What will happen to gold prices by end of 2018? (Part 2)

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What will happen to gold prices by end of 2018? (Part 2)

Please view our latetst videos:

What will happen to gold prices by end of 2018 (part 1)

What will happen to Silver Prices by the end of 2018 (Part 1 of 2)

What will happen to Silver Prices by the end of 2018 (Part 2 of 2)

Gold and Silver weekly Update – w/e 3rd August 2018

Gold falls below $1250 and silver below $16

Copper – Its History and Prospects as an Investment Opportunity in 2018

Gold falls below $1300 – will it fall further?

Today is Thursday 9th August 2018 and this is the final of a 2-part video highlighting what we believe will be the influences on the Gold price for the remainder of 2018 and where we predict prices will end up at the end of the year. Part 1 was published 2 days ago on Tuesday and we strongly recommend that you listen to it before proceeding with this one.

On Tuesday we stated that at the time of publishing, gold prices stood at $1,212 an ounce, they currently stand at the same level today, some 4% or $48 down on exactly a year ago and down some 8% or $100 lower since the start of 2018.

In 2018, prices oscillated between about $1,312 and $1,360 per ounce a margin of just 4% compared with 2017 where we saw a price swing from a low of $1,151 to a high of $1350 a margin of 13% swing and the price of gold actually rose that year by a very respectable $145 or 12.65%.

We highlighted that there were 6 major influencers on the gold investment market which were:

1. Geopolitical issues
2. Interest rates
3. Price manipulation
4. Internal US Politics.
5. Traditional Supply and Demand.
6. Alternative investment opportunities especially the equity
markets and cryptocurrencies with particular reference to bitcoin. Bearing in mind that equities gained 20% or more and bitcoin over 100% in the last 12 months.

We concluded the video by asking the questions has gold actually bottomed out in US dollar terms? Is the only direction from here up? And what is going to happen to gold prices in 2018?
Before we answer those questions lets just take a brief look at the levels some investment houses, banks and so-called experts in this area have predicted would be the gold price in 2018.

Jim Rickards Ex-CIA macroeconomic adviser published in his book ‘The New Case For Gold’ that gold could potentially hit $10,000 this year (in fact he said as early as January 2018) as gold will be necessary as ‘a linchpin of the global economy’ and a new kind of gold standard would be required as an ‘answer to US dollar stability’. Mmmmm we haven’t seen that as yet but there is still time we guess.

• Scotiabank has predicted that gold would average $1300 in 2018
• Bank of America Merrill Lynch believes it will rest around $1,326 by the end of the year
• Bank of China International predicts $1400 by year end
• Commerzbank $1500 by year end
• The Economy Forecast Agency predicts a 2018 close at $1023
• Jim Sinclair $10,000 by year end
• Thomson Reuters have predicted as late as May this year that Gold will average $1360 an ounce and could potentially touch $1500.
• JP Morgan lowered their forecast in June this year by 4-5% to an average gold price of $1,355 with similar figures from Goldman Sachs
• Danske Bank forecasts a gold price of $1250 in the fourth quarter of this year
• Commerzbank predicts gold will touch $1,400 by year end.
• Whilst The World bank predicts that both gold and silver prices have already reached their peak for the year.

So with such a diversity of views ranging from $1,023 - $1500 by serious analysts and a price as high as $10,000 by those needing to sell books and reports how can anyone give anything like an accurate forecast?

Well, no-one can precisely predict the future however one can make educated assessments and attempt to factor in various influences which could impact prices.

Notwithstanding this it is our assessment that we shall see gold dip below $1200 shortly and possibly touch as low as $1150 but will end the year somewhere between $1250 and $1300 with gold perhaps potentially peaking at $1400 in between.

So, we are somewhat more negative than many of the serious analysts as we believe there will be further economic growth, tax cuts and interest rate rises, but also believe that gold prices will bear up well despite what would traditionally be negative gold price influencers.

So, there we have it. What do you think? We shall be most interested to hear your views?
Рекомендации по теме

Man, I wish I found this site a year ago!


Well, I'm now a subscriber. Yours is the most even handed analysis I've come across. Of course, I would wish gold to go to $10, 000. But, as my dear departed mother used to tell me "If wishes were horses beggars would ride".


I guess it doesn't matter what the gold, silver price is by year's end, I'm in for the long haul. Fiat currencies always go to zero, eventually.


I believe your assessment is correct I-S.


I flip and stack silver and gold. The price in Dollars means nothing to me. Gold is worth whatever value your currency is at any given moment eg £945 ounce, 250, 000 000 bulivars etc.


Yellow metal is a more stable and perhaps more profitable in the near future due to uncertanity and may be related to extreme evacuatinion of industry in the west and also devaluation of the dollar while inflation of goods and service . Silver is the metal to hold in long term for the investment but many will take losses and wont wait while watching other investments still in bull markets which i wish i had deversived more in my portfolio. ty illuminatti silver you guys are usually correct .


Gold can spike 7750 as it reacts to the future deflation, Silver to 11/12. Moonshot 2020 -keep your powder dry until mid terms are over in any case. Strange times, we are witnessing.


It’s August the 16th and gold touched $1160


The market will react on November 6th depending on voter turn out in us politics. If republicans keep control of the house gold and silver will both drop, on the other hand if democrats get the house the price is going to go up. I expect if republicans keep majority then gold will go to 1120 by the end of the year assuming the us economy will get stronger with republicans in the house majority. On the other hand, dems take over and we'll see the economy restrict and gold will start rising and hit 1300 by year end and continue to climb


Please play violin and chello back groud music for a finished touch. You deserve it your quality deserves it.


I find myself in basic agreement with your forecast and see a significant demand for gold if it reaches a low of $1, 156. There is also a decent demand at $1, 196 but once satisfied the price could drop to that lower level before the end of the year depending on other political and economic factors.


At some point this global debt bubble will pop. Central banks buying the bond market to prevent inversion, insiders selling x times more (the US ) versus what they're buying since the tax cut etc. So on one hand you have the metals reports coming from the banking establishments and the other side predicting high prices after the next 2008 style event. I continue to buy a few ounces monthly.


Spectacular Gold CoT Report Forecasts A Huge Six Months Ahead


First, and first to say Rickards and Sinclair say the same thing in every interview.


You can only guess. But i think 1250-1200 is accurate. ECB will quit its qe in fall and starts raising rates. This will mean lower inflation in short term. What it means in a long ter nobody knows.

Average investors dont buy gold for ”profit” but for insurance if shit hits the fan.


And how many more "dollars" have been created since then? Many more "dollars" competing for the same amount of goods and services. Gold and silver priced in $ is WAY under priced.


I think Gold will go as high as $1275 by end of August and beginning of September, but will go back down to $1200 by EOY.


I think as long as the dollar continues to strengthen and the Federal Reserve announces continued rate hikes gold will continue to fall in price. At the first sign the Fed pulls back on quantitative tightening gold will start to rise and silver to


The banks can predict it perfectly bc they control the price of Gold and silver


In both the gold price and silver price videos you mention that you do believe that there is some market manipulation. I'd like to fully understand how the banks actually do that? I get that they would take short positions in the gold futures market but if they are doing this so they can increase their positions in Physical precious metals at a cheaper price, surely the losses on shorts would offset any gains on the physical stuff. And if they were to sell their short positions to someone else to avoid this, surely this would crash the price of the shorts and increase the spot price negating their ability to buy the physical cheap. I'm not a banker but if I was trying to do it I'd Short gold/silver and then keep the short position but do some kind of swap with a bigger fool to swap out the downside of my short position when the physical price goes up. Or is their influence on the market so big that they know everyone else will jump in and Short the metals also upon seeing them do it, driving the price down further allowing them to adjust their stop loss above break even?
