Roland TR-09 vs. TR-909 vs. TR-8 Aira (no talking)

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Roland TR-09 Boutique Drum-Machine - First impressions and short comparison of the TR-09, the original TR-909 and Roland’s AIRA TR-8 Drum machine.
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Audio wine-tasters. The whole lot of ya.


I have experienced that when making/ playing music is the primary focus and gear is 2ndary focus, the satisfying sessions will lead you to have a stronger love for the instrument you are using but when gear is the primary focus you will never be satisfied with your current gear


We compared a vintage TR-909 and TR-09 (also with TB-303 vs TB-03) head to head in a local live house (with capacity for about 100+ people), using house PA. The sound of TR909 is huge, wide, wild, crazy, punchy and dynamic, not to mention that the groove of TR-909 built-in sequencer is magical, people just want to shake their body while listening to it. TR-09 sounds like toy in comparison, sequencer is boring and lifeless. Some audiences came to us and said that they gave up buying TR-09 immediately after the audition and will try their best to save money for a vintage TR 909 instead :) ... great sound is invaluable and sorry to say that TR-909 is still irreplaceable


It's quite amazing that Roland can't emulate their own machine that well. I'm surprised. The classics really are the classics.


I think they all sound good. Just pick the one that suits you taste and wallet. I like the Tr 8 because it also has 808 sounds. I like the new Tr 909 because of the compact size and retro look. I like the original because it is pure analog. To each his own, have fun.


Let´s face it .Even if the sound would have been 100 % accurate people would still complain and hear a difference.


Someone put a youtube up a while ago comparing the 909 with the TR8, and after the war of words that followed on the thread, it turned out the guy had flipped the sounds, so the sound you were hearing was the TR909 when the TR8 was playing and vice versa, it really proved that mind over matter can be very misleading. One of the major differences between the real and digital are the D/A convertors, using a quality mic preamp makes all the difference. He got that much abuse from the people who got fooled he deleted the vid sadly, you know who you are :)


the only place you'll hear a difference is HERE in a 1:1:1 comparison video! a'd not know....all you need to do is pan some of the drums more on the tr8


Long ago, and because I was so bored about the drama queens squeeling about their original 909's, I've organized a blind test between the original TR909 and a R8M with the sought after electronic & dance cards.
It is no joke when I say that NOT A SINGLE PERSON was able to hear the difference. So people who claim and are convinced that the original sounds better, please keep on spending to much money to the ridiculous overpriced original if it makes you happy. But stop telling bullshit please. Whether you use an original or even samples, an original will never guarantee you that you make better music.


You need to understand that Roland makes money with drums and stage pianos...
The shit you pay insane money for is overly hyped crap too.
Who wanted a 303 back then ? No one, it was shit for replacing the bass guy.
Or a 202 ? No one was able to program that little beast.
And then some acid heads had nothing else to do than twist the knobs while it was trying to emulate a tuba and called it music.
And you bought it !
High as the sky !!
There is plugins that sound BETTER than a 303 today, are 15 times more versatile and even look the parts.
Now shut your pie hole, buy the new gear, rock out on it and make the crowd happy.
THAT is your job :)


909 wins. TR-09 was much better than what I expected. TR8 was my least favorite but I still like that machine a lot. They're definitely all usable.


Wow for 100 more you can get a Tr-8. I own a tr-8 and was getting scared the 09 was gonna be analogue and sound spot on. Glad I can go to sleep peacefully now.


it would help if you recorded both machines at the same levels.


Sounds pretty good but the toms really bounce on the original and the claps sound really spacial. More dynamic range or something. Still, cool having the workflow in a microbox.


It feels like TR8 has more compressed sound, and it should sit more tight in the mix. I like it more.
Moreover, nobody will distinguish original one in the mix.


Thanks for the comparison, I was pleasantly surprised you also included the TR 8 in this video, great! I cannot really say which one sounds the best but what I find a bit irritating: There really shouldn't be a noticeable difference between the TR 09 and the TR 8 because it's both ACB technology. I can't imagine the guys at Roland felt the need to change the already existing emulation and if they did I would feel a bit betrayed as an owner of the TR 8 to be honest...


TR-09 sounds more muffled and flat than the other two.


The TR-909 sounds like it has more saturation and a wider soundstage. The TR-09 has the same timbre, but less saturation. The TR-8 sounds flat and is too focused in the high frequencies.

Saturating the output of the TR-09 should make up the difference.

Seems like a reasonably cool drum machine, don't understand all the raving. Was there an acid comeback about to happen that got thwarted by digital sounds?


I consider them 3 equally interesting and usable variants of the TR family.


To me, the most glaring difference is that the "real" 909 just swings better. Was there a different swing setting applied? It definitely sounds better.
