Global National: June 1, 2024 | Permanent ceasefire requires “destruction” of Hamas, Netanyahu says

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In tonight’s top story: Israel has proposed a draft ceasefire plan, calling for an immediate six-week halt to the hostilities. The first phase involves a "partial" withdrawal of Israeli forces from areas of Gaza and the release of some hostages, in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and humanitarian aid. There is, however, one big sticking point: Israel refuses to make any deals so long as Hamas is in power. David Baxter reports.

Boeing's latest attempt to launch its Starliner spacecraft was scrubbed in the final minutes before liftoff on Saturday. It was not immediately clear why, but the spacecraft has never flown with astronauts on board, so the stakes are high. NASA has scheduled a backup launch for tomorrow. But as Jayme Doll reports, it’s just another setback in a long list of delays and disruptions.

In South Africa, reaction is pouring into what's already been a historic election. For the first time since the end of apartheid, the nation's leading party will be forced to form a coalition government. The African National Congress (ANC) has held a majority in every election going back to 1994, but now the party of Nelson Mandela will be forced to work with a rival to stay in power. Kyle Benning has more on what led to the change – and which parties could play kingmaker.

This week, the parent company of Temu dethroned Alibaba as China's most valuable e-commerce firm. The widely-popular online shopping app is under scrutiny for the way it allegedly collects data from people who download it. Temu is currently facing two lawsuits in the U.S., as well as one in Canada. Anne Gaviola has more.

In April 2020, a lone gunman went on a deadly rampage in Nova Scotia, killing 22 people over the span of 13 hours. It became the worst mass shooting in modern Canadian history. The carnage changed the lives of countless people – trauma that is still felt to this day. But now, as Heidi Petracek reports, the small community where the killer's violence began is trying to redefine itself beyond the tragedy.

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basically Israel is going in no matter what


Ok, got it, there won't be a ceasefire...


Doug Ford said that immigrants that cause trouble in Canada shouldn't come. That's one of the few things I agree with him.


6 weeks? And still able to do whatever they want? I wouldn't trust Netanyahu as far as I can throw him


The US telling Israel to stop 😂… how about the 20 years in Afghan, Iraq occupation? Vietnam? Etc etc etc


Canada seems to be another mouth price for Israel. As a indigenous fella this is terrible


Palestinians have the right to resist the occupation
Its international law


If you stand by or indifferent towards the genocide in palesteen, do not wonder how on earth holocaust happened. You would have reacted the same back then.


It's time for the UN to stop supporting Hamas.


Why doesn’t anyone demand a cease fire from Russia and Ukraine


Sunak, re-election? Was he ever elected?


It's this genocida and colonialism Israel has brutal


It also requires that Netanyahu to be out of office and behind bars..


Much of this was predicted by the late professor Zeev Sternhell, a Holocaust survivor and Israel’s foremost authority on fascism, who explained in his 2018 essay titled “In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism” that these fascists “don’t wish to physically harm Palestinians. They only wish to deprive them of their basic human rights, such as self-rule in their own state and freedom from oppression.” Though the appointment of the sadistic Ben Gvir as minister of National Security is about wishing the Palestinians physical harm.

In short, those who continue to doubt that fascism is an impending danger for Israel, are not paying attention to how its coalescing chauvinistic forces are planning on ravaging whatever is left of Israel’s liberal institutions in order to turn the Jewish state into a full-fledged fascist theocracy.


In Ukraine its an occupation and unacceptable, from the first day, Palestine occupation is acceptable for 76 years. A wicked world we are living in. The US government and Europe have double standard, Extremely sad.


Looking at the title, could the destruction of the IDF be a simpler ceasefire?


netanyahu is recorded as saying he wants to keep hamas in power indefinitely to prevent a deal.

any news story talking about ceasefires that doesn't mention this and his regimes explicit will to keep hamas in power up till the war, and their clear intention to keep military control of gaza indefinetly is not news it's propaganda.

you can look it up for yourself.


Israel, "No, this is a genocide"


We all know what they mean by "Hamas", and it isn't Hamas.


End the nightmare for the Palestinians.
