goidelic languages translates as 'Horn'. Cornwall means the 'Horn of Wales'.


not surprised boris didn't deliver on his promise to replace the funds he's the country's most untrustworthy person


I’m surprised that there wasn’t a single mention of the prayer book rebellion within this video regarding the Cornish language, as this is one of the biggest reasons for the downfall of of the language.

In crude simplicity a long time ago the English wouldn’t allow the common book of prayer to be in Cornish, so the Cornish created a physical rebellion that the English defeated and thus putting one of the first and arguably largest nails in the coffin of the language’s prevalence.


As somebody who lives on the Devon/Cornwall border, this was a really interesting video, and up to the usual excellent TLDR standard. But, I have to ask, what on gods earth is the river T'mar?!


now we need a video can England leave the UK & get Independence


Cornwall is actually a third world economy. It did quite well out of grants from the EU, but then the majority or Cornish curiously voted to leave the very organisation that gave it even a sliver of prosperity. Love from Devon ;-)


Cornwall has indeed their own traditions and separate (even if obviously British-related) culture. It's really a beautiful place but kept economically depressed and mostly used as a holiday hub by the rest of can kind of find the same situation in places like Italy, Spain and so on. If treated fairly, there wouldn't be any talk about independence and they could feel proudly part of a bigger country and contribute to it.


No one would need independence if we had a better voting system which would fairly represent the country.


A large issue in Cornwall that often goes overlooked is the amount of people buying second/holiday homes over there who live in other parts of the country. New estates in Cornwall are all built for this new demographic over providing affordable houses to the locals which is dearly needed in the wake of massive housing prices brought on by aforementioned second homes. Many people on the east of Cornwall often have jobs found in places like Plymouth as there really just isn't enough jobs to go around locally.


I’ve lived on the border of Cornwall and Devon my whole life. (Btw the river is pronounced Tay-mar.) Cornwall is a beautiful place with a wonderful people, but it simply would not be able to stand up as an independent nation, I definitely support devolution for it!

Cornwall’s infrastructure is woefully inadequate in every area, as it is for most coastal communities in the UK, and rich people have caused a potent housing crisis by buying vast amounts of property as vacation homes they only use for a fraction of the year. If they could use devolution as a path to take that land back it would get a lot of support!


Cornwall: *gets 100+M funding from the EU*
Mainstream Media: "You won't get that much money if Brexit happens!"
Cornwall: "Project Fear! Remoaners! Fuck yeah 56% Leave!"

Cornwall: *does not get enough to cover the lost 100+M funding from the EU*
Also Cornwall: "Woe is us! Who could have ever predicted this!"

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Just another reason UK should become a federation. From an outsider's point of view, all of its problems seem to stem from everything revolving around London. That and persistent classism, but one problem at a time, I guess.


Hi there! I really appreciate the case study being done by TLDR in this way. That's because, this analysis highlights all the administrative shortcomings, opportunities for growth and what to do to bring about social, economical and technological growth in this part of the country.


As a Cornish person who has watch TL;DR for years this was both amazing to see and feel seen. However your pronunciation was ropey but I won’t hold it against you!
Thanks for another great video
