Men Who Harvest vs. Sow Into Your Feminine Energy

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Spot the difference & attract KINGS ONLY ✨

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"A woman who embraces her femininity is a woman who knows her power" ❤️

Tags: feminine energy, light feminine energy, divine feminine, women in masculine energy, relationship, relationship polarity, attraction, masculine energy, feminine energy tips, feminine energy for dating, how to get a man to chase you, how to get back into your feminine energy

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This makes me side eye men who keep a lot of female friends because he “enjoys their company”


Ladies- make your current daughter(s) or future daughter(s) a playlist here on YT and make it private; but, put videos like this in them to collect over time, to listen to with her in the car; and finally to gift her with when you are no longer here to advise her. You can even create an email for her, and email them to her over time so she always has it. I have done both of these for my 7-year-old daughter since before she was born. She doesn't have access to the email yet, but when she does.. I have a folder already created where I've added this and other videos with strong messages there for her already. It's the best thing we can give them. Emotional and mental peace, and the highest level of discernment. So much love girls! <3


Men will even attract other women while with you because of YOUR energy. Then as soon as your gone, so is the energy. Some come back for it. Stay woke


Amazing! I also started attracting completely different men when I did lots of inner work and raised my standards completely! The men that started pursuing me were smart, intelligent, ambitious, very strong but also very gentle and nurturing with me. It's such a shift.


This is 10000% true. This is why men put pressure and make us feel like they “need sex” as if they’re entitled to our bodies and energy.


I like how you didn't shame women who had already had relations with men. Purity culture and the idea that women lose something when sleeping with men is just another way of devaluing women. Feminine energy is replenishing and the most valuable thing ever!


"it's such a gift to be a woman; you just have to show up." ♡


When i was with my ex, lost my Job, failed in driving Lessons, did Not Finish my course . Now He is Out, I got the Job, passed my course with 91%, got Back Into driving Lessons, & got multiple modelling Jobs as Side job. My glow is Back !!!


33:20 now i understand why powerful men in history always have history with women. They're always entangled with women. It's because they need women and their feminine energies to build their empires.

This is why women are the prize. Important lessons


I had the same problem with Uber drivers talking excessively with me and not letting me enjoy my ride. I don’t ride Ubers for this reason as it feels like they’re harvesting my energy. Especially if you’re an attractive woman, be very preserving of who you let access to your feminine energy. It’s not rude to cut things short, excuse yourself, reduce your smiles and limit the amount of attention/energy you give to harvesters. I’m pretty ruthless with them and let them deselect themselves from my life because I don’t give them the energetic hit they’re looking for.


Yes. I love that Bible quote 'A good wife is a favor from the Lord to a righteous man.' We are the prize ladies. Value yourself. Know your worth.


I love this! I’ve been courted by a man for nearly a year now, he has provided, pursued, and been so sweet. I gently reminded him that I can’t move forward with any man who isn’t my husband (he asked to move in). We’re looking at rings now. Pray for me, ladies 😊


I’ve just shown this video to my 13 year old daughter and told her “I would give anything to see this video when I was your age”. I’m 41 now but it’s never too late. First time ever my daughter didn’t roll her eyes at my advice but listened to the video along with me. She is as powerful as me, has strong Venusian energy and men of all ages are looking at her already. Young girls must know this things. It’s the most important. If you have daughters teach them please gilrs


As someone who made the decision to be celibate in my early to mid twenties and focus on healing, my relationship with God and just enjoying life without distractions (men)— it was the best season of my life. I met my now husband during this time who was also celibate and we maintained this until after marriage. The spiritual alignment was Godly.


I was with a man who was grieving and he drank to console himself. I started wanting to drink a lot. And I began to feel his grief. I asked him since we’ve been together has anything changed and he said: I don’t drink anymore and I’m not grieving much anymore. I have not let a him or any man touch me since.


The tip about not smiling or engaging with random men makes me think of that Betty Wright lyric “You can’t show your teeth to every guy you meet!” RIP to her! And thank you for sharing such valuable information with us Alexis! You and your wisdom are truly appreciated 😌


I'm only available for kings who are actively providing for me


32 years old and I'm here after puking from a guy sleeping with another woman and knowing it telepathically from thousand kms away. Your body Does. Not. Lie. I wish I knew this a month ago. Everything makes so much sense. Thank you


It has taken me 1.5 years to heal from the trauma of a 5 year relationship with a narcissistic man whose acupuncture practice I built, only for him to drain me of my energy, manipulate and abuse me, disrespect and mistreat me. He joined my practice three years into my practice, and benefitted from a clinic that I created. I gave lovingly and generously. He slowly started to control me and dim my light. I broke free abruptly but it was so difficult untangling and separating my practice from him. It was a year of around the clock working and survival mode. I burned out. I have since recovered quite a bit and not only rebuilt my practice, but am continuing to develop it. I also learned to detect the subtlest red flags. These men will use your creativity and intelligence and then claim the outcome as their own and treat you like a peasant.


FACTS. Literally had a guy dump all his shit onto me and he was like ‘wow I feel so much better now dumping all that onto you’ 😂😂 WHO SAYS THAT!! in one conversation the energy draining from these types of guys is actually insane. And toxic
