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Welcome back Peace Army! In this video we discuss passing another group of bikers on the highway. Do ask to pass or do your own thing? Let me know!

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#harleydavidson #passingbikers #rules
sounds by @veauxcal
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Been riding for more than 30 years.
Asking for "permission" to pass another rider/group, is about the DUMBEST shit that I have ever heard. 😂


I was making leisurely miles in Northern California on my BMW RT when a fair-sized group of East Bay Dragons came up on me. I moved over to allow them to pass and was surprised to have two or three members wave me in to join them! I rode with them for several miles after joining them and felt the community of riders had reached new horizons for me. When my exit came up, I saluted all and received smiles and salutes in return and have remembered this little incident (about 25 minutes or so) with pleasure ever since and am sorry that circumstances didn't allow me to meet these fellow riders.


Lifetime rider here. Find this ridiculous. The issue is that groups of riders (usually on cruisers) act as rolling roadblocks (and they don't care). That's what's discourteous. The idea that I should have to get permission to pass someone that is already acting in a discourteous manner just isn't right. These groups feel they can impose their riding style on others - that's not OK.


Fuck no. I pass wherever and whenever I want, and I do it safely. It's a free country.


Good video, my brother. I don't know that I've ever asked permission, but I don't pass until it is safe. As I pass I always give a short wave. I think all riders are my brothers, regardless of race, creed, or bike. Thisis the creedo I follow on every ride, for over 325K miles...Ride on.


I just happened upon your channel. I am an old 1%er biker from the East Coast. What 99%er MC’s do not realize is that as a 1%er club we are constantly scanning our backs, sides, and front. Not only do we scan for motorcycles but cages (cars). The 1 %er lifestyle is full of other rivals that can pull up on us and cause problems. We are always weary of fast approaching motorcycles (esp since we cruise at 80-85(open highway). We scan for vans, trucks, etc. we scan for cages with multiple guys inside. Even scan the colors of the cages and bumper stickers etc. it could cost us our life. Secondly, when approaching a 1%er pack it is HUGE respect to know the road protocol as this video teaches. There are Saftey issues as mentioned but a the biggest is RESPECT. I have never, in 40+ yrs of MC seen anyone denied permission to pass when offering this respect. This is good educational stuff right here! Thanks


I like to signal that I’m about to pass by lifting the front wheel. 😂


😮 ask permission? No way, group doesn't own the road. Everyone has the right to ride free. Free of this BS.


As a solo rider, I can see asking permission if we are on a one lane road. But if there are multiple lanes, I'll gladly wave at you as I pass by.


Do you believe you should ask for permission to pass? lemme know below.

Check out my last ride to Daytona Bike week here


I've been riding for 25 years and I have never come across this or a big group of motorcyclist where I had to be concerned about this. Very Interesting and good to know.


No matter how crazy the world gets, courtesy and respect never really go out of style. Consider it a bonus that this is for both party's safety.


Now if your group is on the left lane and I’m alone on the right lane and someone from that group wants to hop in my lane to stop me from passing them. Thats just foolery. I’m passing you no matter what, the right lane is already open, I don’t need your permission to continue on that lane I was riding on.


Having respect and showing videos like this is really helpful for me as a new rider, most of these bikers are experienced and this video educated newbies like myself about looking out for these moments. I love the riding community and appreciate this video. Love from Brooklyn NY


I’m just getting into riding and I just absolutely love the respect and the care that bikers have over car drivers.


Brother, have never experienced that before out on the trail, but that was a great gesture by them, and equally as cool to respectfully acknowledge them back. That’s what our community should always look like. We all love riding, let’s enjoy it and each other.


I started riding in 1981 and I've NEVER heard of asking another rider for "permission" to pass. I just ride my ride. That's my business. I'll acknowledge other riders always with a nod or a hand salute depending upon the posture of my motorcycle (am I in a sharp turn or straight and level), but I won't ask permission to pass. That's what slow lanes are for. I do ride the speed limit, so 99% of the time, others are passing me, but I've never encountered anyone asking my permission. I just that it's ridiculous. They don't need my permission, and I don't need theirs.


I think it's more about the respect and safety rather than a permission to pass. Because at the end of the day getting home safe is rule number one. Stay safe...


I ride with a club so we ask for the pass. At a minimum we will acknowledge the group with a hand waive. When I ride alone, I acknowledge the fellow rider, whether he is wearing a vest or not. There is nothing wrong with being nice and respectful of other riders.


Appreciate you teaching us new riders the proper protocols for this new endeavor. The way most of the MC fellas roll, I am the one being passed, never passing. Thanks my bruh, another great video Mane.
