The Truth and Beauty PART III: The Secret Knowledge of the Incarnate Christ

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Andrew Klavan and his son Spencer Klavan (no relation) discuss how, much like we do today, the Romantic poets grappled with faith in an age of reason, increasingly unmoored from the spiritual underpinnings of society. Drew explains that by understanding Jesus Christ as a man, these poets were able to contextualize the meaning of His words, and enlighten future generations on the meaning of scripture.

Pre-order The Truth and Beauty here:

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What a magnificent voice your son has. Isn’t beauty a reflection of God? Whereas the opposite of beauty reflects nothing good.


This has been my favorite series on your channel! I love both the work you and your son do. I am looking forward to receiving my copy of the Truth and Beauty. Have a great day and may the Klavanon conspiracy live long!


OK Klavan, this once a week program is not working for me. My dentist says I have to stop gnashing my teeth and the neighbors are complaining about the wailing. I do think the moon looks red although my husband says I need to see either an eye doctor or a shrink. So what are you gonna do about it?

PS I'll buy your book if you do more programs.

Desperate in Detroit


how much to get Spencer to shave his head, just so we can see what it looks like?


Colossians 2-2, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge


Yes, exactly. Did you find mine on another one of my friends YouTube sites? It's pretty high thinking and it's kind of scary to reiterate it for me. Because it heavily involves the Holy Spirit, and you have to be careful not to blasphem it in any way. Like being a high voltage lineman you could say. Fear of God is a good thing, I've been taught. That way you don't say "it was all me" like Sampson did. I'm confident what Jesus showed me through some of the same things, is not against him in any way. It's his power I'm talking about, and not mine. Want me to repeat it on here Mr. Klavan? It involves quartz outcrops~> (our minds, bodies and souls and his creation) which you can't see with your flesh ~> (faith) underground ~> (the world blocking your view of his power). electricity ~> (The Holy Spirit) <~ and is the most powerful natural and supernatural fire there is.
Lightening makes a boom when it hits. Quartz crystals have veins of highly conductive earth metals in them. Iron pyrite, iron ore, gold, titanium etc. We and the world are broken. The Bible says so. If you think about the vibration of the broken pieces of quarts that have broken away from the mother outcrop. And how they could arc the electricity down to what ever rare earth mother load in the quartz outcrop. ⛰️⚡🗝️💎💡 That would be utterly beautiful, but you must have faith that it's there, and it is also electrically feasible that it could happen.
Can you see how Christ's ever seeking Holy Spirit works in us. Healing, enlightenment, strong praying? Like the quartz outcrop, and it's contents. Like our salts as some would put it. And he wants us to be of salts in some way. I know it's in the Bible. No doubt. ✝️❤️☦️


You both have the same voice, cadence and vocal mannerisms!!


I’m very intrigued and have preordered the book albeit I must say…

As amateur student of individuals I find your interaction with your son quite pleasing. Lol

You two are kindred hearts. Gos bless you.

I have three daughters and may the Lord bless me with such a connection. (They are good with a passion at least equal to mine and my wife’s.).

Love the videos. Looking forward to the book, my friend. God speed.


This Planet is part of the Creation... You workship or intuitive way of "communication"... Science must be the subjective part.... I think


Just as Paul said of christ isn't raised we are still in our sins and our faith is futile. But he has indeed been raised and therefore the explosion of the converts of the first century.


I wonder did you ever go to Grasmere, England? It's a beautiful place, and very humbling to see where Wordsworth lived and wrote...along with Coleridge, De Quincey and Southey!


Talking about Prophesy, Wordsworth predicted Hitler and the Second World War.


Does Spencer voice audio books? If not, he should start!


The desire to be liked and the urge to defend whatever ground you have left


There is no love but God's.

Perhaps you think that different kinds of love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of love for this, a kind for that; a way of loving one, another way of loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself, unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God, and also of His Son.

Love's meaning is obscure to anyone who thinks that love can change. He does not see that changing love must be impossible. And thus he thinks that he can love at times, and hate at other times. He also thinks that love can be bestowed on one, and yet remain itself although it is withheld from others. To believe these things of love is not to understand it. If it could make such distinctions, it would have to judge between the righteous and the sinner, and perceive the Son of God in separate parts.

Love cannot judge. As it is one itself, it looks on all as one. Its meaning lies in oneness. And it must elude the mind that thinks of it as partial or in part. There is no love but God's, and all of love is His. There is no other principle that rules where love is not. Love is a law without an opposite. Its wholeness is the power holding everything as one, the link between the Father and the Son which holds Them both forever as the same.

No course whose purpose is to teach you to remember what you really are could fail to emphasize that there can never be a difference in what you really are and what love is. Love's meaning is your own, and shared by God Himself. For what you are is what He is. There is no love but His, and what He is, is everything there is. There is no limit placed upon Himself, and so are you unlimited as well.

No law the world obeys can help you grasp love's meaning. What the world believes was made to hide love's meaning, and to keep it dark and secret. There is not one principle the world upholds but violates the truth of what love is, and what you are as well.

Seek not within the world to find your Self. Love is not found in darkness and in death. Yet it is perfectly apparent to the eyes that see and ears that hear love's Voice. Today we practice making free your mind of all the laws you think you must obey; of all the limits under which you live, and all the changes that you think are part of human destiny. Today we take the largest single step this course requests in your advance towards its established goal.

If you achieve the faintest glimmering of what love means today, you have advanced in distance without measure and in time beyond the count of years to your release. Let us together, then, be glad to give some time to God today, and understand there is no better use for time than this.

For fifteen minutes twice today escape from every law in which you now believe. Open your mind and rest. The world that seems to hold you prisoner can be escaped by anyone who does not hold it dear. Withdraw all value you have placed upon its meager offerings and senseless gifts, and let the gift of God replace them all.

Call to your Father, certain that His Voice will answer. He Himself has promised this. And He Himself will place a spark of truth within your mind wherever you give up a false belief, a dark illusion of your own reality and what love means. He will shine through your idle thoughts today, and help you understand the truth of love. In loving gentleness He will abide with you, as you allow His Voice to teach love's meaning to your clean and open mind. And He will bless the lesson with His Love.

Today the legion of the future years of waiting for salvation disappears before the timelessness of what you learn. Let us give thanks today that we are spared a future like the past. Today we leave the past behind us, nevermore to be remembered. And we raise our eyes upon a different present, where a future dawns unlike the past in every attribute.

The world in infancy is newly born. And we will watch it grow in health and strength, to shed its blessing upon all who come to learn to cast aside the world they thought was made in hate to be love's enemy. Now are they all made free, along with us. Now are they all our brothers in God's Love.

We will remember them throughout the day, because we cannot leave a part of us outside our love if we would know our Self. At least three times an hour think of one who makes the journey with you, and who came to learn what you must learn. And as he comes to mind, give him this message from your Self:

_I bless you, brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you. For I would learn the joyous lesson that there is no love but God's and yours and mine and everyone's._

*A Course in Miracles*


I recently was introduced to you in a TimCast production ( I've been following Tim for several years now) and discovered your site and your posts. I am a Christian, but not in the traditional definition. I have always felt there was more to Christianity that the doctrine and dogma of various churches ( I've attended several). Jesus called us to Love ( our enemies and neighbors) not for their sakes, but for our own sake. Loving others raises our spiritual vibration; negative emotions (hate, disdain, jealousy, etc.) lower our personal vibrations. We are an immortal being (soul) temporarily inhabiting a mortal body to experience this three dimensional reality. After this body dies, we continue, but not in this reality, except in the memories of those we have left behind. We must not love material things or we tie ourselves to this material world and make it difficult (at death) to leave this reality and move into the next. Jesus wanted to teach us how to live our lives and prepare us for what lies after by elevating ours thoughts, emotions, and actions to make the transition easier. We are here to learn, to experience, and then to teach...either by word or example. Often we are unaware that we are actually influencing others ( either negatively or positively) by our words and actions and even our thoughts.. Everything around us is energy. Energy is all around us. It cannot be destroyed; only transmuted. Matter (mass) is energy just as ice is water/steam. It just exists at a lower vibration. Everything around us exists both as matter and energy at the same time. If you raise the vibration of a rock, it gains energy and shifts its form. The same universal law applies to us. When we raise our vibration, it changes us. Loving others, being of service to others and forgiveness of ourselves and others raise our (spiritual) vibrations. These are the lessons that Jesus taught by word and example. I've always held dear the poem from William Blake about the pebble and the clod of clay. Let me be the clod of clay, and let God be my potter.


Congratulations Andrew. Great job of raising your family. You son seems very well adjusted in a world of maladjustment. God Bless you Both.


Does anyone else find it very ironic that andrew’s homosexual son who twists scripture in knots trying to justify his gayness is interviewing him about “truth and beauty”?


Study ancient Gnosticism and it will all make much more sense. "Know Thyself" and you will discover the real secret knowledge.


I don't know a lot about the English poets, but I know a lot about Christ. Christ does a pretty good job speaking for himself, not sure why he needs your help. This is the one big flaw in capitalism. People like Klavan will use capitalism to redefine the premises of Christianity and has enough of a following where it can be considered indoctrination. If you want to criticize him fairly however, you have to buy and read his book, which fuels his indoctrination effort. When it comes to the spread of ideology, he who produces wins either way in a capital driven system. It extra sucks when the ideology being spread is bad.
