Adele - Hello (Missionary Parody)

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Written, Directed, Produced by Marcus Joseph
Co-Written, Produced by Korey Smith
Cinematography, editing, & music production by Marcus Joseph

Lead Vocals/Elder Berry: Parker Cressman

Elder Pete: Conner Hein


Marcus Joseph and Korey Smith are both current BYU students. Marcus Joseph is a music video director/music producer from Northern Virginia.
Korey Smith is a filmmaker and director of music videos from Roseburg Oregon.



***The missionaries in this video were not real current missionaries. However, both Parker Cressman and Conner Hein did serve full time missions.

***This video is not an official church video and is not affiliated with the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints.***

LDS Missionary parody of Adele's Hello.
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As a mom to a missionary, thanks to everyone who is kind to missionaries.


Thank you, for knocking at my door! Del Rio, Texas & the Elders where from Dominican Republic and New Zealand. I got baptized and my whole life changed. Give these young men a chance.


I grew up going to a mormon church - my dad let them in one day, and elders started coming again and again, giving lessons and eating dinner with us. i remember going to the church, singing songs, going christmas caroling... i even went to girls' camp! (it was super awesome) they're really some of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. i wish the stigma of mormons being bad people would go away. although i'm definitely not christian, let alone mormon, i love mormons. if i have kids i'll let them pick their own beliefs, and if that means letting missionaries in, so be it.


It’s funny how the other guy is just standing there smiling lol


I'm not LDS but I really respect you guys who go out on Missions. I can't imagine how scary it must be. I'm Christian and know first hand how *God uses ANYONE* who will help people become saved, delivered and healed; regardless of our "individual belief systems and doctrinal differences." At the end of the day anyone who can reach a person in their pain and help them get saved is a hero. I wish I still had the bravery I had in my youth.
Well done guys.


Boy, can he ever sing!!! I sure hope he becomes a big star.


I will never forget or regret to have serve as full time missionary. Feb 2007-Feb 2009, Ivory Coast Mission.


My family was stuck on top of a mountain in Utah without flashlights. Dropped our only source of light, iphone 5 off a cliff. Oh we prayed alright. Then out of nowhere we see lights flashing. We screamed our heads off. Two Mormon kids who decided to climb the mountain that same night. "We will help you down." Such sweet words. We are still so grateful. O they even retrieved my iphone. When it fell, the flashlight that was on was facing the sky thankfully.


I'm Mormon. I left the church for many years over a bad divorce... But have since returned and I'm glad I did. I am so proud of our missionaries of all ages, especially for the young ones who choose to brave the big bad world to preach the gospel. God bless them and Godspeed. And thank you to all the people on here who may not be Mormon or even Christian but who still treat these young men and women with kindness and respect. 🙏❤


Marcus be the kid who does everything in the group project


My sister is actually serving her mission in Peru right now!

I miss her a lot-

But I’ve never seen her as happy as she is when we face time. 😁

Honestly missions don’t only strengthen the taught... but the teachers to :)


I'm not Mormon but I love this video and I love when Mormons come to our door to talk. You're always welcome over!


Guys, four years ago I met a missionary mormon in my opinion he was the sweetest person I have ever met and even if i’m not mormon i think that they are so friendly and kind


My brother is surfing a mission in California, I’m gonna tell you this when I turn 19 I’m going on that mission it will be the best year and a half of my life I can’t wait. Right now i might not have a huge testimony but I’m trying i really am. Thanks for reading this!


I'm a Mormon, and this song made me cry of joy because it's so great to hear gospel music! So inviting, and wonderful to bring to the church!


I'm not a Mormon, but the ones I've met are very decent and kind people. They Don't have a bad word for anyone.


I'm not mormon and I don't wish to join the church, but I always feel a bit sad turning down missionaries. They seem so kind and friendly, and I know they have the best intentions.


Not Mormon and will never be apar of any religious group but Mormons are the nicest people I have ever met. So lovely and always a pleasure to be around. Prob the happiest group of people.


Mormons are pretty cool. They mowed my lawn for a whole summer. What a summer.


I'm a proud Latter Day Saints. Planning on going on my mission this year. Maybe in 3 months max. Wish me luck 🤗✔🎉💕
