Gary & Dave - I May Never See You Again

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Gary (Weeks) and Dave (Beckett) had lots of great hits in Canada during the 1970's, though they could not replicate much of that success in the States. Eventually, both got tired of recording and touring. While they were on tour, both were taking flying lessons, and both eventually landed jobs as pilots for Air Canada, between Ottawa and Montreal. Dave is currently a flying instructor for Boeing in South Korea, though he makes his home in Brazil. Gary went on to become a preacher, living with his wife in Ireland for a time before returning to Canada, and currently living in Toronto.
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Absolutely amazing I listen to them almost every day


I remember when Gary and Dave played at our family reunion.
My father stumbled into them at the campground, (Ontario, Canada), and after a brief acquaintance, they agreed to come over to our camp and play a few songs. Soon afterward, one of them, I am embarrassed to say I don't remember which, took us up in a Cessna and let me steer it. I was quite young, maybe around seven years old. Of course I rocked the plane but he very calmly corrected me and demonstrated how one should control it gently, a lesson that would stay with me throughout my accident-free (car) driving history. At the time, I didn't realize the significance of this experience but would dearly love the opportunity to give my thanks for this mountain of generosity. For those who choose to panic about this 'crash-course' in flight control, this was how kids learned to drive before government started sticking their nose into every single last speck of human existence. I should also remind those who wish to panic and clutch at their pearls, that I would go on to have no accidents ever. This team are some of the kindest people I have had the remarkable pleasure to meet. Those were the best years of my life. Thank you, one and all.
I remember golden days with you.


what happened to Gary and Dave loved their music
