Unlocking the Astral Plane: Discover The 3 Levels of The Astral!

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I love all your videos, very well explained❤


Hi Ben. Love watching your videos and resonate very well with them. I lost two very close friends to suicide and both were very good, gentle souls. I've always wondered if they had found peace


Interesting to hear another “language” way of explanation beside Buddhism. Overall, we are One! Thank you for your wisdom. 🤟🏽🥰♥️😘🙏🙏🙏


I learned a lot from this video and really enjoyed it.


Very interesting and helpful. Thanks for this. :)


Ben, I am curious. Several questions for clarification: I assume that the three layers are not distinct layers with distinct boundaries but are like levels in the ocean -- Do the layers gradually go from one to the next as you ascend or descend? If we astrally project or die, and exit our body, how can we make sure we avoid the lower level? There must be con-men on the lower level, just as there are in the physical world, who will try to con us. Can we tell which level we are at by the environment? For example, if the astral plane is like an modern city we can often tell by looking around and observing how people are dressed and how well kept the buildings and property are if we are in a good part of town or a bad part of town. When we dream are we going into the astral plane and can we tell which level we are at in a dream? It would seem like creating good karma is important, like an elevator, to boost us to the higher levels. Is this basically correct?


Hi Ben. I love the clarity of your explanations. My baby brother died in 2013. He suffered terribly with mental illness and opiate addiction. Trigger warning- while he was living he sold heroin for a while and told me he had to kill people. It pained him terribly. I have had several mediumship readings and he always comes through with my grandparents. It seems they are together. My grandparents tell me my brother is growing and learning on the other side . So maybe they are all three together on the middle astral because he suffered so much in physical life?


Very helpfull video. I just started projecting but only successfull 2 times. The times I go, everything is very vivid and have only seen a few people. I also can't seem to stay in the realm very long. I am guessing maybe I am projecting to the middle plane.


My guides have shared that there is no more reincarnation. We have ascended as a planet to 4th density. We are now creating the New Heaven for those souls that have ascended to 5D consciousness or above and New Earth for the others who still have lessons to learn. It’s a split in consciousness among the souls on the earth. Have you heard this?


Do you have any knowledge about our families or loved ones in the Astral Planes? If when we die we could possibly see them again.


Dear Ben, fascinating. Ive had 2 spontaneous whole white light experiences, the 1st was with 2 enormous beings that must have been 200mts tall, angels i think. The second, i was pulled out of a dream by a newly departed loved one. There were bright lights suspended, some fixed, some bobbing around. The whiteness was alive somehow. Where was I? Thankyou


It makes perfect sense to me. I astral travel when I am between awake and sleep and instantly knows when I am on the Astral plane. I will then call my brother and ask him what he is doing on that side. He shows me these big halls with hundreds of tables and chairs, people studying? While he was here he was a Spiritual Healer and helped us a lot. He had most gifts, he was a Medium as well. He died about 2 yrs ago. I saw him a lot in the first yr, I do not see him anymore. Do you maybe know why this is? I also dont Astral travel like I used to?


Thanks Ben. May I ask two questions? 1. Should a beginner Astral traveller go astral travelling with a trusted guide? I heard that there is a war going on on the Astral plane and not to navigate it alone. 2. When I was young I was connected to the higher Astral realm( very clean, clear bright and I could feel the divine connection) about 4 yrs ago I was attacked spiritually by a dark entity Matias de Stefano and he put me in a low astral realm, I could feel my connection disconnected, how can I reconnect up to my higher realm again? I’ve been asking God, Arc Angels to pull me up into the higher realms again, do you know how it works?


what about the rest of the other planes of existence like the mental plane one level above the astral etc?


When we meditate and connect with one of the astral planes, are we connecting with only those souls who’s body has passed away, or are we able to connect with souls in a living body still on this earth, along with souls who’s body has passed away?


Hi ben, i have a question so if someone wanted to astral project for the first time what decided which level of the astral they will go to ? for example i have been meditating for a while and going deeper on my spiritual journey i am really interested in astral projection but am curious how it’s decided which level you go when you want to intentionally astral project also would you consider it dangerous? would you say you have to be an advanced spiritual being before attempting?


Hi Ben, thanks for the video. I’m still curious what your thoughts are on the idea of the reincarnation trap? As you may know, there’s a growing number of people who believe that despite our level of spiritual development, we all get “tricked” into coming back to earth again and again, and that it never ends. That the so-called handlers in the astral plane are actually negative entities who get energy from our suffering in the third dimension😬
Your thoughts please.


lmao, I grew up Mormon, and this is exactly what we were taught growing up. They were called the 3 kingdoms, and they worked exactly as you've described here. the lower was for naughty behavior, middle for average, and higher for people committed to spiritual path. the lower could not go any higher, but the higher had access to anything lower as well. Mormonism "plagiarized" it's 3 kingdoms model from an 18th century mystic named Swedenborg, who wrote more extensively about it, maybe he was on to something. it just threw me for a loop watching you recite what I saw over and over in Mormon primary growing up. I've never seen or heard it explained like this anywhere else, swedenbourg exempted


You mentioned spiritual teachers on medium and high plane, so do the souls learn whole the day, or how daily live looks like in astral plane??
And are there no spiritual teachers in low astral plane? Why not? Thanks a lot!


If you never been to these places personally, you won't actually know. He's just going on what he have heard.
