ARIN 2022 CONFERENCE |Side Event 4| Strengthening pro-poor climate finance systems
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"Strengthening pro-poor climate finance systems– ARIN- Makerere University Climate Finance and Sustainability Training Centre"
In the phase of new commitments around loss and damage financing, this event explored the capacity needs in exploiting the latest offer at the COP 27. The session was convened by the ARIN, Makerere University Business School and the Frankfurt School. The session also involved a
presentation of the joint ARIN and Makerere University Climate Finance and Sustainability Training Centre to be hosted at the Makerere University Business School.
This was the fourth side event under the ARIN 2022 international conference under the theme "Building Just and Resilient Community Systems"
The virtual conference is designed with the understanding that Africa is subjected to several transitions structured by major social, economic, and environmental disruptions such as climate change, COVID-19, disaster risks, and knowledge shifts. These disruptions are redefining new institutional cultures, governance, and decision-making processes with implications on the people and particularly the poor and marginalized groups including women, children, indigenous people, and ethnic minorities. In the recent international debates, attention has been given to the concept of just transition that aims at safeguarding the socioeconomic rights and resilience of these vulnerable groups. However, it is possible that some of the processes and interventions underpinning the just transition agenda, if not well understood, might reinforce vulnerabilities or even create new ones, especially for African communities. Subsequently, what requires interrogation is how the transition can address these predispositions. The conference will focus on three major thematic areas on just transition:
1. Envisioning a Just transition for Africa
2. Building Just and Resilient Community systems
3. Decolonizing Policy Research toward Resilient Communities
The aim of ARIN International Conference 2022 is to interrogate pathways through which just transition processes in Africa could rebuild and enhance the resilience of local communities amidst the various socioeconomic and environmental disruptions. The conference will explore this agenda through a series of thematic plenary sessions and side events.
In the phase of new commitments around loss and damage financing, this event explored the capacity needs in exploiting the latest offer at the COP 27. The session was convened by the ARIN, Makerere University Business School and the Frankfurt School. The session also involved a
presentation of the joint ARIN and Makerere University Climate Finance and Sustainability Training Centre to be hosted at the Makerere University Business School.
This was the fourth side event under the ARIN 2022 international conference under the theme "Building Just and Resilient Community Systems"
The virtual conference is designed with the understanding that Africa is subjected to several transitions structured by major social, economic, and environmental disruptions such as climate change, COVID-19, disaster risks, and knowledge shifts. These disruptions are redefining new institutional cultures, governance, and decision-making processes with implications on the people and particularly the poor and marginalized groups including women, children, indigenous people, and ethnic minorities. In the recent international debates, attention has been given to the concept of just transition that aims at safeguarding the socioeconomic rights and resilience of these vulnerable groups. However, it is possible that some of the processes and interventions underpinning the just transition agenda, if not well understood, might reinforce vulnerabilities or even create new ones, especially for African communities. Subsequently, what requires interrogation is how the transition can address these predispositions. The conference will focus on three major thematic areas on just transition:
1. Envisioning a Just transition for Africa
2. Building Just and Resilient Community systems
3. Decolonizing Policy Research toward Resilient Communities
The aim of ARIN International Conference 2022 is to interrogate pathways through which just transition processes in Africa could rebuild and enhance the resilience of local communities amidst the various socioeconomic and environmental disruptions. The conference will explore this agenda through a series of thematic plenary sessions and side events.