it is one of those nights

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it is one of those nights • an escapism playlist
My Channel is a non-monetized music channel on YouTube, created and operated by one anonymous individual under the alias Navo159. My Goal is creating the ultimate escapism music library on YouTube, for people that need to escape reality, even for a second. I also network with artists and labels, so that their music can be heard and supported. Every Artist name along with the track title is always in the description of every video. So, if you want to support the artists, go and support them on their respective streaming platforms as well. Furthermore, all of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. And lastly, thank you so much for being a part of a wonderful community. Never thought I would be able to help so many people. Let's escape this reality together, at least for a moment. I will never stop making these videos. I just love music, and love sharing it with others who love it too.

💛 Mental health helplines:

🔎 Contact me, for anything:

▶️ Listen to all the best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist:


⭐ If you choose to donate on PATREON, the money will go towards buying new music for the channel so that everyone can benefit from your generosity. Donation is completely optional and I only made this Patreon so that those who feel the need to do so may have that ability.
Thank you for your continued support, and most importantly, thank you for listening!

👀 Let me review your music:

song list:
00:00:00 Otixx - Thoughts
00:02:30 øneheart x reidenshi - distorted memories
00:04:20 for home use only. - circles
00:07:32 Gilsw - Seething
00:09:39 reidenshi - open world
00:11:44 changes w_ hélix
00:14:47 Slowx - Shattered
00:17:24 Isaiam - Let down let
00:21:25 les - heartbroken
00:23:36 Isaiam - Grief
00:25:54 achorda - enter
00:27:17 thenian - atlas
00:29:31 øneheart x ashess - rescue
00:31:47 Lesiw - Distance
00:34:17 Atrixx - Lost
00:36:40 metahesh - silhouette
00:38:33 interlinked... (symphocat - long whale song)
00:41:24 Lesiw - Stay With Me slowed
00:43:32 tilekid - you not the same
00:46:11 futureville - stuck inside my thoughts
00:48:03 Jayan perera - Cosmos temple
00:50:16 ZIHWYN - Frost (slowed)
00:55:18 Billy gangas - Time dilation clock

#sleepmusic #sadmusic #sadmood #sadplaylist #4am #playlist #3am #snowfall #ambientplaylist
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Thank you for being part of a wonderful community!


Yesterday I went to the mall with two childhood friends and after the movie ended we just sat in the curb of the parking lot and talked about our childhood, our desires, our nostalgia, the cartoons we used to watch. It was such a small moment and even simple to most people but to me it felt so genuine, just three old and good friends chilling, talking and laughing in a mall's parking lot in the middle of the night. Hope life stays like this, easy, fulfilling, relaxing and meaningful to me and to whoever is reading this.


Picture takes you back to a life you did not live.


"Life is lived looking forwards, but enjoyed looking back"


The image in the video hits very close to home. It's pure nostalgia. The friends walking along the highway under the street lamps at late dusk is something I had experienced for the first time 17 years ago. Back in 2007 before graduating university at 22, me and 3 friends of mine, a guy and his girlfriend and another girl, all around my age, decided to stroll around the city, as this would be the last day before the final exams, after which we would go our separate ways. We started from the campus at around 5 in the afternoon and made our way to the bridge across the bay. Time flew by underneath the laughter brought about by jokes with regard to the absurdity of this world. Soon, we reached the causeway leading up to the bridge. It is a wide highway bordered by street lamps shining in the fading light of dusk. It looked very similar to the image in this video. If only it felt the way it feels now back then.

Five years later, after returning to the city and living there for another five years, I visited the spot a couple of times again. Once with a group of new friends. I took up a second degree and this time I suggested the spot. Now we were 5. I, my new friend and his girlfriend, and 2 girls. The dynamic felt different. I was 27. Everyone else was in their early 20s. We had a great time though, with a lot of pictures, ending with a supper at McDonalds and a movie at the cinema.

I left the city and pursued my working life elsewhere. Fast forward to 2018 and I was back. Now 33. I lived in an apartment in the city working from home. Every once in a while, I would walk to the causeway in the late afternoon and stay until darkness falls. Alone. Sitting on the concrete barrier under a street lamp and gazing at the reflections of the city lights on the surface of the water losing my self in thoughts. Memories cling to this place. Near where I sat are a multitude of cars parked along the sidewalk on the side of the street. Their doors open blasting music from their stereos. People having a great time. Young people in their early 20s with their friends and lovers. Realizing that this was me twice over made me smile. "Excuse me, got a light?" A voice disrupted my train of thought. A young man, I estimated around 22 smiled with a cigarette in his mouth. I don't smoke, but then I remembered the lighter a friend of mine forgot at my apartment and which I took with me. "Sure. Here you go." "Thanks, man." And he rejoined his group. Those were unforgettable times. This playlist along with the images brings out the past. Thank you for uploading.


My best year ever was 2021. I had gotten my dog, new computer, played video games with friends I still talk to and had a lot of fun in. Now I moved away and feel an emptiness that cannot fill what once was. It sucks knowing that you are not able to go back in time and relive those memories. If you kept on reading some of my favourite memories are, me and my little brother chilling in our pool at sunset, spring during online school, a sleepover with friends, sitting on the porch and not having a care in the world. If you read until the end thank you.


Sitting with my first newborn kiddo in my arms at 4am so wifey can get sleep. Peace yall.


i used to always get this empty and somewhat bitter feeling when seeing such images. groups of friends hanging out, whether it’s day or nightime, though nighttime always seems more special. i’m 19 now, and i have never experienced being part of a group, or even having a close friend near me, mostly due to starting online school during my teen years and not having an ideal family. i am alright with it now, and i have made a few friends these past few years, but seeing this video made me realize how this friend group during your teen years is something that i have missed to experience. however, i look forward to not missing the opportunity to create adult friend groups, even if it feels so alien and as if it’s easier to fall back into loneliness or getting attached to one single person. seeing everyone share in the comments, i felt compelled to write as well


Alright. This is weird. But. I know exactly where this picture is taken because I was actually there last Year in November with my Partner and child. It's right next to the carpark that's next to the Tynemouth Aquarium up in North Shields, England. I just did a side to side comparison to this videos picture and a street view on Google Maps at this exact spot. Funnily enough, the name of the road in this photograph is called "Grand Parade" Kinda fitting for this sort of video.

Damm, life can be weird sometimes. Here is the exact coordinates if anyone is interested in seeing it for yourself: 55.02894816308645, -1.4299674827503095


Just had one of those rare, nostalgic nights with some old friends, reminiscing about the silly things we did back in the day. We ended up at our old haunt, a quiet spot by the river, talking till the stars faded. It’s moments like these that remind me how precious each second is, and how the simplest things can hold the deepest meaning. Cherish these times, cherish these talks. Life’s beauty often lies in these unplanned moments.


Все пишут на тех языках которые знают, так что и я напишу, чтобы лучше передать чувства

Я помню одну из таких ночей. Я был у бабушки на лето, и мы часто любили гулять с друзьями, прям большими групками, но когда нас оставалось поменьше, мы просто гуляли по округе а не тусовались только на одной площадке, и в один из таких разов мы пошли к заливу.

Уже темнело, был виден закат, мы шли вдоль залива и обсуждали все что угодно, зашли к какой-то части залива где можно было пройти вперед из-за отлива, кто то даже носки с кросовками снимал чтобы ноги не намочить. Еще помню одна подруга уронила пачку чипсов недоеденных и мы ее оплакивали и смотрели как она уплывает.

Дошли уже до тупика, там был красивый закат, я даже хотел присесть но все таки там было мокро, а я и так все ноги промочил.

Мы возращались назад, было уже темно, мы шли по слабоосвещенным улицам, уставшие но радостные, смеялись, потихоньку расходились, это было так приятно.

Мне этого не хватает...


This photo really makes me nostalgic for something.
Perhaps it's the setting. The dim evening sky an hour or two after sunset. The young boys and girls walking together in a group, wet shirts and hair from spending time at the nearby beach. The walk home, filled with laughter, excited chatter and smiles, soaking in the experience you've just had. You have a crush on the girl you're walking with, and you feel that she feels something towards you too from the looks she gives you, ever so slightly tilting her head down and looking at you from under her brow. You throw sentences back and forth within the group, followed by grinning faces, just barely favoring attention to that girl you like, so it wouldn't be too obvious.
You can't wait to come back home, take a hot shower, and hop on ICQ or AIM, waiting for that same girl to appear in that notification on the bottom right, with the old familiar triple knock or door squeak sound as she comes online. You open her chat window and shortly after, you can see her typing. Your heart jumps with excitement, because another night of chatting with your crush of three months now is about to start...

I tear up missing the past being so simple, so carefree... so different.
I miss you, and I don't even know who "you" are.


I don't know quite why, but this photo really resonates with me. Reminds of when I was younger, and felt that connection with friends. Now, I'm middle aged, and just work all the time with very few friends left. I wish I could go back, and have one moment like this.


Man this pic tells so much.. for me it's art.


The image in the video: You're walking alone down the street, and these beautiful girls and some other people walk past you, laughing, having a good time. You smile as they pass you, and wish you were part of their group, but realize that you're alone. You keep walking, enjoying the fresh, slightly cool, air of the evening. Dreaming about a life you might have in the future. If you just go and find it.


Hanging out with the gang in the nighttime is the best feeling ever :)


Those times will never come back. Amazing how you never value life when you are young. Now I am 33 years of age, bored, having shit job, no friends, just my broken dreams and lost oportunities. I hate my life, myself, my choices. As a distraction I started working out and running, just to be able to sleep at night without abusing alcohol. Now I am running 100 miles/month with 40hrs of gym and still cannot sleep. I think I will finally say my silent farewells to anybody that cares and be done with it.


Hi! greetings from Argentina... It is 00:18 a.m. of Monday. And actually this is one of "Those Nights." Now I'm journaling trying to be a prouder, proactive, kinder person. Yesterday was a very sad day, I hope you (whoever reads this) have a good life with good habits without hurting anyone, take care of yourselves and... you know... exercise and drink water :) I hope you are well


This playlist feels like a friend comforting you. Idk how else to explain it.


This playlist has such a comforting vibe.
