Theresa May makes statement at 10 Downing Street – watch live

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Starts at 23:17. You're welcome 👍


I hate that woman with every fibre of my being, I go to bed late and get up early just to be able to hate her for longer.


The guy doing the microphone check made more sense


She's had over two years to 'reach out' and consult cross party. Putting self interest aside???? How effin hypocritical can this woman get?


It's lips are moving again, I hope everyone is wearing their BS filter, but wait you don't need a filter when it's a proven liar and seriously probably not even human.


I have no confidence in the editor of this video.


The world should be in AWE of the UK robotics industry.


I thought that, perhaps, with such a resounding defeat of her plan and with such a narrow win of confidence vote, that she might show some integrity by stepping down so that a pro-Brexit Tory could replace her. Disappointing!


Sabotages Brexit talks and then claims to be acting on national interest and obligates other mps to do the same. Talk about hypocrisy.


is the Guardian trying to increase its video watching time?


tbh i prefered the 23 minutes of just a door. video just becomes emotionally draining after that


I was hoping that for once she would do the honourable (and reasonable) thing and resign.


There is only one choice now! the vote in 2016 was a straight forward in or out, people voted out....
That was one of the biggest turn outs ever, so no one can say it wasn't fair or it didn't get a good turn out and represent the publics wishes. Those who wanted to vote, made the effort and the decision was out. For those who didn't, tuff, its your responsibility to vote and when you don't or at least do vote but lose - you have to accept the result otherwise you are not supporting democracy. Mrs May is right, 80% of the house was voted in during the last election with manifestos supporting the result of the referendum, which further shows the publics desire to get out of Europe as pre the referendum result.
The House also voted a total of 500, to trigger artical 50. It was clear then what the leave date would be. Both sides have said their piece, Mrs May took that to the house and they declined the deal.
Everything has been fair and as such if anything other than us being out of the EU on the 29th happens, I don't know what choice you are leaving the public with....
A second referendum could not be trusted. How could it be If the government give the people a vote and when it doesn't go the way they wanted, they then proceed to cause the level of problems the govement has before deciding to have a second vote, no one in their right mind could trust that result- as it would clearly be likely the result was tampered with. otherwise the result of the first referendum would have been accepted, wouldn't it.
If Mrs May can not come back next week with a new deal, which has no back stop, protects our fishing, boarders and our family in Gibraltar there is no choice now but a hard brexit.... That is it now, anything else would clearly indicate the government are not meeting the wishes of the people, which is their role and instead would be dictatorship or high treason....


After thirty years of labour voting never again, we voted leave ! Corbyns a problem not a solution


the first and only important quality of a great leader, is the ability to surivive, she's got it


No dear, NOW you have to deliver on the Brexit that Parliament wants ... the British people voted these clowns into office and now YOU have to work with them and quickly.


Looking at that door is more interesting with what she has got to say honestly ! Oh and the lecturn.


Full Public Enquiry into the referendum ....Cummings---Why Leave about policy, but about how to win ....1 1/2 BILLION ads in the few days before the vote . How and Why did YOU vote ???


Excusse me "Mam" but you have had your time. And do not even think about holding a second vote on the matter or you will have an rebellion on your hands.


If Jeremy Corbyn writes his own ideas on Brexit, and privately sends it to the Conservative party, he is still going to vote against what he wrote. That's Corbyn, no definite plan, he's just ranting and ranting. This woman, on the other hand, is a winner...she knows what is right and she does it. The only problem she is facing is politics.
