Hello by Adele - Mom Parody Video | HonestlyMommy

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Mom life is hard! Up half the night with the baby and ran out of coffee *cue petrified screams* But one of the things that gets me through -besides coffee- is the reminder that I'll miss these sleepless nights someday...

Don't miss this fun parody video by Stephanie Peltier aka HonestlyMommy! Make sure to subscribe to my channel because there will be more of these in the near future! Have a song you'd like to see me cover? List it in the comments below!

And thank you to Adele who is one of my favorite singers of all time for making such an amazing song!

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Hey! I'm Stephanie, known on most social media platforms as HonestlyMommy. I started this journey a few years back to be able to help provide an income for my family and have been blown away by how things have grown! It is always my goal to be as honest as possible and share as much as I can about my journey to help other mom's get to where I am (if they want to!). Because of this I have started a FREE Instagram Growth Course and will be dropping a new video every Monday so if you're interested in growing your Instagram account or learning how Social Media Moms make money definitely go check it out! Thank you for following along and I hope you'll subscribe!

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I really loved this one! Hoping for some sleepless nights for myself in the future (aka trying for kids).
