Mega Retron HD & RetroTink 2x Composite Master System & Genesis Test!

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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from links posted in my description & comments section. Today we take a look at the Hyperkin Mega Retron HD using composite AV cables via the RetroTink 2x! I find some interesting stuff with Master System. Check it out!

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*Product shown in this review was provided from Hyperkin for purpose of review. This review is my unbiased opinion of the product and I had no obligations to Hyperkin prior to posting this video and did not receive any cash payment in exchange for the review. I stand by my reviews and do not care if a company doesn't like something I have to say. Any negatives and positives I try to present to the audience in order for you to have a better understanding of what to expect from the product. If a company cannot deal with negatives then I have no clue how they expect to better themselves and continue to produce products customers would want!

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Ron Pixel
Beaumont, CA


I had a feeling with the Master System through composite. Thanks for checking back in with that!


Hi, I tried to find one for me, but Hyperkin just doesnt send to Portugal and I can't find it anywhere, can you help??


That 50/60 hrtz switch should come in handy with a handful of Master System games that can only be played in 50 as playing in 60 causes them to have major graphical glitches that make them almost (completely) unplayable.


Gotta love that rainbow banding on composite :P


You should do Genesis with Component through Retrotink 2x vs Mega Retron HD. I think it would be interesting to see the difference.


Great video, I wanted to know how the composite works. I just ordered my Mega Retron as my original MegaDrive 2 is incompatible with an HDMI upscaler. By the way, is there any way to play Master System cartridges on it?


Since I've been trying to get verified on Sega-16 forever now (but they have an issue), I can't post to reply in the forums. As an update for any wondering, the Hyperkin Mega Retron HD does work with the Genesis shadow and highlight layers, however ONLY on Composite output. I've verified with Vectorman (yes the stars), Wily Wars, and Beyond Oasis, and you can clearly see the shadowing and highlighting working over composite, where it does not work at all over HDMI. What a shame that like the NTSC Master System you can't use the HDMI - which is part of the point of this system. The sound output in stereo is pretty good comparing to most GOAC clones, but it's overblown in some areas the PSG volume is biased a little high - bad apple demo will quickly demonstrate part of this, but a trained ear can hear it rattling away in the chiptunes in Streets of Rage (series) or Thunder Force (or Lightning Force) IV over a real Genesis with a YM2612. Virtua Racing works, Gargoyles works, the Game Genie works. There is some odd scaling/smoothing going on over HDMI, but it does not appear to be just a crappy composite line connected to an up scaler, so the graphics look otherwise pretty good. So even while I have 6 different Genesis systems and 4 clones, this is the best of the HDMI clones; however if you're looking for razer sharp pixels and accurate Genesis reproduction, I'm afraid your princess is in another castle.


Would love to see a test run using the AV on old school CRT to see if the light gun games work.


The composite output looks like something with ATGames quality!


I have a model 1 genesis, whats the best video quality I can get with as little lag possible? Is modding the only route?

-No Famemeister/OSSC, too expensive.
-Don't have the room for a CRT

Thank you very much for any suggestions.


Ah I figured this would be the case. That means it's the built in scaler that is causing the issue not the actual Genesis clone.


Would be nice to know if the menacer or sms gun works on crt with component


Hi you should test the 3 in 1 hyperkin adaptater on the Mega RetroN hd...


I wonder if the reason when using the hdmi with master system game, might be because PAL master system had RGB signal, so the hdmi taps into that signal and runs the game as 50hz, just an idea. Great video.


There's no such thing as 16:9 through composite. It''s either the upscaler or your TV that's stretching it. That's why the 4:3 switch isn't working on the console.

The rainbow color artifacts are a side effect of the way composite is designed to interact with CRT televisions. The colorburst signal is intended to blend on the CRT such that 2 or 3 pixels blend together into a new color. 8-Bit Guy did a video on CGA graphics that demonstrated this REALLY well. That's why many classic games (especially the C64 era stuff) just doesn't look as good on modern TVs as we remember them. It's not just your nostalgia. They really did look better.


Does the power base converter work on it?


Now Ron pixel, I will need a follow up video using the mega retron hd, a power base mini and a master everdrive to see if we can play master system games in ntsc in HD? That's an experiment


How does xbox look composite or component retrotink?


Strange that this has issues with Master System. The Minigen HD and Fei Hao Mega Drive can play Master System in HDMI in both NTSC-U and NTSC-J full-speed with no issues.
