10 Survival Items Under $20 Actually Worth Buying!

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Not all survival items need to be expensive. In fact, some of the most impactful gear is often sometimes the cheapest. Here are my top 10 survival gear under $20 each for those of you on a budget.

-Single Wall Water Bottle

-Morakniv Knife

-Water Filter

-Emergency Food

-Mylar Blankets



-Portable Charger


-Collapsible Water Bottle

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1290 Bay Dale Dr. PMB 194
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Speaking of filtering water, put a few coffee filters in your kit. Use one as a pre-filter to filter out small sticks, gravel, sand or mud before you put the water through your water filter. This action will help to keep the fine membranes of the filter from becoming clogged with debris.


USMC veteran here. Moleskin is an absolute must, plus plenty of changes of socks and maybe some foot powder for the feet. ALWAYS keep the feet healthy. High quality olive oil is good for a tremendous amount of things from bathing to nutrition. Roman soldiers used plenty of that stuff for medicinal and culinary purposes. Vaseline (not what you think its for haha but for fire starting and applying to difficult to stop bleeds) and cotton balls... Also a supremely useful item to always and I mean ALWAYS carry is oregano oil. That shit is good for all sorts of infections and stomach bugs, toothaches, cuts, etc. Dried oregano makes a mean tea/mouthwash as well to keep your gums HEALTHY which is very important as infections in gums can reach the heart. Plant medicines cannot be overstated enough as modern medicine is not always is great supply, especially in a SHTF scenario. I have a working knowledge of at least 150 or so herbs and what they're excellent remedies for. Be sure to carry something that can induce vomiting as well along with activated charcoal capsules. Cigarettes are an absolute must also. Eating a cigarette can actually kill tenacious parasites from brackish water, just don't eat more than 1 within a 24 window or possibly you'll die from nicotine overdose. Also, cigs are basically currency and an excellent tool to make friends with unsavory characters you might meet along the way. Also, do not doubt the importance of toothpicks and dental floss. Armpits, asshole, crotch, teeth and feet! Keep those clean and healthy and you'll be pretty much golden! I also recommend an aircraft aluminum folding survival bow with arrows for emergency hunting! Lightweight and basically indestructible.


On water filters LifeStraw filters about 100 gallons. Sawyer mini filters filter 100, 000 gallons of water for the same price


Candles are one of the most underrated things to have.


For my teen, who seldom comes with me on hikes, he carries similar items to your list - a Sawyer Squeeze filter, a SS water bottle, para cord, matches and a lighter, a Morakniv knife, a headlamp, a small first aid kit, a SOL bivvy, a warm layer, a rain poncho, a snack, a Mainstay triple bar, a whistle and a phone. And he knows how to use them, even if he doesn't like it! I carry better but similar gear.


moraknivs are absolutely worth their weight in gold. The fact that they are priced like they are made out of lead is what makes them truly astounding. These are EASILY better than many several hundred dollar knives on the market.


I found a lot of my gear at thrift/second hand stores and yard sales when I started. Still use some of it many years later.


Mylar will make you colder if it touches your skin so make sure to use it over a jacket or full length clothing. Gloves are also useful so you don’t touch it. The double layer one you showed is great. The extra durability is really useful.


The most amazing thing is living with somebody that can't even see the potential of this happening. Making me rethink my whole life process.


Paracord is great for a lot of applications, but for just tying things, guy lines, building shelters and generally lashing things together, I prefer # 36 tarred seine line. It's just as strong, comes in larger quantities for a cheaper price and you can save the paracord for other uses. If you need more strength or less bulk in your cord you can go up or down in size.


I think there is a comfort element to these things that requires you to put in the time. You can't learn it from a book and you can't buy it with expensive gear. I saw it on Dave Canterburys last show, the other 2 people looked Ill at ease in nature and Dave just rolled with it. Part of this is having tried and tested gear, not pricey gear and building your confidence. Being confident and comfortable, costs nothing but is priceless.


Knowledge, skills, physical fitness. All of these can be free.


9:30 A note about mylar. If you are already cold, mylar will not help much. It reflects heat, so if your core temp is already low, it will NOT warm you up past what you already are, you need to supplement mylar with something else in that case. A thin layer of fabric over the mylar will help.


Heck, any backpacker or camper has everything they need to live threw any situation. They are use to being self contained and having everything they need from water treatment to shelter and water. I have a titanium pot with a bail handle on it, it can be used over a fire or on a stove to heat water or cook up some soup. Best of all is a good water filter or purifier for drinking water. Some on the market are good for thousands of gallons.
Hurricanes, I like to call it camping at home when the power goes out. For food, the dehydrated ( dry ) package sections at the grocery store have a wide variety to choose from. All you need is some time and a good imagination on how to mix and match them.
Example ...Stove Top stuffing, Turkey/Chicken gravy packet, Foil package of Chicken chunks or Turkey. Mix all three for a chicken/turkey hash. Or a Ramen Noodle pack, some dehydrated spaghetti sauce powder for a spaghetti meal. Don't use the seasoning pack that comes with the Ramen noodles.


I didn't know much about knives a couple years ago and saw my local farm store had a two pack of Moras on clearance for $12. I now don't go into the woods without my Mora! I even bought a third they had on sale...I don't think anyone around here knows about them. I think they are the best and most affordable knives around for what I need. I have a larger Shrade for batoning and larger things, but the Moras are perfect for almost everything else.


BPS knives is also a great option. They’re full tang, 1/4 inch blade, and come with a leather sheath. Depending on blade length they’re about $20-25


Additionally a double wall water bottle is likely to explode if cooked over a fire


Duck Tape: patch up your gear, patch up yourself, use it as cordage, and tear strips to blaze a trail. It even comes in different colors and patterns so if you want bright l, hunter orange, you can get it.


Water storage and filtration system I recommend would be 2x CNOC 2L/3L water bags (1 clean, 1 dirty) and a Sawyer Mini. Attach the CNOC bags to both ends of the Sawyer Mini and hang it up for a gravity filtration system. The bags are quite durable and can be squeezed to increase the flow rate, but I usually just sit back and let gravity take its sweet time. You can also pick up used drinks bottles and just screw the Sawyer Mini onto it. If you keep the flip top bottle caps from smart water bottles, you can use them to back flush the Sawyer Mini in the event you lose or break or ditch the syringe provided. Entire system should weigh in under 350g.


Thanks for video 👍 Regarding metal water bottles please bear in mind that some have plastic (or epoxy or resin) linings which may delaminate when heated.