What You Think About Is What You Become | International Coaching Institute

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What you think about, you become what you focus on. You bring more into your life based on what you tend to the most. This is a fundamental coaching principle. What you think about, you become, and it's amazingly true. If you take a moment to consider this principle, you'll see that whatever you think about repeatedly, you bring into your life.

Some people call this manifestation. To manifest something means to build or create it. Everything we create starts with a thought or an idea. Learning to control what we think about, or even more importantly, learning to allow thoughts to come into our mind and deciding which thoughts to focus on and act upon, is crucial.

In this video, I want to share a couple of practical tips you can take away straight away. First of all, not everything you think is useful. Sometimes you'll have random thoughts that don't make any sense. They're not useful and definitely thoughts you shouldn't put into action. For example, have you ever heard a pop song on the radio and then found yourself singing it hours later, even though you don't like it? That's what I would call a useless thought. It's just your mind picking up something and repeating it.

Now, imagine what happens when you consistently watch negativity on the news. If that's what you're always plugging into, or if you're not discerning about the type of information you're taking in from the radio or television, and it's negative and judgmental, you'll end up with negative and judgmental thoughts.

The first tip is to understand that sometimes thoughts are going to come into our mind that aren't useful, and that's okay. The second tip is that whatever you give more energy to grows. Whatever you resist tends to persist because you're giving it more energy, and whatever you allow and don't give much focus to will diminish and die off.

The basic principle of mindfulness is to watch our thoughts and not give them too much energy. There is wisdom in letting an idea pop into your mind and not giving it much attention. For example, you might think, "I should hold myself back and not take action on my goal." Logically, you know that's not a good idea, but if you start thinking about why you're thinking that thought and give it more attention, it grows and expands. If you just acknowledge the thought, find it a bit silly, and let it go like a cloud in the sky, it loses its power over you.

The third principle is education. What are you regularly plugging into that feeds your brain? Our brains need to be fed just like our stomachs do. If you go a day without eating, you'll feel irritable and tired, and the longer you go, the worse the effects. It's the same with our brain. Some people go years without feeding their brain with useful information, and unfortunately, we live in a world that doesn't have the most useful messages floating around. You have to seek them out.

For example, if you watch the news, it's 90% negative and 10% positive, and the positive is usually about sports. You need to make an effort to find something useful, mentally nourishing, and positive. This allows you to learn, be more empowered, more fulfilled, and stay on track in your life. You have to search for it, and when you feed your brain with positive information, that becomes your focus and what you get. Remember, whatever you focus on is what you get, and whatever you think about is what you become.


What you think about over and over again you becomes. What you focus on, you bring more into your life. What you attent to the most, will bring most attention towards you. What ever you give more energy to grows. Whatever you resist, persist cos you are giving it more energy. What you are plugging into on a regular basis feeds your brain. You must deliberately look for the positivity. Deliberately Feeds yourself with God's word and you will menifest God's word in your life.
