Beverly Lewis' The Confession

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After leaving her Amish town and the only family she has ever known, Katie Lapp ventures to New York City to find her birth mother, Laura Mayfield-Bennett. Katie finds Laura but is shocked to discover an impostor claiming to be Katie Lapp is already living in Laura’s home. As Katie tries to unravel the mystery, Daniel Fisher, the young man who captured Katie’s heart years ago, has returned to find Katie—the one woman he ever truly loved.

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Onde eu encontro a continuação do primeiro filme por favor


when is the last movie going to be released?


I believe the Amish to be a cult*, but I thought this was a pretty well done movie. I saw/recorded it from the Hallmark channel.

*Everything they do isn't bad. The biblical studying is probably ideal and they seem to be tough/disciplined.

If someone is ideally raised in their lifestyle(without abuese), it may be better for that person outside of this community and to mix what they do(serious dedication) with what he/she understands the true laws of THE ELOHIM are. For instance, I'm pretty sure that THE ELOHIM would find the total isolation(unless it's for a specific reason--not an ideal practice of the faith) a sinful lifestyle.
