Slowly Spoken Finnish - Daily routines and bloopers

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Morning routines are sets of activities or habits that people engage in after waking up to start their day on the right foot. These routines can vary widely from person to person based on individual preferences, lifestyle, and daily commitments. However, certain elements are commonly found in morning routines.

1. **Waking up early:** Many successful people advocate waking up early as it provides them with extra time for personal development, reflection, or completing important tasks before the day gets busy.

2. **Hydrate:** Drinking a glass of water upon waking helps rehydrate the body after hours of sleep and kickstarts the metabolism.

3. **Exercise:** Some people prefer to start their day with physical activity, whether it's a quick workout, yoga, stretching, or a morning walk or jog. Exercise can boost energy levels and set a positive tone for the day.

4. **Meditation or Mindfulness:** Engaging in meditation or mindfulness practices can promote mental clarity and reduce stress. It allows people to focus on the present moment and set a positive intention for the day ahead.

5. **Breakfast:** Having a nutritious breakfast is often considered an essential part of a morning routine. Breakfast fuels the body and provides the necessary energy to tackle the day's challenges.

6. **Personal Care:** This may include showering, grooming, and getting dressed for the day. Personal care routines help people feel fresh and prepared to face the world.

7. **Planning the Day:** Some individuals like to use the morning to plan and organize their day. This can involve reviewing schedules, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks.

8. **Reading or Learning:** Reading a book, newspaper, or engaging in educational content can be a beneficial part of a morning routine. It stimulates the mind and encourages continuous learning.

9. **Avoiding Technology:** Many people find it helpful to avoid screens and social media in the morning to reduce distractions and foster a sense of calm.

10. **Gratitude Practice:** Expressing gratitude or writing in a journal about positive aspects of life can help set a positive mindset for the day.

Remember, the most effective morning routine is one that suits your personal needs and preferences. Experiment with different activities to find what works best for you and helps you start each day feeling refreshed and motivated.
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i love the video. the fact that i can understand most of what you are saying after a few weeks of learning encourages me to keep on studying. kiitos paljon


How can this video have less than 500 views? It is so useful for acquiring Finnish!


Thank you for all the videos! It’s so hard to find Finnish content that isn’t too overwhelming.


Ihanaa! Ymmärsin paljon. Kiitos, Jarno👍


Mukava kuulla sinusta! Kuvaa lisää videoita! Olemme äskettäin oppineet suomea ja kun kuuntelet sinua, näyttää siltä, ​​​​että ymmärrän jo vähän. Se antaa inspiraatiota. Kiitos)


Kiitos paljon tämä videoita. Mä opin paljon.


Kiitos)) oon opiskellut suomen kieltä kolme vuotta ja sun videot auttavat mua


Ymmärrän lähes kaikki. Kiitos!
Opiskelen noin 6 vuotta, mutta olen tosi hitaasti.


Moi Jarno! Toukokuussa olin vierailemassa Turussa ja luulen että näin sinut yliopiston ravintolan lähellä. Halusin sanoa hei, mutta ei ollut varmaa että se todella oli sinä 🙂 Kiitos videosta!


Kiitos tästä videosta! Mä haluan yrittää kirjoittaa suomeksi. Mä olen kotoisin englantissa. Tänään mä heräsin kuudelta. En syönyt aamupalaa, koska minulla ei ollut nälkä.

Probably lots of mistakes haha. Suomi on vaikea!
But I enjoy learning. Mutta nautin oppimisesta


Toivon että kaikki puhuisivat tällä tavalla suomessa (vitsailen 😋)


Kysymys on, mikä syövät Pekka ja Musti?


Kindly put English translation for us beginners😢😅😅 I can understand few words....
