International Travel Tips | 8 things you MUST know in 2024

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Top travel tips for flying in 2024. Flight preparation and what to do at the airport and on the airplane when flying in 2024.

International flight news in 2024 is not very promising, making flying less appealing. Even the best airlines are announcing plenty of flight cancellations and baggage delays. In todays video, we will cover essential airport, airplane and travel tips for you to know before taking an international flight in 2024. WE will also talk about arrival procedure on an international flight and the forms you will be asked to fill out. These top travel tips will help you prepare for the best trip experience in 2024. This video will help you prepare whether it is your first international flight or if you have flown international in the past.

VPN (a travel essential for security, flight hacking, and watching American Netflix)

Travel Insurance ($1.43/ day!)

0:00 International flight tips you must know
0:30 Online check-in window
1:09 International flights and baggage delays
1:42 Documents required for international travel
2:15 International flight boarding time
2:53 Things to bring on the plane
3:19 International travel forms
3:43 Information you need for plane
4:20 International flight tickets in 2024



Hey there, I'm Megan and I've spent 5+ years living and working from over 50 countries around the world. I'm on a mission to prove that anyone (even you!) can do it too.

Portable Professional is a youtube channel full of actionable tips and guides to travel, live and work from anywhere in the world. Serving seasoned digital nomads and first-time travelers alike, it's the ultimate resource to hack the travel lifestyle.

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If everyone is going with carry on only, I think I'll check my bag in next time I fly. It'll probably be the only one in the hold.


One thing to beware of if you plan to take your own food onto the plane is the agriculture regulations of any country you'll be entering. Anything from fruit and nuts to meat and dairy might be prohibited, and not allowed onto the plane.


Fly Emirates! Good ethnic meal, complimentary headphones and regular drinks, great screen with amazing viewing options, and the attendants are just awesome. Flew back from Milan to JFK on that line. Highly recommend.


Must Have - Global Entry! Always travel with underseat carry-on and an overhead carry-on even if you check luggage.


Bring a power adapter for the outlets as the US/UK/EU are going to be different. Don’t be stuck at your hotel without the proper plug.


You are doing GREAT!! Your videos are just what we want to see. Even us hard core travelers are keeping our finger on the pause of all that is changing. Big THANKS. Keep up the great work.


Your videos are always so simple and concise! Thank you !


Under seat Carry on only for 2 weeks in Italy.
Started doing this before Covid when short stuff me had trouble getting my bag into over head. turned around and saw the steward laughing at me. Slow burn. Another passenger helped. Later found out airline stewards & stewardesses are not allowed to put luggage in overhead bin. It’s a union thing to avoid injuries. So I take care of myself. I’m in my 70’s. I just buy the extra stuff when I get to my destination and leave it for the next guest or maids. Also since I jump from place to place, no one knows I wore that flower print dress two days before and washed it in the sink of my hotel.
Have fun traveling!!


This video is short and sweet. I like the tip to bring a pen that is easily accessible on an international flight. The tip to arrive 3 hours before boarding is helpful. And I will be sure to carry extra set of clothes in my carry-on in case of baggage delays.


Thank you much for this. So many elements I wouldn't have even thought of but will now prepare for. I'm grateful to you. ❤️


Carry-on only! I'll be traveling internationally very soon, so I look forward to your tips!


I agree. No flight is possible until all the paperwork is done. Thank you Megan.


You are becoming my go to source for info in the new world of international travel...thanx! Oh yeah....Carry on only..always.


Carry-on only for the last 10 years including several 3 week trips to Europe. My wife and I spent 3 weeks in France this year both with carry-on only.


Great advice! Yes, depending on the airline all the perks and free stuff you used to get may no longer be available. However on flights longer than 4 hrs, you are provided with a meal.


Thanks so much for your tip it helps me


Carry-on only for 2½ weeks. Flying international, LAX to/from FRA. Unfortunately, your next video regarding "important documents" will likely not be available before my hop across The Pond.

Thanks for your videos. I either learn something new or it's a good review of previous experience. 👍🏼👍🏼


Carry on only. I travelled around Asia before Covid with carry on luggage only as we used cheap airlines and I dont every want to have to check in luggage ever again. It was so easy.


Thanks for the tips - heading to Denmark, Norway and Sweden in August ✈️


Wow, so useful. Cheers for sharing :)
