Sleepy, Grumpy, Gasping for Air? 7 Sleep Apnea Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

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This video explores the often-overlooked connection between sleep apnea and psychiatric problems. Discover seven common signs of sleep apnea, its physical consequences, and its potential impact on mental health. Learn how sleep apnea can increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline, and find out about effective treatment options. If you or someone you know experiences these signs, it's time to consider a medical evaluation. Join us for a deep dive into this crucial topic and take steps toward better sleep and improved mental well-being.

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Prabhakar NR, Semenza GL. Oxygen Sensing and Homeostasis. Physiology (Bethesda). 2015 Sep;30(5):340-8. doi: 10.1152/physiol.00022.2015. PMID: 26328879; PMCID: PMC4556828.

Doyle-McClam M, Shahid MH, Sethi JM, Koo P. Nocturia in Women With Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2018 Jun 18;15(3):260-268. doi: 10.1177/1559827618782657. PMID: 34025318; PMCID: PMC8120610.

Roizenblatt S, Guilleminault C, Poyares D, Cintra F, Kauati A, Tufik S. A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study of Sildenafil in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(16):1763–1767. doi:10.1001/archinte.166.16.1763

Lee M, Lee SK, Kim S, et al. Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea With White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Performance Over a 4-Year Period in Middle to Late Adulthood. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(7):e2222999. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.22999

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
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Thank you for this. I wish you had mentioned that sleep apnea can also cause obesity. When I was diagnosed one of the things that was explained to me was that exhaustion impacts hormones that affect metabolism. I have severe sleep apnea and unfortunately went undiagnosed for many years to the point where I couldn't work and fell asleep everywhere I went. My ENT doctor, sleep apnea specialist, told me my metabolism may or may not bounce back, and if it did, it may take years. I participated in a study at Toronto General Hospital and have seen a dietitian over the years. I'm very pleased to report that with no change in diet (I always ate properly) and no additional exercise I've lost over 80 lbs in 6 years slowly and steadily. The weight loss didn't start until about 2 years after my diagnosis and adjustment to my cpap. I was angry and afraid when I was diagnosed. Now I can't live without my cpap and wouldn't want to.😊


I had sleep apnea and had a sleep study done. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed and the Dr also took part of my uvula. It fixed my issue and I sleep well now.


I fought a CPAP for so long but it really has done so much for helping my panic attacks and anxiety.


Important topic here, thank you. I'm one of those people who had sleep apnea for years without realizing. I'm in my mid-30s and for most of my adult life I've had low energy/motivation. Depression meds didn't help. Leading up to my disgnosis my cognitive decline had gotten so bad I worried i had a brain tumor or early onset dementia. When they tested my sleep it turned out I stopped breathing and woke myself up ONCE EVERY MINUTE. Absolutely wild. It has taken me over a year to find an effective cpap solution, and I'm still working on it, but even with a semi-functional setup my cognitive function has noticeably improved.

Although obesity is the primary cause of sleep apnea, my theory is that it's a negative feedback loop as well. You sleep poorly because obstructed airways, then you eat more snacks because you have low energy and always feel like you need a pick-me-up to get through your work, your chores, and even your hobbies. Get heavier, apnea gets worse, eat more. This is what's happened to me and I'm in a real mess now. It sounds so trite but take care of yourselves, people. Health problems just compound so quickly and subtly and you can get overwhelmed before you know it.


I’m 24 and 5 3” and 120 pounds and have sleep apnea. If you’re tired or think that somethings not right get a sleep study done I’m so glad I did the difference when I use my CPAP machine versus when I don’t is night and day


High carbon dioxide levels in your bedroom from inadequate ventilation can cause a lot of sleep disturbance. I had chronic high blood pressure and waking up gasping, until I got a CO2 meter. It convinced my partner to allow more ventilation of the house. He'd close everything up tightly after I went to bed, to keep more heat in. I'd rather have a cool house (and warm bedding) and be able to breathe freely. He didn't believe the air being "stuffy" had any health effects. Now he admits he wakes up easier and has greater mental alertness throughout the day.


It took about a year of CPAP use before I saw maximum benefits but I did see them and always use my machine. It’s worth it.


Long time I have had the symptom like a high heart rate. Nobody knew what the reason was. Then one day I fall in sleep early evening. I stopped breathing. In the very last moment my system went in surviving. I was standing on the sofa and tried to get air in my lounges. Since five years I have a Ccap. Three days after I got my mask my heart rate went down. I have no fat neck, I'm not overweight and I don't smoke. No other reasons. I needed lots of month to get along with the mask but today I don't want to miss it anymore.


Adding my own personal testimony to the mix:

I have always had sleep issues. I couldn’t sleep for more than 4 hours at a time when I was a baby. Got bad mental health issues and vivid nightmares that worsened as I got older. Then I gained a ton of weight after college. Then I started snoring. It was only after the snoring that I had a couple sleep studies done, one at home and one in the hospital, that they found out I had OSA.

I got my CPAP machine last month. It’s comfortable enough, and allowed me to sleep through the night for the first time in my life. I’m not dead on my feet anymore. I have so much more energy and thinking is so, so, so much easier! If you’re reading this and you feel like your sleep is shit and “just turning off your phone” or “just going back to bed when you wake up” or whatever isn’t working, keep advocating for yourself. It did actually get better in my case, thank the gods


One of our cats started laying on my chest at night and patting my face when I stopped breathing. My husband has already been diagnosed, so it was easier for me to go in. Always go in for a test if you think you might have it!!


Your channel is by far one of the most helpful i've found related to anxiety and depression. Thank you so much for all of your knowledge.


I concur that those of us with severe allergies suffer from allergy related sleep apnea. I seemed to be plagued with mucus OVERLOAD from 2am to 4am. I wake up either coughing or gaging from mucus build up. I have been on every med known to pharma and react violently to the side effects cuz my body is hypersensitive already. That stuff just increases or heightens other symptoms making it WORSE in the long run. I have changed my diet, helping a bit. Run air purifiers, helps a bit, but nothing seems to thoroughly stop the response causing sleep deprivation . For whatever reason during sleep, deeper sleep, mucus accumulates and wakes me up struggling to breathe. I sleep with head elevated, and all the recommendations. It's so very discouraging to not be able to get needed REST.


Amazon sells pulse oximeters that record your blood oxygen levels while you sleep (or awake, doesn't matter) and you download your results via Bluetooth to your phone. It's not an official medical device, I got one for around 75 bucks and because the results showed I had more than 30 times an hour where I likely stopped breathing, I felt more comfortable spending the money on a sleep study and getting a proper diagnosis for sleep apnea. I still use the pulse ox along with my CPAP sometimes.


Was diagnosed with mild apnea (AHI 7.1) last month. I definitely have worsened depression, but not most of the signs you went over. So far the CPAP machine is only making sleep and mental health worse, including due to the added executive function demands. The one I have literally snitches on me through a 5G connection so my insurance can check that I’m compliant—it’s sounds like a paranoid delusion, but it’s an actual product feature they tell you about. The only other option my doctor gave me was jaw surgery that’s much more extreme than anything you described. Oral appliances and minor surgeries didn’t even come up.

This is a great video. It just sucks that you can do everything you’re supposed to and still get screwed by a crappy doctor and a worse healthcare system. I desperately need a second opinion.


Hey Dr. Marks, great topic! Here's an interesting point of information for this group. I have a low sleep apnea score, less than five events per hour. However, my apnea events are severe and disruptive and my sleep apnea requires treatment.
Have a beautiful day!


Thank you for another great video, Dr. Marks.
Apart from the interesting topic I‘m also glad this video has no music/sounds effects which can be rather distracting.


Wow having people write down a list of symptoms to bring to the doctor is possibly the best advice ever


You are truly a beacon of well being. Thanks for your content.


I unknowingly had sleep apnea for years and it honestly was ruining my life. I was not sleeping or having dreams. I had a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. after nose surgery I am dreaming and sleeping it's amazing I cannot recommend getting checked out more


My 17 year old son just had a sleep study. He had 142 events an hour. That seems like a lot.
