Guide: PSP and PS1 games on the PS Vita (Adrenaline)

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In this video, I'll show you how to load your own PS1 and PSP games onto the PS Vita, how to set optimal graphics settings, and how to organize the games into "bubbles" on your PS Vita home screen.

Note that when loading games, the "pspemu" folder is hidden in Windows and Mac, so you must have hidden folders enabled in order to find it.

00:00 introduction
01:33 install Adrenaline
05:58 load your PSP/PS1 games onto the device
09:55 suggested settings
13:39 Adrenaline Bubble Manager
17:16 more tips and tricks
18:07 conclusion

Intro theme song sampled from "Hexadecimal Genome" by Bit Shifter:

This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

#PSVita #Vita #Adrenaline
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me yesterday: meh I don't really need a psvita

me today after this: buying right fkn now


For anyone that needs seeing this. If you can't see the pspemu folder then you need to go to file explorer. Then go view -> options-> uncheck hide protected Operating system files.


He's back! Good job YouTube. And thanks for the dedication Russ


Man, thanks so much for all these guides. I’m not a complete stranger to this stuff, I have a modded PS2, GameCube with GCLoader, and a bunch of other crap, but after seeing your guides I felt super confident and got a white/lime slim. So much to love! Thanks again. My PSP was probably my most played device ever, so having all those games, plus RetroArch, PSX, and a few newer vita titles as a nice bonus, all of this is just insane.


FOR YEARS... I've always wanted to mod my vita but yet always been skeptic about it. I've dug through tons of other user videos but they always seemed off and so I never bothered then I found YOU. You make things much easier in step by step process and now my vita is official modded and I am confident and thankful for you doing these videos.


That whole FF "IX" bit got me there for a second.

Great tutorial, BTW!


That Adrenaline double touch "bug" was starting to drive me crazy. Thanks for that fix, I had no idea!


Based on your videos, I recently purchased a Vita.

Dang, it's a killer of a device for retro gaming. :)


So I followed this guide and the two previous guides (jailbreak and sd2vita guide) and I wanted to say thanks a lot for your efforts and the clear explanation.
Now whit a bunch of PS1 and PSP games I don´t know where to start...
The struggle is real :)


Just had hernia surgery, so I'm home for a few days. Your timing on these vids is literally perfect for me lol. I'm gonna mod me a vita 1000!


your a life saver man! i recently got a vita gifted and thought it was pretty cool but limited to what i can do... now i dont even touch my switch anymore im GLUED to this thing
thank you so much man! definitely deserve the sub and thumbs up!
looking forward to all your stuff man


for those that already had ps1 games but they weren't pbp, you can convert them from bin/cue to pbp using psx2psp. you'll just have to find the icon and background images yourself. after converting, it makes it into the folder that you can directly put into the pspemu folder


Just wanted to say ‘thanks’ for your guides on modding, installing sd adapters and this one. Of all the years I’ve owned a Vita (two now), I never considered jail breaking it either because I was nervous about screwing something up or getting banned.

But after watching your guides multiple times over and reading threads online about how worth it it is, I decided to take the plunge and do it. I’m still very new to this whole modding thing and I’m still trying to figure things out, but I am enjoying the freedom of not being tethered to limited storage from Sony’s overpriced memory cards.
I’m now in the process of downloading over 75+ games ranging from PS1 to PSP, to Vita games onto my 1000 Vita. I’ll keep my 2000 model as a spare with some games on it for more casual gaming sessions.

Thanks again for making this process much less intimidating than it seemed at first for a noob like myself.


you make the best tutorials man. my fav parts are "yeah man i wanna do it"


Final Fantasy Icks was one of the best ones


Man, sorry to hear all this. Glad you're back! 🤘


Even though I went and done most of these steps already (even the secret exit Super Mario World style or Warp Whistle making Pikachu sad..), I still watched the video start to end. Because it's just PERFECT.
🙌🤩💪 PSVita is my favourite PS/PSP retro gaming device now. And of course the Vita games themselves.


this video really helped me as i was trying to get tekken 3 running on my vita, thanks alot


*New RGC video shows up in my feed*
Me - "Yeah, man, I wanna do it" *click*


Providing helpful guide is good but making it this much entertaining is just awesome! Final fantasy IX... haha!
