Charlie Kirk Destroys Woke Pro-Trans Student

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Charlie Kirk Destroys Woke Pro-Trans Student
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This was a civil and respectful discussion. Kirk didn't "destroy" him. Can we chill with the escalating language? (I'm 100% on Kirk's side but that doesn't mean we have to act like idiots. We're already RIGHT).


They talked. They shared, different views. No screaming, cussing, name calling, just 2 adults talking


I think "destroy" is not the right verb to use for this polite and civil discussion . . .


Why can't we have conversations like this? Less emotions and More Respect.


At least the student was rational and reasonably well spoken and spoke without losing his mind and most of them do.


The problem with this gender thing is that they´re using it to create confusion.
Originally, "gender" was only applicable to words and inanimated objects that don´t have sex, but are "indicated" as masculine or feminine.

In other words, "gender" was a linguistic tool.

Take the word "woman" for instance: ADULT HUMAN FEMALE.
For someone to be considered a woman, they need to be all three things at once.
If you´re not an adult, you´re not a woman. You can be a girl, but not a woman.
If you´re not human, you´re neither a woman nor a girl, for obvious reasons.
If you´re not a female, you´re neither a woman nor a girl, also for obvious reasons. No such thing as a "male woman", I´m afraid.

So I think it´s safe to say that the words "man" and "woman", are directly linked to the stage of development of the human male and female, respectively.

Now, the left kidnapped the meaning of gender for their own gains. If they want to call themselves one of the 2034 "genders" they invented, just let them.

As long as they don´t mess with the words "man" and "woman", I´ll just ignore all their nonsense and use the only two that really matter.

They can call themselves "clownself" and "bunnyself" all they want.


As a mother of 3 girls, I know children need to be taught, need guidance, structure, stability. Completely agree with Mr. Kirk. Why would you want to confuse a child more so then what they already are. Please can someone stop this madness, this illogical way of thinking. Why is the world going so completely topsy turvy? Thank God, my girls have thier Father and I, in thier lives guiding them through these utterly crazy divisive unrealistic times.


Charlie, You were born exceptionally smart and grew to be wise and knowledgeable. You are divinely gifted for such a time as this!


All this division over gender identity is infuriating; there are two sexes; you can’t “transform” yourself to the other sex no mater how much plastic surgery you have. There is no such thing as “non-binary”; you can’t not be a man or a woman. Humans are not its or things regardless of you minute to minute or day to day sexual preference or feelings. Yes, people have different personalities but that has nothing to do with sex. We have just allowed people to create new descriptive words to identify nothing because they want to be different and get attention; they want to feel part of something unique. How you “feel” every minute of the day doesn’t change what you are nor is there actually any meaningful difference in how people “feel”: it’s just that they desperately want not to be viewed as normal. Tell me what a “demienby” person “feels” like at any moment? Tell me what a “Maverique” person does every day that a man or woman doesn’t? Answer: nothing, you can’t because these “genders” mean nothing practically speaking. Human beings are not that complicated.


Only bad thing about the vide oist he title.
The converstaion was civil, the student polite and concise and Kirk did the same, calmly and cordially.

I get the need for these clickbait titles but still it misrepresents an honest conversation done between these two.


And what exactly have Pacific Islanders achieved in their history, compared to Europeans? Some people have patently bad ideas. Just because they have ideas doesn’t mean they should be followed.


This was a very civil discussion. Charlie didn't destroy this student, they were both very cordial with each other


i love when 2 people can just talk things out and if you dont agree in the end respectfully declare you still disagree and move on this was nice to watch minus the crazy old man at the end


If gender and sex are separate, why do transgenders feel the need to alter their physical sex? Because they are directly related. So gender as it's used now is basically just your self perception of yourself regarding sex. We don't have a word to describe self perception regarding other physically determinable attributes like height, weight, race, hair color, eye color, number of fingers on one hand, etc. Why do we have one for sex? You either perceive yourself the way you are in reality and you are sane, or you perceive yourself in a way different than reality, in which case you're not sane. "Gender" is just a word used to pretend that a mental illness is actually just another type of normal human being.


this is what we need more of . calm rational, respectful conversation.


He was decent young man; which is extraordinarily rare with liberal thinkers 🤓


Agree or disagree this is what we need more of civil discourse. Talking to one another without resorting to violence or insults


"It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, it's impossible to win an argument with a stupid person"- Bill Murray.


"You can't affirm an illusion."
-- former trans teen Chloe Cole


This was actually a great conversation and shows an insight into an intelligent progressives thought process.
