It´s okay to cry - Calm and sad Nintendo music to cry

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For some people crying is seen as something bad o ridiculous, when in reality, it´s a great way to relieve from the stressful and sad moments we go throughout our lives. There are many ways to face tear jerking moments, but in my personal experience, video game music has always managed to make me cry, especially calm and sad tunes. Maybe some of the songs I added on this compilation aren´t sad on the game itself, but for me, they are a synonymous of “just let yourself feel… it´s ok to cry”.
I just wanted to share what has worked for me all these years that I have faced anxious o sad moments, and demonstrate that video game music HAS the power to make people feel stuff, even if some just can´t quite understand that… I hope this video can help you feel too, and of course… help on your crying sessions.
Also, there is something about piano and lullabies that hit so hard… childlike feelings perhaps?

Update 29-06-2021: Because of Sony striking different videos that contain Earthbound music, my video became unavailable to see. For that reason, in orden to not make this wonderful playlist dissappear, I made the decision of cutting the song "Eight Melodies" from Earthbound, which is a shame since it´s one of my personal favorite songs from the video. Im sorry to everyone who enjoyed that song, I hope you can enjoy the rest of the compilation

Track List:
00:00 To the Gateway - Super Mario Galaxy
03:32 Lon Lon Ranch - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
07:33 Undella Town (Spring/Autumn/Winter) - Pokémon Black & White
10:59 Aquatic Ambience - Donkey Kong Country
14:22 Mother? - Mother 3
16:54 Pokémon League (Day) - Pokémon Diamond & Pearl
19:25 The Forest of Hope – Pikmin
22:19 11 PM - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
24:34 Kirby´s Pad - Kirby´s Epic Yarn
27:56 Library - Super Mario Galaxy
29:35 Despair – Octopath Traveler
32:56 Far Off Promise – Chrono Trigger
35:26 World 3 - Super Mario Galaxy 2
38:10 In a Snow-Bound Land – Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
41:13 Main Theme - Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
44:50 Deeper into Ness Subconscious – Earthbound (Mother 2)
47:01 Piranha Plant´s Lullaby – Super Mario 64
49:16 Mabe Village - The Legend of Zelda: Link´s Awakening (2019)
54:19 An Unwavering Heart – Pokémon X & Y
56:55 Intro Story - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
58:50 Little Girl´s Theme – Kid Icarus Uprising
01:01:08 Love Theme – Mother 3
01:03:52 Tostarena: Night - Super Mario Odyssey
01:07:07 Zelda´s Lullaby - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
01:10:32 The Roost - Animal Crossing: City Folk
01:12:49 Where We Used To Be - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
01:15:54 Family - Super Mario Galaxy
01:18:46 Last Day - The Legend of Zelda: Majora´s Mask
01:22:13 The End - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
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Just a reminder: you did your best today. Being sad and crying doesn’t mean you’re weak. Make sure to get some rest, and I hope tomorrow is a better day.


I'm struggling hard with the loss of my husband right now. I've been told its good to induce tears, this playlist is definately hitting that spot..


my favorite thing to do on videos like this one is to go to the comment section. i read about so much heartbreak, pain, but then i see the replies to those comments. these replies are full of encouragement, directed at a complete stranger on the internet. you aren't alone. there are others who have suffered, though perhaps not in the exact same way that you're hurting, that are here to lift you up and help you. it's kind of poetic how effective pain is in bringing us together.


My body won't let me cry but im enjoying the music


to everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus.

to everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.

to everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. when you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time.

to everyone who is drawing, you got this. you're art is amazing. keep your head up (or down, depends on where your paper is) and remember that you matter.

i love you all

Update: Wow thanks for 44 likes. Have a good days.
Update 2: Thanks you all for 2.5k likes, I have never dreamt to have this much like. Have a good day and stay save. Hope you and your family will healthy and safe in the Pandemic.


Don't forget: It's perfectly fine to break down and cry sometimes. Life is hard, and bottling it all up inside will make things worse.


everytime i hear a song from mario galaxy i instantly think of my brother.

we used to play super mario galaxy everyday when i was small but one day, he stopped playing with me and instead he began to play other games with his friends from school.

i could never figure out how to complete this one world, then years later, i completed it. not only the world, but the whole game. and i couldn’t help but cry when it ended, it felt like i had finally completed something missing.


My mom has been having severe halucintations and goes onto these really scary states of psychosis. It makes me so sad and afraid to see the person who raised me act like this, but she doesnt believe theres anything wrong with her and my hands are tied. I listen to this in my room and just kinda lay in my bed and cry. These songs are nostalgic and remind me of when things where much better. I just hope she improves soon and agrees to seek help.


My pet quail passed away today, following an attack from a cat that broke in a few days ago. He survived the first attack, but his other three friends didn't. He was sad and lonely the next few days, and we wanted to get him a new mate soon, but he joined his friends in quail heaven before that could happen. It's okay to cry to sad Nintendo music.


Man the SMG music hits hard. My grandma passed away back in December of 2020 and she was such a big figure in my life. I remember back in 2011 she would watch me play random games on the wii (Mario Kart Wii, SMG, Just Dance, Wii sports, the list goes on). She'd watch with a smile on her face and would say how proud she was of me every time I won a race or passed a level. I miss those days, I wish I could go back to them but I just can't. No matter how much I want to.


It's been so long since I've cried, outside of having a panic attack, that I couldn't remember what it was like. Everyone tells men to be manly, and pretend they don't have feelings. You're taught to numb yourself to pain. I've been numbing myself for so long, I'm having trouble learning to actually feel again. This was really cathartic. Thank you.


Putting the images from Rosalina's Story was NOT okay fantastic job this is a beautiful playlist


My pet cat died two days ago.
It's just so surreal how sudden it was..
I'm going to miss my friend, one day I'll join her on the other side, but that time is not now. There's a lot I need to get done before that could happen.


Not sure if anyone will see this but on the offchance that somebody does, hi! I’m going to tell you a story about video games, and my childhood. When I was young, we never really had many video games but we did have a Nintendo 64. We only had a few games for it, like Tonic Trouble and Carmageddon and Ocarina of Time. I was too young to understand many of them but I loved playing them all the same, even if I couldn’t hold the controller very well. Then, around 2008, my parents split and my dad moved into his own place. He didn’t have much furniture but he had a TV, so I could bring the N64 with me when I went to stay with him. I was a little kid and he was an impatient man so neither of us were particularly good at the games, especially Zelda which required more dexterity than either of us had, so more often than not we’d just leave Link somewhere and listen to the music for a while. I didn’t like staying with him that much, for some reason I think he knew that, so I didn’t go often. The last time I went to stay with him, he’d been pretty much living off of microwave meals. I thought it was just him being himself since he wasn’t exactly a good cook, but that evening it clicked. See, my dad was unemployed, too sick to work, and got benefits from the government. It wasn’t very much but it was enough. I’m telling you this because that evening, I found out he’d been saving up his benefit money to buy me a new game from the exchange shop. Majora’s Mask. We stayed up for hours trying to figure out what we were meant to do and eventually we just gave up and stayed in the Astral Observatory. That was the closest I ever felt to him. The next year, my mom and i moved away to a different part of the country and left him behind and I didn’t see him since. A lot has happened since then. I’m an adult now, I’ve moved a few more times, but more importantly my father died in April. His funeral was in May, and on the way there I found myself playing Majora’s Mask 3D and lingering in the Astral Observatory. I can’t find the words to describe what that game means to me.


1:15:55 Family will always hit hard cause it reminds me of my Dad.

He passed away from Kidney failure back in 2012, and in April he'll be gone for 10 years. It still hurts after all this time, and what is worse is that I don't even remember what he sounds like anymore. I was 13 back then; now I'm 23, starting University and ready to create a new chapter in my life - but it's bittersweet knowing that my best friend isn't here to wish me luck. Or to give me away on my Wedding Day. Or is never going to meet his future grandchildren.

There are days where I would do anything to see him again or to hear him say that he's proud of me, at least one more time. But whenever I hear this song, I feel sad but hopeful, knowing that wherever he is, heaven or not; my dad is proud of me, loves me and still does. And hopefully, when I eventually go, he's there waiting for me.

I miss you Dad, I love you and I always will. This song is for you <3


this playlist doesn't make me want to cry, but rather want to hug something soft and warm.

am i the only one that feels that?


I don't really have an outlet to talk to about my issues really. Nintendo is the reason I decided to stay alive. I cannot die before Breath of the Wild 2 comes out. That's my saving grace right not. This playlist is just beautiful. I don't really cry much but I feel all of my emotions when listening to these songs. My happiest memories are with Nintendo games. In school I would sit alone at lunch and play my 3DS. Whenever I had a rough school day I would come home and be the hero of Hyrule or the savior of mushroom kingdom or a galaxy. Nintendo games have a way of bringing in emotion to games. I have had some of the worst memories with Nintendo stuff too. I would get bullied in school for wearing Zelda shirts and liking Nintendo instead of xbox or playstation but that never deterred me from playing the games. I got beat up more times than I would like in school because of me be into "weird" stuff like Pokémon cards and Nintendo games. I am proud of myself for always being who I was back in school even when it got really hard to the point of hurting myself because I didn't feel worthy of life. A habit that I am happy to say after multiple years is finally starting to end.

Now I work at a childcare place and the kids there all love Pokémon and Pokémon cards so I trade with them. The kids think I'm really cool for knowing so much about everything that Nintendo does. They compliment my video game shirts and ask me for my opinions on if they should get diamond or pearl when they come out (diamond obviously). The kids I work with give me hope for a better life. But I just want to let everyone know that their is hope for you. You may be a weird kid like me and that's alright because one day someone will appreciate you for who you are. And for now go with the knowledge that some random person on the internet appreciates you for reading this and also for being a Nintendo nerd. I hope you accomplish all of your dreams in life and that you one day feel truly happy.


Honestly, no matter what your opinion on Nintendo is, you can't deny the effort they tend to put into their music. They always seem to have amazing soundtracks in their games, filled with happiness, sadness, wonder, or a combination of all three. It's nice to just sit down and play a couple of these song. Perhaps you'll get a wave of nostalgia, or eagerness to go back to a time long passed, or maybe optimism for the future and that you could play the awesome games these incredible songs came from for years to come. After all, only the best songs can do that..


I just want to return to that time where impressive minecraft builds ain't exist in your thoughts, you just build a simple cube house on top of the mountain, and watch the sun rise slowly. One of the most nostalgic shit I've ever experienced.


I remember my pet rooster, JJ. Having a pet chicken you love may seem stupid to most people, since they aren’t a parrot or ‘Can’t feel love’. But for me, it was some of the happiest years in my life so far. I spent a lot of time with him, taking him to a park sometimes, or with me on little adventures in our paddocks. Yet nothing lasts forever, and same goes for chickens. He passed away peacefully one day. I miss him a crazy amount, I just want to hear his crow, or any other noise again, or even give him one last hug. Unfortunately, that’s impossible. I’ve moved on now, I’m happy he’s with all of his siblings in the chicken afterlife.
