Sh*t NTs Say

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An INTJ impersonates the other 3 NT types: ENTJ, INTP & ENTP. This video relies on stereotypical speech patterns and behaviour and is intended for parody/entertainment purposes.

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0:41 ENTJ
3:31 INTJ
6:47 INTP
10:08 ENTP


ENTJ: "If you don't put effort you can't expect good results"


INTP - "It wasn't my intention to upset you"

I can't tell you how many times I've said those exact words to my ESFJ wife😂


“I’m so lost. I don’t know what I’m going to do 26 years from now” 😂


ENTP should also include "I need coffee" "sorry, say that again, I wasn't listening" and "oh no, bills...I'll pay em tomorrow"


[INTJ] "I like a concept" ....I've said this so many times (to myself I mean, not to other people). "I like people 'in theory'...not always in practice though" is my particular version :)


Some more INTP quotes:
"Technically, that's not true."
"That's simply inconsistent."
"Did you know that ..."
"What do you mean start doing stuff? I haven't gone through all the possibilities just yet."
"I thought about that already. There's another possibility."
* Stares down with moving eyebrows, betraying internal monologue. *
"You misunderstand. I don't have to be the one who's right, I just need to know what's true."
"Don't rush me."
* Listening to you with his head tilted, literally considering things under a different angle. *
"When I don't have anything worthwhile to say, I stay quiet."
"I have no idea if he likes me."
"Geez, people can be really stupid."
"On one hand ..."
"I never thought about that... I like this."
"Still thinking about it."
* Smiles awkwardly for too long. *
"I disagree."
"I'm bored."
"Do I like her? How could I know, we just met two months ago."
"Close, but still inaccurate."
"Oh ok, that's cool. I guess."
"Meh, whatever."
* Just disappeared for two weeks, doesn't want to talk about it. *
"Everything is fine."
"It doesn't matter if I or anybody likes it or not, it's true."
"There's still time."
"I don't need help."
"I'm waiting for the right time."
"What would happen if that was true?"
"Confirmation bias is ubiquitous."
"Emotions are fuzzy concepts, and I'm very attached to accurate language. I'd rather show you than talk about them."
Internally: "Oh, I'm about to cross that person in the corridor. Does she expect me to greet her? No, she's walking fast, probably busy, better not interrupt her. On the other hand, she's looking forward, not avoiding eye contact. Oh she just looked at me briefly, is she about to greet me? If she says hello I need to answer back. Maybe I should start a conversation. Wait, what do I say? Think about my last weekend. No, I stayed home lazily, that will bore her. Better let her engage the conversation and react. Then again, maybe she's on her way and doesn't want to talk to me. We don't know each other well after all. Should I leave her alone? Oh shit our paths are about to cross, what do I do? Keep you head down and look at the floor, pretend you're in your thoughts. Wait that wouldn't be nice. I'm out of time. Just walk through and don't disturb people. She said hi. Damned, I already decided I would pretend not to hear it. It's been a second already, it would be awkward to answer now. So what, you're already awkward anyway. At least be polite." *Feigning surprise, but with apathetic voice due to leaving no time for that.* "Oh huh, hi."


INTP: "Why can't feelings be programmed?"
INTJ: "What do you mean they can't?"


I’ve actually said the words, “There are between 5 and 8 reasons you’re wrong, depending on how you count them.”


I'm an ENTP who literally pushed aside homework to watch that exact documentary.


As an ENTP I can validate the convoluted way of finding information, the article link found from the Wikipedia page a YouTuber tweeted sound completely legit for me.


Intj here. Lost it at: "do you wanna go out?" - "why?" :D


"Why would I want to make myself available to people 24/7?" Lol, my sentiments exactly


"A documentary on a woman who only eats cheesy potatoes" 😂🤜💥


Loved this!
Funny story, as an INTP, regarding looking for stuff that's right under your nose. Once, I was talking to my mum on the phone and I was very frustrated because I was looking for my phone and I couldn't find it anywhere. I thought about asking my mum to call me so that I could locate it, but then I told myself I was an idiot - how could my mum call me when she was already on the phone? It was only after this train of thought that it hit me... My phone had obviously been in my hand the entire time, since my mum was on the phone with ME.


I'm INTJ, so I related to that one. But, most of the time I don't bother to say those phrases. I just think them :)


You've captured ENTJ so well ladies! I'd also like to add:
"If I was in charge, we'd be done and thriving already." 😂


As an INTJ, 5:03 "I do like socializing. It helps me gather more subjects to vet out my psychological and sociological theories." Seriously, I type people as a hobby. Gotta catch 'em all! Good job on the INTJ part. I'm always skeptical, but this was pretty accurate.


The Ne body language was hilarious for the ENTP!


The ENTP of me lol-ed hard, it might be stereotypical but also so true. Special mention to the "Which reality are you talking about?" and "This is ridiculous. This is brilliant." I never understood why considering one thing and its contrary at the same time as equally correct was "not right".
