Justin Bieber Collapses On Stage - Medical Update

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Justin Bieber's latest health scare in control this am -- and we're very happy to hear that the artist is on his way to a full recovery. If you didn't hear the news, the musician was performing at London's O2 arena when he had to get off stage in the middle of Beauty and the Beat -- where he reportedly collapsed and complained of being light of breath. We hear that JB received oxygen from EMTs. In fact, video of the mid-performance illness, you can visibly see Justin dancing 100-percent, then walking a bit just before crouching down to take a few breaths. The star did return to the concert stage to finish up about 10 minutes later, but he did later Instagram a shirtless photo of himself in a hospital bed. So some people are saying that he's just working too hard while others are saying Justin is trying to grab some sympathy since he's been getting some bad press recently -- especially with his 2-hour delay on his show the other night. Alright, so we never want to see anyone wind up in a hospital -- so hopefully, JB, you're doing better. I'm Dana Ward in Hollywood -- reminding you to subscribe to ClevverTV right now for more entertainment news updates on your favorite stars. Bye guys!

Hosted by: Dana Ward
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I hope he gets better soon :) Im so proud he finished hes performance!


I am so glad clevvertv has such great sources. With out them we never would of known an emt gave him oxygen. #sarcasm.


Justin is NOT trying to get sympathy!!! It is NOT his fault that he collapsed because he was trying to make his fans happy by dancing and singing for them and got shortness of breath!!


so sad. Don't give up, remember, Bieber power


Well I'm a woman who took my daughter to see him, no fan but got to admit he was excellent and played accoustic guitar ans drums very well. I agree with you he does make the lives of many girls happy and I don't know why, mostly grown men see the need to attack him. Sorry if I offended you but if you make statements about his looks his beliebers (not me) will respond. Timberlake is more my bag anyway!


Justin is NOT trying to get sympathy...he always work his ass of for his Beliebers and then the media make it sound like Justin is bad...like...Justin is just trying his best to make everyone happy and he is human too! this nasty comments disgust me! he doesnt deserve all those hate you know?! hate on me if you want.dont hate on Justin!


I Was At This Concert :_: I Was So Scared When He Fell


omg, i was there, he told us that there was less oxygen up on the stage, that he couldnt breathe.


Awww poor him, his better now I'm so happy :)


Yup, you're correct. He's cracking under all the pressure. It's not fun for him like it used to be with his first album. It happens all the time to singers who are overworked and way too famous while still young. If he don't get a long break soon he's gonna ruin his career all by himself.


I highly doubt he is doing this for He works 6/7 days a week and he isn't just sitting around at a desk either! He is constantly busy with something, I'm sure he just overworked himself! Proud of you, Justin! Hope all is well!


Jealous Methinks!!! 19, World famous, rich beyond imagination and can sing, play guitar and drums. is adored by millions. He must be doing something right. GO


Anyone who is saying this is for sympathy has no clue what they're talking about. They're probably the people who hate on him everyday and waste their lives when really nobody cares for what they're saying. Justin does so much for his fans, it's obvious! I mean, he finished a concert when he should've been at a hospital! Don't say he doesn't care! -3


dont worry JB u need nt to mind da fuckin' comnts of ur jst get well soon!!! <3 u!!!!


weed isnt harmful and actually is good for you in many ways. a smoker who stops smoking weed for a period of time their memory grows back 4 times as to what it was before. and studies show that there have been NO cause of deaths due to smoking marijuana like alcohol and pills. it acts as an anti depressant and can actually help with nausea. look at the facts before hating on cannabis its not as bad as you think.


Justin is fading? you know what? I've heard that back in 2009, and guess what? he's still here, He will be here a lot longer


And none of us can really say he even smoked once. Did he admit it? I've never heard him admit that once. But either way, imo, he has smoked a HELL of a lot more times than just once. I can imagine he's probably getting high all the time from the work, stress, etc. That's not what made him collapse though. He's overworked, stress, and trying to party while only getting a few hours of sleep.


Hes JB he can practically do anything he wants....hes JB.... and like you said he's not that sick so he can still take pictures


Poor justin :( hope he feels better :)


Who takes a pic of themselves shirtless when there in a hospital?
