15 Things You Learn Working for Extremely Rich People

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So if you surround yourself with rich people, what do you learn?

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What are 15 Things You Learn Working for Extremely Rich People?
What would you learn when working for rich people?
What are some valuable lessons to learn working for Extremely Rich People?
What are some life lessons learned working for the extremely rich people?

00:00 - Intro
00:18 - Look at results, not the process
00:43 - Everything is a number
01:06 - 12 hours days are a myth
02:06 - Consistency is most important
03:36 - Buy-in to the vision
03:16 - Control your emotions
03:52 - It’s not always about the money
04:19 - Constatly look for dots to connect
04:46 - They look for deals
05:14 - They have a budget
06:00 - Time is their most valuable resource
06:32 - It’s easier to train than to replace
07:22 - Show up
07:53 - More streams of income
08:22 - There’s always the next thing
09:00 - Question


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Hello Aluxers! Have you ever worked with a really rich person?
What have you learned?

Thanks to our friends at Audible!
Disclaimer: signing up for Audible will result in financial compensation towards Alux Inc at no additional cost to you, the consumer.


My rich mentor doesn’t really “fit in” he doesn’t care what ppl think of him and he’s has a very unorthodox thought process. Yet everyone loves him bc he adds value to our lives. I like him!
He’s a real alpha yet he’s not macho or “hyper masculine” he’s not on the internet everyday gossiping, doesn’t show off but his wealth is present. Nor is he walking around calling himself an alpha or high value man- he just is and the world recognizes it. And men cannot sway his opinion he sticks to his morals even if its “lame” bc those morals and values are why he is worth millions & maintains valuable personal and business relationships.
He’s taught me not to burn bridges and give up on certain ppl in my personal life bc ppl are important. I struggle with trusting folks but he’s shown me maintaining relationships are worth it. Bc there’s no point in getting rich and not having friends to vacation with or family you can’t call to enjoy the fruits of labor with. I’m working on that particular part bc ppl are weird lol


Some entrepreneur: Nobody is productive working 80 hours a week.
Elon: Hold my beer!



1. Look at the results not the process
2. Everything is a number
3. 12 hour days are a myth
4. Consistency is important
5. Buy into the vision.(believe in your vision and convince other people to do the same)
6. Control your emotion
7. Its not always about the money
8. Constantly look for dots to connect/Always seek to solve a problem
9. Look for deals
10.They have a budget
11.Time is the most valuable resource
12. Its easier to train then replace(invest in your team)
13. Show up
14.Multiple Income stream
15. There is always something coming up


I remember back in the 90s when I first got into Rich Dad Poor Dad, and I started listening to Robert Kiyosaki's recordings too. He said that the poor trade their time for money, whereas the rich trade some of their money to free up more of their time. This is so huge. When we really think about how much time we are wasting just watching tv or binge streaming a show, it really adds up.


Alux: if you surround yourself with rich people, what do you learn
Me: a lot....a whole lot


Jayz born Mr. Carter said that.. If you can't afford it twice.. You can't afford it.. 💕💕


“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” — Michael Jordan


I have worked for really, rich people before, and Mrs. Anne Decker told me it does not matter how much money a person has or will pay you if they upset me or make me feel uncomfortable get away from them and do not except anything from them. Not just upset me because I am just having a long day, but someone intentionally being mean towards me for no real reason. I kind of already felt that way. Everyone in the world does not have the same options as I had in the world, because I grew up in California and had help, and I also wanted to help myself, so when my friends and other people say my name out loud they think of someone smart, and have nice things to say about me.


This is spot on. My best friend is rich and has been sharing his knowledge with me to become rich too.


Another bit of gold content. Thank you. When I lived in NYC I cared for elite family’s children. My first week with what I considered to be a wealthy family, I came home and said to my partner “I just want to understand this woman’s thinking”. The mother made choices that I couldn’t see the logic to. Now I can proudly say that I not only understand her decision making process, I employ it myself, and I learned a new perspective on value that I take with me everywhere. I earned a living working for her but what I LEARNED goes way beyond just making a living.


I am a P.A. To the most fashionable lady I've met and it surprises people how I am able to connect with her coz most can't ! Her consistency and ever evolving nature is one thing I'm soo taking with me as I too strive for greater heights.
As she always preaches "it's all about learning and unlearning stuff"


"If you can't buy it twice you can't afford it."


Yes I worked as an apprentice to two separate professions and I learned to get it done now and not to wait. Both were from Asia so both were keen in helping their family be/do better because they felt like family success is a reflection of the entire family.


I know so many wealthy men who are very unhappily married- and stuck. They are usually seen out fishing- alone. It is very sad. Sometimes I wonder how people who have so much can be so ungrateful for it. Often the wives of rich men are similar to second generation wealth, they aren't happy with what they have. I wonder what a psychologist would make of this. Maybe it's insecurity because if the money disappeared those who have not earned it wouldn't know how to get more?
Working amongst the truly wealthy can be a huge eye opener, especially for those who think being wealthy will make them happy.


Just keep showing up. The only failure is acceptance of failure.


I especially appreciate 1, 3, 7, 11

Also... I've realised wealthy folks are frugal. But will do the exact opposite and spend very heavily on their kids wellbeing where Education and growth is concerned.


Only the thing they can learn is how to cope up very properly, because big thing comes with big responsibilities, , doesn’t mean it’s inheritance or it’s given, somebody needs to take care !! !! 💕 I love you so much Alux 💕


It's great when parents are like that and you can get all the knowledge, experiences and the contact book from them.


I worked for a rich person for months and I quit because he wanted me to work 12 hours a day every day and didn't give me that much money despite having millions in his pocket
