Becoming a Minimalist

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#Highthumos Minimalist life. Living Minimalistic and reasons for going Minimalist. The Art of letting go for beginners and the principles of a simple lifestyle.

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Minimalism videos
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"Minimalism is the way. It's not about having nothing in your house, it's just about having the right things"
Perfectly said brother. This video has opened my eyes up greatly. Thanks Elisha. 🙏

I've been a slave to many things these last few years and I'm steadily learning how to operate my life differently.
Many blessings to you in 2020 brother -dre


My plan is to become financially free by living a minimalistic life which gives me the possibilty to focus on education, my passion and improving the world.


Minimalism has changed my life personally. It’s made me appreciate the things I have more. It’s made me save a lot more money and spend my money on things that actually matter to me.


"The stuff you own end up owning you." Tyler Durden


So many gems in this video I barely know where to begin.

Firstly I love the quote on your wall - saw it on your Instagram page and it also resonated then.

A few years ago I experienced what I'd describe as a spiritual awakening - aka the dark night of the soul. It's akin to having a panic attack, however I was hyper-conscious and aware that I was a spiritual being living out a semi-fictitious life, almost like an accumulation of stories constructed by my ego creating my collective consciousness.

At that point I understood the importance of accountability and recognised I'd been seeking validation in others and their perception of me (still do, but not to the same degree).

I believe in the power of the conscious mind and the abundant spirit that resides within each of us. When we become grateful for life itself, I believe that is the key to truly being happy - the additional gifts that life provides are accepted with grace but the difference is the attachment to them is removed.

Lots of love to you too Elisha - you're a great soul and your wisdom is highly appreciated. If you ever do a meet and greet in Ohio, I'd definitely catch a flight 😎


Minimalism is the only way! Its not about what you fill your room with, but the space around you 💪


Hey Elisha! Me again. In my social circle, i'm the one who's doing the thinking all the time. Like givin' good advices, asking the real questions. It's good that somebody is actually giving ME the good advices and asking the real questions. "Do you need those stuff that won't do you any good in the long run? Of course not. What is the SPACE you wanna fill in with those?" Thanks again!


A Mexican fisherman lived in a village. His fishing would feed his family and he would spend time with his family when he was done fishing. He would go to town to listen to music, dance and drink wine with his wife. He was a skilled fisherman, and one day an American investment banker met him while he was fishing. The banker was amazed buy how much fish the fisherman was able to catch, and asked: why do you not buy a boat so you can catch even more fish? The fisherman responded ”why should I do that?” And the banker replied ”because then you can eventually reinvest your profits to buy a fleet of boats and catch even more fish”. Again the fisherman asked why. Oh, that is the best part, said the banker. You can then do an IPO of your company on the stock market and become extremly rich. Again, the fisherman asked why? The banker replied, ”because then you can spend time with your family, go to town to listen to music, drink wine and dance with your wife”.


Wise to the wise, you’re speaking facts that always reassure me on my path


Awesome vid! Deff have been chasing the minimalist lifestyle the past 8 months while I’m on this journey that all of us followers of your channel are on. I now live in a studio apt. (300 sq ft) and this past week I sold my Xbox and all my games. Life is good. We must all remember progress doesn’t happen overnight and sometimes giving up one thing at a time is the way to go. Much love to Elisha and all!


You know its gonna get serious when he bring out the yoyo


Stuff doesn't bring me happiness but my painting of vegeta in my room does how can I fail anything when I have the prince of saiyens watching me


Great video. Headed into 2020 it’s time to find what matters. Not just this year but the next decade.


Elisha you have been my role model for so long, and I really appreciate every single video you put out. Since i've started watching you're videos I can tell my life has changed so much. Thank you Elisha


Dannng golden handcuffs.. love your channel my man


Keep coming back to this. Even with people donating stuff to you it all builds up as disracting junk


a bit ironic that the fedex truck is delivering stuff in the background...


This video resonated with me a lot more than some of your others, great stuff man. I hear you about moving away but it’s hard to leave the place where all your ancestors are from, where my family are all buried. Still holding out hope for things to turn around in my state, it would be very hard for me to leave my roots. Think of me in your prayers if you would guys.


God damn it. I just watched Andrew Kirby's video about giving up video games. And now this. God damn it.


I remember in highschool I had many shirts, ones i loved and others i didnt as much; got rid of most of them until i had about 7. Gave me the opportunity to wear the clothes that I enjoyed on mah body.
