Starfield: DELAYED - The Right Decision or Too Much Hype?

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Today Bethesda announced the delay of Starfield. It's original release date of 11 November 2022, has been pushed back to the first half of 2023. This is a fairly long date, however Bethesda state it's important for quality.

Meanwhile it remains possible that a Starfield gameplay reveal will be happening this June.

Any support is massively appreciated!

Starfield Delay

Epidemic Sound

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A delay will eventually be forgotten. A bad launch to a game will never. Delay your games. It's better than having a Fallout 76 part 2


I suspect that Microsoft may have had something to do with it. Basically saying "No, you don't get to release your beta and let the players sort it out."


I have fond memories of playing Skyrim on 11/11/11. While I appreciated the initial throwback release date of 11/11/22, I'd much prefer a more stable release and enjoyable first experience. Good on Bethesda!


I'm surprised by the phrase, "Bethesda we care about quality more than anyone else." However, I am fine with delayed release rather than a crappy product.


The major studios never seem to learn do they. DON'T commit to specific dates until the game is ready!!!! It's not hard. Problems like this start because of senior management or pressure from shareholders - they don't pay attention to what the designers and engineers are advising in regards to what is required to get the games to a place they are happy with. People are sick of this shit


Sad about the delay but totally understandable. Launching a new IP is a big deal for Bethesda and given the debacle with 76 and CDPR’s disaster with Cyberpunk it’s totally the right decision. But what is there to look forward to in 2022 now…? Seriously I need to look forward to something


Considering that almost every game that delayed in the last 2 years has been more broken and creatively bankrupt than ever before I have near zero expectations for this game.


pressing snooze button, I'll believe the hype when they actually release real gameplay not some cutscene reels and concept arts


Big daddy Microsoft is making sure the release is smooth.


Too much hype? We barely know what the F the game is about, let alone if it's any good or not. It's not even a sequel to anything so we can't even relate.


In the first half of 2023, they'll talk about needing to polish Starfield to the standard players expect from a Bethesda game, and push it back to Holiday 2023.


I can't remember the last time we had a big space release with minimal bugs. No man's sky, Elite dangerous Odyssey, Warframe Empyrean, Every star citizen release, It would be SO GOOD if we could actually enjoy a space game at launch for once! I am all for this delay if it means this dream becomes a reality.


In terms of hype, it hasn’t been Bethesda who’s been hyping it. They’ve dribbled out the bare minimum of information, a bunch of concept art and almost nothing else. We still have only the vaguest idea of what kind of game it even is - shooter, adventure, rpg, space sim? The hype, sadly has come from the community and from commentators. There’s a large segment of people who are reeling from Elites steady decline, impatient with Star Citizen spinning its wheels going nowhere and frustrated by No Mans Sky being a great game overall but a pretty underwhelming Space Sim.
Starfield is being held out as the new renaissance for Space Sims and OA is as guilty as anyone of driving that hype train.
Let it come, wait for gameplay and mechanics to be revealed and then we can see whether this will be a new Elite/Freelancer/X sim game or just another Bethesda adventure game.


If this game doesn’t have a full take off, landing, and flight system then this is an easy pass for me. Don’t need another Outer Worlds.


Take my hat off to them for delaying the go-live date, on what appears to be customer-centric grounds. However, a number of releases over the last 5 years have been delayed across the industry, which did not do so well at release.
Fingers crossed...👍🏾


I haven't seen enough marketing to suggest that they were ready so this is no surprise whatsoever.


Bethesda needs more time to ensure that Starfield REALLY underwhelms.


Not surprised, from what we've heard from the tester about the awfulness of the game engine, I would have been shocked if we saw it in November


When I found out about delay the first thing that came to my mind was - "With how broken Bethesda games are imagine what mess Starfield has to be if they decided to delay it". 🤣
Another thing might be that MS just looked at the state of the game and just told them to delay it as it's simply not up to standard.


As much as I was looking forward to the game this year, I think a delay was the right thing to do, if we want a good game we should be patient and wait, we definitely been getting way to hyped, like every other game. It's our fault why we get disappointed, we don't give the developers time, we are to busy getting hyped and then getting overly disappointed. So thanks Bethesda I think it was the right thing, we want to experience the best straight off the start not a year later so that decision was no regret as much as us gaming may seem like it was. It wasn't we are the gamers and they are the developers. Developing takes hard-core time and skill and patients
